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UK Outdoor Growing 2010


wam do u know what time the sages and haze---finish roughly----are there any auto matic in the packs----poted all the leb cheese 80 or so ---today as well as the selection of beans i got---had to use the loop to read the labels-----and there was only 9 in one pack---lol--got 40 clones of the little plant today i was kindly gifted---something cheese----do they grow big grown in ground---sorry to hear the bad news---but im sure u can get 20 or 30 in a place not far plus no worrying apart form the dreaded rippers---got to get my autos going as well----and some seeded akww f2s---wernt planning on so many strains---16 so far----gonna be a busy year----stay safe


Wota , i ain`t ever seen you give up on your favorite pastime so will expect you come up with something in the future !

paulo , those AK look good enough to eat , some really nice buds you got there .

mini , every years a busy one for you .

Stay safe all . BGB


Active member
thanks y'all... :yes:

mini - the guy who did the sage/lr x haze/lr said 50% auto, so i'd say the other 50% will be 40% november/december and the other 10% will be octoberish, and maybe one or 2 that are a little earlier.

got my first seedling!! appeared in the tub where i did the seed run last season, so it's almost certainly one of the auto seeds that fell out the plants during harvest or something... potted it up... probably male!! :rolleyes:

i think it's a bumper year for shared genetics... so many cuttings and seeds being flung around... it's a beautiful thing! :D



nice one wam--ill keep my eye open for the early pheno maybe get lucky clone it ---im gonna keep a close eye on all the plants and will take cutting of any plant that shows that something special ----ill keep it smoke test it then decide---it would be nice to hae 5 or 10 killer strains or just strains that do there thing in clone form---saes so muck time and energy----your right it is nice to see people shareing---i was in a conwersation the other day some ones growing train wreck telling us how good it is and stuff--my friend who is his friend --well--askt for some cuttings----was not polie in saying fuck off-----this is the same guy my friend gifted 6 sensi star cuttings for his first grow 3 years back--he grew it for a year then got spider mites and lost it all--killed em all by some kind of treatment that should of been diluted but dident ---cum back asked for more and was giwen some purple wreck that he also killed and said they wear shit genetics same pw i grew in garden----nice to see people with short memoires---he did offer to sell a clone for 50 quid on the basis its top notch---and u will make your money back-----my friend is a passiwe sole and would not hurt a fly --and just took it---i on the other hand am not----i did insult his mum --childish i know--but could not seem to get a reaction good enough to hit him---i did remind him about the sensi star and it came from me and he got 3 crops befor it died--prick said it wasent as good as the train wreck---PURE WANKER LOGIC ---my pacife friend did not object to my abusiwe werble out burst---and his greedy little shit friend skuteled off---he told my friend some days later im lucky i dident get done ----LOL LOL---IT IS NICE TO SEE PEOPLE WITH OUT THE WANKER GENE


----i did insult his mum
woa-thats a bit heavy Minime-:laughing:

First off Big Up Esben for seed donations and WAM for organization:thank you:nice guys. I've been out for about 3weeks and got back to find an envelope full of (metaphorical) gold-dust. Love it.

sorry for not answering your cuttings Q, Rampant (due to being out)-
i got the energy saving bulbs from Wilkinsons but they sell them everywhere-even supermarkets. The 20w ones are best , but the 12w work as well. Cost about £1ish

i don't use a heat mat-but the props are sitting on polystyrene or cardboard insulation. I also noticed a while back that the bases of the plastic storage containers that i use get warm-ish with the heat conducted down from the bulb resting on the lid-in a way that the bases of conventional, purpose bought, props do not. Which explains why they root a couple of days earlier in the storage containers. Thats a bit anal innit

good to find the thread in full effect


Eddie , you mentioning energy saving bulbs reminds me of something i tried a few yr ago .
Every year all my seedlings stretched in the g house coz of trees nearby that blocked some light so i had an idea . 06 i used a big box (3ft x 3ft x 6ft long) i`d built as a cold frame for some of my bigger bonsai with a double glazed frame for the lid , i blacked out the lid with thick black poly laid 2in styrofoam on the floor , used spray adhesive to foil line the sides & inside lid & hung a 5ft 6in wooden bar on chains so i could raise it as seedlings grew . I had 6 light fittings along it with energy bulbs , pos 20w each equivelant to 100w or 125w so i had the either 600 or 700w equivelant in total burning no more than 120w . I fitted a timer on it & had around 20seedlings below . I believe most were Zeds Indica/Masterlow .
Result ? beautiful compact bushy strong plants , when they got to about 10in they were hardened off & planted out in the garden , i had some lovely plants growing that season & had a good harvest . Definately something worth trying with seedlings .

