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1 Gram Per Watt

How do you get 1 gram a watt? What strains will give you it or more? and what sort of setup do you need?



Do the math like this... Expect to get 3 gram colas, under a 400w light. So you need 133 x 3 gram colas to get 400 grams.

You can use fewer, but heavier colas. Uniformity is key.

Fresh Start

Active member
133 cola's under 1 400watt? WTF? Even if you scrog and top like crazy you still need like 65 plants under that lamp. This seems illogical. What am I missing?
1 gram per watt is what a lot of people reference as an efficient grower. asking how to be an efficient grower is like asking someone how to be a scientist...

theres no magic recipe that will bestow upon you 1gpw for your troubles. Researching all the relevant topics to plant growth and designing your setup will be what gets you 1gpw.


Active member
You have to maximize the specific strain that you have and it also has to be a strain on the heavier side. For example, some strains that grow donkey dicks, I like to pack 50-70 smaller plants per 4.5 x 4.5 foot ebb and flow tray under 1000 HPS. By the time that they finish, they are about 18 - 24" in height and I cut off all the bottom branches and just grow the big main cola. To get a gram per watt this way, I only have to get 14.28 grams per plant on average.

On other strains I'll grow bigger bushes and sometimes grow 4 - 12 bushes per 1000 watt HPS. I personally find it easily to reach the gram per watt goal by having a lot of smaller plants though. The good thing about having smaller plants is that you only need up to a 7 days VEG time and when you grow bigger plants you usually need a lot more VEG time which will cost you more time and electricity. You basically have to know the specific MOM that you are growing and grow it accordingly to maximize the crop. I'm my opinion you have to do a little testing with the strain and calculate the numbers.
a lot of plants is SOG or Sea of Green, its not easier for some people because you have to mess with a lot of plants. Thats why some people Prefer Trees. I myself like the middle. Medium Sized plants :)

Systems i seen best results are RDWC and Aeroponics. I never seen soil hitting 1GPW


you grow for ten years and learn instead of doing the same shit expecting a different result is how..and it is still hard


133 cola's under 1 400watt? WTF? Even if you scrog and top like crazy you still need like 65 plants under that lamp. This seems illogical. What am I missing?

notice how i say, "you can use fewer, heavier colas"... READ


My very first grow,
did not check EC, never checked PH, was a total first timer, i ended up getting .86 grams per watt but i grew them big!
used 3k watts, 3 big plants.

1gram per watt is very possible.


i want to see the 1 lb plant...i have a few half pounders in my gallery..i have yet to see bigger indoor on this site..i pull over 1g per watt..its a lot harder than most people on here think..and no rooky pulls it out of the gate...period..nice looking forest in your old gallery goofy..people throw around gram per watt and all the newbs think...hey i can do that im going to become a mj farmer..no glamour in it guys..im not calling you a liar goofy...just stating facts..a gram per watt dry to the bone is hard to do unless you have co2 and a dialed in room with a hell of a lady in your stable


Active member
i want to see the 1 lb plant...i have a few half pounders in my gallery..i have yet to see bigger indoor on this site..i pull over 1g per watt..its a lot harder than most people on here think..and no rooky pulls it out of the gate...period


There are plenty of indoor growers growing 1lb+ plants... but when the wattage used for vegging is taken into account it's not as special. gpw doesn't matter... gpw/month does. And that should include ALL electricity.
grow your plants around your light, rather than underneath it. it's called vertical.
then you'll be coming on here asking "how do I get 2 gpw?"


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
the easiest way is to get the hang of going an entire grow WITHOUT them being under OR over fed ever. Get the hang of how they grow and by that they will return the favor with larger yields. Any stress will fuck with the numbers and MOST growers have grows with at least 2 or more stressers like (light stress, overwatering, too dry, bugs, fan shock, nute lockout, ph swings and a million others.

get a A SINGLE grow down without any flaws and you odds are will end up closer for sure. I think everyone is looking for that "Step 1 then Step 2 then Step 3" and hope to simply duplicate it BUT in the end all that matters is getting your grow environment as best as you can get it and NO ONE can tell you exactly how to do that UNLESS they were there with you because each grow setup and environment is different in some fashion. (a period or two should have been in there somewhere lol)


Well-known member
i want to see the 1 lb plant...i have a few half pounders in my gallery..i have yet to see bigger indoor on this site..

look in my sig. I hope to beat all of that to pieces with my current grow, pics in my album, but Ill do a thread in a couple of months when I get near harvest.

anyway. first, I don't think people should shoot for 1 gram per watt, necessarily. It all depends on your situation. If the cost of the lights and the electricity is your limiting factor, then yes, maximize your yeild with your limiting factor being available light. For me, my limiting factor is only my space, a 3 x 4 x 10fttall space. So I try to maximize my grams per volume. If you are on a budget, then you really try to maximize your grams per investment dollar, but that includes the electricity, the equipment, the nutes, and to an extent the yeild per time. With the value of good pot outshining most any little difference in expenses due to electricity ect, for commercial growers, the goal is often growing maximum weight per time, and the added expense of not hitting gram per watt or whatever is usually overshadowed by the efficiency of their setup and process.

Ive never gotten a gram per watt and dont really care, but I bet Ill get close this time.

I think that the measure, for recreational growers, should be fun per grow. Thats the measure I go for.