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Did You Throw Out Your Census Form?


all that is well and good as long as you trust the government 100%. if not.....

the supreme court is not infallible. they have gone against the spirit of the US constitution and founding documents against the peoples individual best interests on more then one occasion.

does anyone have any links to the different census forms going out? i heard some of them are very long and detailed asking about your sanitary installations ie how many toilets, how many tv's, guns, computers. how many and what cars you have and how much they are each worth, what you earn what your house is worth, jewlery, stock and bonds, whether you have a garden and many more questions in that vain. but it seems no one here got a detailed form like that ?


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
It's right there in plain words, what is going on is constitutional, it's just that you're having a problem because of what current policy is (and has been) in place for a very long time.

What's with this "get educated" phrase, btw?
Sure, it's an easy way to sign off without actually defending your point, this is true.

But give me some hard evidence.
Shit, you guys kill me..you're as propagandic, dramatic, and flufftalked as the dictators you hate so much.
You're giving us nothing but emotion...it's really weak.

Pftt, and you espouse nothing but propaganda. Keep drinking the kool-aid man, I'm not here to live your life for you.



Active member

Step up or shut up, ain't no reason to jump into a political argument that you clearly don't understand with someone who clearly does and then hide your head in the sand when you get tired of defending what little point you had to begin with. :laughing:


the Lion is going Guerrilla...

Step up or shut up, ain't no reason to jump into a political argument that you clearly don't understand with someone who clearly does and then hide your head in the sand when you get tired of defending what little point you had to begin with. :laughing:

You're not talking about me, are you?


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
I'm not going to sit here and type out an entire essay for people who I assume to be AMERICANS, continually.

This is real time.
I'm not going to sit here and type out an entire essay for people who I assume to be AMERICANS, continually.

This is real time.

How can I take you any more seriously than a 16 year old when you sit there and scream "Anarchy!" and "You're stupid!"
It doesn't prove your point, at all.

Is it about winning the argument for you or something?
All I cared about was why you thought what you think. It's not a competition.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
How can I take you any more seriously than a 16 year old when you sit there and scream "Anarchy!" and "You're stupid!"
It doesn't prove your point, at all.

You don't have the slightest clue what Anarchism is, so don't speak of subjects of which your feeble brainwashed mind cannot even grasp.

I take you about as seriously as a sheep, how's that make YOU feel?





All you do is copy and paste, no originality, just shit passed through the strainer, KID.


every 10 years people get busted because some ex civil servant-cum-census worker came up to their house and smelled a grow. i remember 5 or 6 last time, i am sure there were more. send em their form, give em bs if you want, but dont get on their "this fella needs a visit from the man" list. my $.02
stay safe


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Nah, smoking grants me reflection, but doesn't change the essence of my being, or my frustrations with the American People.

Besides, I'm dry, and no longer have my grow equipment.

I'm sure I'm coming off as a dick, but I'm not trying to play teacher or leader here.

1. Posting links does not make you intelligent.
2. Your two first links suggest your entire mantra is the effect of brainwashing on the internet. How does that kool-aid taste btw?
3. Postings links to the constitution and declaration does not mean you understand them. I'm willing to bet you have never read both documents from start to finish.
4. All you did was copy and paste links, no originality, just shit passed through your mouth, MORON.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
I tried that and they kepted coming back to my door

I tried that and they kepted coming back to my door

Fill it out and be done with it or they will keep coming back to your house till they send their supervisor. I have been down that road with them already lol.. peace out Headband707:tiphat:


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Go over my previous posts, then talk some shit. Come at me with some independent research done at your own discretion, with bonafide political science and history, then we'll go into day long debates about how this census is unconstitional. Or maybe watch some O'Reilly? Life is easy when you have the entirety of it laid out for you.

Apparently, people don't see the potential that the census has to be extremely abused.
Go over my previous posts, then talk some shit. Come at me with some independent research done at your own discretion, with bonafide political science and history, then we'll go into day long debates about how this census is unconstitional. Or maybe watch some O'Reilly? Life is easy when you have the entirety of it laid out for you.

Apparently, people don't see the potential that the census has to be extremely abused.
LOL! I came at you with the constitution & got a flippant irrelevant rant with some name calling.
It seems like a competition for you, I don't know why. Bah.