Stay safe all . BGB


that sounds like a nice box
laid 2in styrofoam on the floor
definatly a good idea

i've found that, if using energy savers for seedlings, the key is to keep them v close to the bulb otherwise mine have stretched too much. I guess you solved that by having the pole that could be raised as they grew



eddie i know bad me----the weather is turning cold---seen the nice weather and put loads of seeds in pots out side---4 days ago---i hope it was not a waste---no room for so many pots indoors---see what happens----the x files are popping up allready 3 days most are showing --there indoor---real good germ rate ---put loads of zeds fon--in to pots yesterday loads of autos this year---hope this weather changes--mind u after the rain the digging is so much easyer got lots of digging to do---stay safe all


Minime... I think the petrol pumps are a bit better suited to the job at hand, for you anyhow..! :D
Any ideas where I can get some auto pollen from ?
I've 5 autoAK/DieselRyder female in flower and really want to make seeds from these as they're a real potent, high grade smoke.
I was gonna drop you an email but I don't seem to have your email addy anymore.. I asked TPS to drop you an email for me but I've not heard from him.
Be good to see the FON (autoAK/OHaze) going this year. Hope all the FON beans your growing are trouble free, I'd avoid the f3s and f4s that came from me.

Harold... Some top tips on watering, mate. Its always good to read these things before starting a crop. After not having a guerilla crop for the last 4 years I need reminding on a few things.. And there's always more to learn. :)

BGB... I'm tempted to grow some AK/Haze again this year. The f1s could be a good choice for outdoors as they'll be 'clean'. I've not many f2s left so I'll save them for indoors where I can select the autos for breeding. Maybe make some more f2s with the guerilla crop.
Personally I'd prefer to use paper than water crystals, old newspaper is biodegradable and free, though maybe not quite as effective.
I haven't had a good germ rate with the Ind/Masterlow f2s. From 20 beans I've 4 seedlings, though only one looks to be in good health. I think many seeds in my collection could be like this as I've not always kept them in the best storage conditions over the last few years. I got 4 of 4 sprout from the TopHaze/PurplePeace that were about same age though I managed to kill one trying to remove the seed shell. Of the other there is two that look healthy.

WAM.. That's bad news man. Renting sucks..! I've recently moved into a rented maisonette and I'll be having regular inspections by the letting agent. The first being 3 months after moving in, making it about 3 weeks from now. I'll have to box up my vegging plants and hide them in the garage, tho the autos are already flowering and starting to smell..! The garage will be safe as I put my own lock on it, so only I have a key. After that inspections are every 6 months, meaning I can flower a few indoor crops in between.
I emailed TPS asking if he could pass my email addy to you but I've had no reply from him. I'll drop him a text message later. Not seen him online for a while, probably gone fishing.

I went for a trek last week to find suitable guerilla sites.. Sensibly I picked the most uphill direction to go in and was soon totally nackered after not using my mountain bike for a few months. Mostly farmland round this way so lots of off road cyling. Didn't find this best locations but a few places looked ok for the odd plant, though I didn't go as far as I'd planned before it started getting dark and raining. Further on was a nature reserve and maybe some better suited places.
Since then I've been on GoogleEarth to locate a few possible areas worth checking out. Seen a few promising areas though a short field trip is needed to asses each one. Having moved to a different town there's lot's of new places to investigate. :)

I just had a delivery arrive.. A new 600w lamp! :) .. The last one blew a day after turning it on. I'd already had about a year's use from it and it had been boxed up for the last year, so hardly surprising. I'm gonna go fit the new lamp now. :dance013:

Peace all :ying:


Zed- GoogleEarth is every guerilla growers first tool. I found all my spots with it, I usually look for patches of woods then try and find an opening in the middle of them. One of the sites I use is a nature reserve, not a public one either so theres no chance of randoms coming across the patch. I am concerend about the game keeper though, still not bumped into him.:)

What does everyone use as an excuse if they were going to get caught?
If I were to be caught with a load of bags, i.e. full of plants, I always think about saying I'm going camping, although the land owner would not be happy. Shame I havn't got a dog as it would be a perfect excuse, although it wouldnt explain the big bags I am carrying.



i just say im lost? with an innocent sparkle in my eye and ask where the best way to get to ??????? is :)

big bags of nettles (or comfrey) for my allotment sir! makes excellent compost and fertilizer! (then whip him round the face with a bundle of nettles and leg it before the tears dry up) :)


