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Happy Birthday Gypsy!


donut engineer
Gypsy - were you "Tommy" in Bionic Ninja?


Here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12whpF_RXQY
Here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m91wmgt_PfI
Here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tzNg6xWLFAw
Here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MgcsyLa-TS4&feature=related

Grapevine Seeds

ICMag Donor
sorry i'm late but better late than never.
happy birthday gypsy!!
sounds like ya had a good one... ;)
here's hoping you have many more! cheers!


you know what's wild. There's a bionic ninja smilie. Looking for it now.. They must of used the movie as inspiration.
Now,that's iconic!


Active member
This Damn Pram isn't responding to my voice commands! And what's with this thing topping out at 3 mph?


Thanks for posting all these images of Gypsy, Dutchgrown. He really is a good sport, considering no one else posts up personal pix on this site... :)

Is it just my monitor or do all these b&w photos have a tint to them? If so I can fix them like this...



Skip, those are the originals....some around 50 years old...working up. I left them in their original state...only running through
photoshop to resize the original for uploading here. So, I guess the tint is cause they are sooooo OOOOOLD.....like the subject
in the pic! :biggrin: j/k!!!!!!

Gypsy has been on the cover of his mag.....more than once, and doesn't care about the pics being posted
(I made sure....lol).

I've still got more to put up.....stay tuned for those! They get a bit more interesting. ;)

:thank you:


Why not just make a weekend event of the big 50 celebration!!

Why not just make a weekend event of the big 50 celebration!!

More pics, as promised. :biggrin:

These are all from circa 2003 to 2007....so a bit more recent.

2nd Edition IC Magazine & DVD Proud!

Preparing for a court appearance...Jan 2006....with all good, comes some bad...and although there were some bad times, TRUTH always prevails in righting wrongs! :jump: Gypsy really doesn't like this pic I took....lol....but oh well! It represents a certain time. He's trying to grin through the stress, but this was about 1 week after OG went down as well.

IC Mag 420 Cup Awards ready to be given out

Howard Marks stopped by to visit Gypsy in the shop in the dam...with something nice to toke and champers, of course! This photo was taken by OP (if memory serves me correctly). ;) Howard and Shantibaba were together....I know Howard won't mind this pic going up here, but not sure about Shanti so will leave that one out. ;)

Ripping on the pipe!


not changed much has he Dg lol ,,

love that pipe in the last pic ...i think i was there the day after

remind me to get ya 50th birthday bottle in the dam :tiphat:


Active member
Happy belated Gypsy! Wishing you the best, and many more to come with bountiful rewards to be found :joint:

DG - Awesome documentary, thanks for throwing the pics up!


stoke this joint
ICMag Donor
Long weekend parties are great,,, happy birthday Gypsy :smoker:

Thanks for the pics DG :)

Flying Goat

Wishing you many happy returns of the day, Gypsy!

You're one of my heroes, and there ain't many these days! I rely on you for my quality genetics!

Hugs from the "other" bay,

damn Gypsy...im late as fuck...

but you always take care of me, so i GOTTTTTA slip it in


you look like a really cool ass dude, no wonder you are so cool/smooth to deal with.

thanks for all you do and sorry for the late bday wishes....


late happy 50 year birfday wishes bro! heads high, cya in adam for the icm cup soon. thx for icm!