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Casey Jones/ Chem. Haze D – 600w soil


I’ve been somewhat random with my past personal grows. I don't claim to have much of a clue about what I am doing. On that note here is the start of this attempt...


This grow is a 600w digital HPS with the same old 6in Vortex that has lasted a while. A scrubber with only like 14 lbs of carbon, I think it will do. Mylar too.


The soil is plain Happy Frog with 2 tablespoons of lime/gallon of dirt. Perlite needs to be added to the mix when it comes time to transplant because the soil is a bit dense. They already got a dash of silica blast which might have been too early.

Once I hit flower it will be a mix of guano and guano tea, some kelp, and maybe some Neptune's harvest.


All strains are from seed and were bought from the cats at the bay. 5 x Casey Jones and 2 x Chem Haze D. The Casey Jones this round is from H3ad’s 2008? batch. I’ve grown Casey Jones indoor once with great results, H3ad’s 2007? batch. And I grew Chem Haze D outdoor during a springtime grow with some good results.


Lights have been somewhere near 18/6 on a timer. Vortex runs 24/7. Plants have been going since middle to late February. Will switch to flower in about two weeks. I'll update w/pictures as needed.



See you alligators around.
Looks as if you have some clue as to what you are doing! Looks great brother happy growing and keep it safe! I think that you will be pleasantly surprised when you chop those Casey ladies; riding that train high on cocaine.


They were transplanted into bigger pots about 5 days ago. The soil was happy frog with added lime, mexi bat guano, and a little peruvian bat guano. They have been only watered with tap water that has been let sit for a day or so with no added nutes. They were foiler fed with a light dose of kelp once.

A chem haze d and casey jones were crushed when the cool tube was cleaned and the bulb was switched. So only 4 caseys and 1 chem haze d. Clones will be taken tomorrow.

They are tied down with some non waxed floss and paper clips. I might tie down once more after I flip to flower which will be pretty soon (a day or two).


Big Group Shot


Chem Haze D in the front of the row, two Casey Jones in back

Chem Haze D in bottom Right, Casey Jones are the other plants



Took clones and switched the timer to 12/12 today.

It helps to set goals early, so here are 2.

1) Let them go 70 days if not longer. (Last day of May)

2) Let them dry a week and cure for two weeks before even sampling. This has been one of my downfalls in the past.

Time to see how much they stretch.


ok, i'm itching for some pix!!! :bump: :gday:

I'll try to get some up tonight when the lights are off. They already seem to smell a good bit more. Can anyone give me some advice on the scrubber? Its only like 12 lbs of carbon, do you think it will need another scrubber or like a 40 lbs one?


A bit boring, but...

A bit boring, but...

I know the pictures are a bit boring, but things should get interesting soon. It helps keep track of dates with the updates....

Day 2 of 12/12




Those are gonna be some dank bushes Confused.. i really want to try some Head genetics.. does that Casey Jones stretch much in flower?


Those are gonna be some dank bushes Confused.. i really want to try some Head genetics.. does that Casey Jones stretch much in flower?

More than the average bear. Not so much that it is a problem.

I'd guess that they are close to a foot now and estimate them finishing between 2.5-3 feet.


They're stretching.... I cleaned up the bottom areas of the plants that would have just turned into popcorn buds. Still pretty much just water with no nutes. Might go foliar feed with some kelp when the light turns on.

Day 5 of 12/12




Just like I planned. :) 4 females, 1 male.

The single Chem Haze Diesel is female; 3 Casey Jones are female; 1 Casey Jones male - killed the male already.

I wanted more than 5 plants, but I'm happy with the 4 females and hope that the clones root. I started 2 Gonzo #2 that didn't break the shell and I crushed those two plants when I switched the bulb.

Update (5/23): Two of the plants ended up hemi. So that left two CJ's to flower.


Day 8 12/12

Day 8 12/12

Stretching, but not as much as I thought. I do have two fans on them which is making them really strong.

They were watered with plain water right after this picture was taken and the light turned on.




I might be talking to myself, but that is fine by me.

They were given a small amount of silica blast (less than 5ml to a gallon) and then just plain water that was let set for a day.

They need to be watered in these pictures and will be once the lights are turned on.

Day 14 of flower (Estimated 56 days left)




cool bro... the CHD is pretty good.

Thanks for stopping by. I had 2 Chem Haze D females from seed in my outdoor spring 2009 grow (see #3 in my sig). This one was from the last two seeds in the pack, so glad to get at least one more.

I forgot to add that the clones are showing roots in the ghetto bubble cloner I made. Took two weeks, but it was just plain water. :)


I transplanted them into 5 gallon buckets today with some holes drilled in the bottom.

I added some high P bat guano and lime to Happy Frog Soil for the bigger pots. They are looking good and getting pretty big. The light is about to be at max height.


I guess it would be ok then to say I wasn't a good guy to begin with

I guess it would be ok then to say I wasn't a good guy to begin with

I went to transplant and realized that there were two hermis. One was the Chem Haze D and one was the Casey Jones, so the differing genetics both hermi'ing makes me think I did something - I don't know why the other two are fine. The two remaining Casey Jones are looking good - clones have been taken and have rooted from both of the plants.

Day 25 (Something like 45 days left)



Hermi CJ was culled along with the Chem Haze Hermi