What does everyone use as an excuse if they were going to get caught?---------------------------HEADBUT---WORKS--SOMETIMES LOL---------haveing a dog is what i use--rabbit hunting or something on them lines--sometimes im not in the mood for jobs worths and just tell them to f of and stuff remind them there in the middle of now wear--if they threaten to phone the police i tell them to do it--not been stopt realy and if there polite so am i----its only when u have plants it gets tricky--
zedi have just planted my autos yesterday no pollen sorry---the fon are from last years seed run i dident seem to get any sick plants--thank god---i gave bgb your email as tps gave me yours----stay safe


What does everyone use as an excuse if they were going to get caught?
If I were to be caught with a load of bags, i.e. full of plants, I always think about saying I'm going camping, although the land owner would not be happy. Shame I havn't got a dog as it would be a perfect excuse, although it wouldnt explain the big bags I am carrying.

OK no dog , always carry a rucksack & a small pair of binoculars round your neck , bird book in your pocket , pull it out & start thumbing through the pages if you see someone coming . Make out if your asked that your only just taken an interest in this nice hobby . Apologise if told your on private land & explain you got so carried away following the hedges & trees looking for birds .
Bit of bull & flannel always works .

If your taking digging tools in , get there first light b4 any bastards about , either dig VERY early or in darkness , take a daylight trip to clean up your hole if necasery moonlight will give you enough light . Don`t carry your digging tools about during daylight , stash them in some cover & go back pick them up in darkness . If you really keep your eyes open while there in daylight you`ll be able to bluff your way out . " I just see these holes & wondered what animals been digging here " leave & don`t bother going back .
Cut plants late in day when their all dry , stash under cover & pick up in darkness .
When i cleared all my plants from one of my grows i done exactly that & when i went back i had a good piece of Goal netting cut to 6x6ft laid all the complete plants in it , rolled it up tight & tyed some strong cord ties around it . Good bundle on my shoulder but not too much weight & got the whole thing home safely . If you think you`re gonna have to get it all in a rucksack then take several trips over maybe a couple of days very early morn or darkness . If you`re out in the woods/fields you will be suprised how quiet it can be & NO TORCHES unless shaded . Same appies if your taking plants there for planting .

Stay safe all . BGB


i do carry my spades cutters and things in fishing rod bags sometimes and all my other tools in my large takle box---i haVe carryed 20 odd plants in an ikea bag coVerd in cloth with my landing net and keep net oVer the top past untold people in daylight made out im going fishing this place dogs are not allowed eVen on leads---its a xxxx fishing lake im growing behind the tree line so porky cant see me---well its Very good sercurity as the xxxx keep a lot of the riff raff away---ordinary lakes to the right old bill lakes to the left-- pluss its fenced off which adds to sercurity ---water supplie on hand---the pic wam liked is on xxx land---i loVe pulling a grow from there---last year was the first of many i hope----darkness as bgb said is by far the best method for trasporting---anything---just use commen sense and things will be fine--i haVe taken unncessery risks ----but most people aint got a clue what your up to----there more worryed about burglars and thieVes than anything eals----commen sense wins the day---and if u do get caught u will haVe plenty of time to read your bird book while your doing bird


Some good tips guys. :yes:

Minimie-Thats an excellent idea using fishing tackle, why didn't I think of that before? My rod bag is perfect for spades/forks and the tackle box is perfect for carrying plants in! And my spot is right near a river so its the perfect excuse.

BGB- Ive thought many times about going in a full moon as like you say theres adequate light and its easy to see if cars/people are coming by the torch lights, only thing is bright nights never seem to coincide with the nights I have free. :)

First plants of the season on the go- heres minimes ak/ww badness. Will be germinating around 75-100 seeds outside soon. I would have done it earlier but the weathers turned again so I'm going to wait for the next warm patch.




nice to see they made it soul----they do take a little longer than most strains to root but once they root and start to grow they grow fast---topping them at every oppertunity works well multible heads if not topped they give a main cola with some big side branching not sure how tall they can get--some of the akww in garden in 2007 reached 10foot but i did top them ---this particular pheno seems to be a more squat plant---planted her late in season late june from small cuttings but reached about 4 foot gorrillas wear the same ---she is hardy as well a lot all my white widow northern lites and hollands hoop died i lost very few akww---try not to let her go into flower when u aclimatize her to outside lighting times as she takes a long time to start reveging and realy reduces her yeild but still strong as f---good luck all




hears an example of how plants can be toped from clone---1 has not been topped--one has been topped twice---one as much as i could


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