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Fem attempts failed.


Active member
Ok first let me say that its been a while since i tried making fem seeds. But the low down.
First thing i tried was using GA3. I ordered it online, followed someones tutorial here (sorry i dont remember who it was or where it was), and i had no results. no male flowers, no pollen, nothing.
Secondly i decided to try STS method. again i ordered the ingredients online, mixed them accordingly and still no results. I had one plant grow vertically and not stop but had zero lateral branching. eventually i just had to kill it as it wouldnt stop growing. it passed my light up by a few feet.
So next iv been researching this Colloidal silver technique. Heres the problem im having with it. in this thread https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=60610&highlight=sts the author says to switch polarity every couple hours. However he also says to "leave it over nite". am i suppose to switch polarity every couple hours all nite long? or am i suppose to switch polarity once after a few hours then leave it all nite long?
Now i enjoy experimenting with new things like this (new to me), however my dellima is always that im reserving my room strictly for 2 or 3 plants instead of the normal 20 or so, and wasting 3-4 months trying something with it failing. i need something thats going to absolutly give me results.


Mad Scientist
Apart from the colloidal silver, there are a few other things that could work:

1) Light leaks during the dark hours.
2) Messing with the light schedule.
3) Extreme temperatures (105+°F or 40+°C)
4) Cutting back on water.
5) Chemical stress through heavy over-fertilization.

I would try 1-3 first and then move over to 4 and finally 5.

You can spray the flowers with gibberellic acid to enhance the effect.

No matter what method you use, the best female candidates for your project are the ones that can take a lot of abuse before they turn hermie on ya. If they can handle everything that I have listed above and still remain stable, I would say that they are pretty damn good.


Well-known member
CS ppm

CS ppm

Hi jackel !

There is no contraversial collision in PhenoMenal thread that is great for sure :tiphat:.
You may read in the bottom of his title post - Last edited by PhenoMenal; 03-19-2010 at 04:41 AM.. Reason: Because we've learned so damn much more since 2007!
The thread now is too long for easy reading. Jump to page 41 and posterior pages.

When you leave CS brewing without service for the night nothing bad will happen, but ppm rising will slow and stuck.
You may read explanations for this effect here (click).

You may also get some useful info in my thread on cs-pollen Question on Pollen Production.
There is a lot of pix of fem-pollen and fem-pregnant ladies.


yea the cs mehtod is best i would jus leave it overnight i never known people to keep changing polarity jus leave the charger/batts on over night an it should up the ppm enough.

i wouldnt bother trying the natural method of light leaks/stress etc as any plants that produce male flowers thru these methods are pretty undesirable plants to use for breeding especially for femmed beans, as you can assume the intersex traits will almost always be passed on to at least some of the offspring. im sure youl agree the last thing youy wanna do is breed hermie seeds.
you should have success with the cs as long as you get the ppm right an high enough. pretty easy an straightforward once you got that made up
good luck bud.


Mad Scientist
I have a bottle of 50ppm colloidal silver sitting on a shelf, which I bought but never put to good use.

Is that a good concentration and can it be applied to the plant as such?


Well-known member


Hi Kodiak !
My first attempt was failed with pharmacy spray "35ppm Ag+9999" on the label.
It was colourless liquid a little opalescent. The TDS-meter reading was 50ppm.
There was no sign of she-male metamorphosis and the clone flowering was finished as a female.
They dissolved a fake for a good ppm reading.:tiphat: DIY!


Mad Scientist
Thanks for the heads-up jump117.

Yeah, now that I look closer at it, it actually says ionic silver on the bottle in smaller print. Not the right stuff I guess. No silver particles, just a clear liquid.
the store bought stuff is made in a different way for human consumption it is normally not ionic. make your own the key is many applications in veg and flower and proper concentration of your silver water. it does work but you have to be diligent in your spray regimen. regardless some strains flip easy some do not.
your liquid once filtered should be a brown color with no visible sediment if you shine a laser pointer through the solution the beam should be clearly visible.


Mad Scientist
Ok, very good to know. Perhaps I will try making some feminized seeds later on then. Thanks :yes:


if you stress the plants by messing with there light cycle, they will hermie producing feminized seeds


Mad Scientist
I think that the first step in finding a good female candidate would be to conduct all sorts of stress-tests on it, including the ones that I listed in my first post. Once the plant has passed the screening process and proven to be stable, I would go ahead and use the ionic silver on it.


Well-known member
colloidal VS ionic

colloidal VS ionic

ionic silver is acually what you want..not colloidal from what ive read
yes ionic is what you want small particles which can enter cells easily. at least that is my understanding of it.
Let's make it clear.

Active elements are ions Ag+. We want them.

They may be achieved by dissolving STS, and we have solution that consists of ions. Laser beam is invisible in solution.

Another way is electrolysis, and we have both ions and metal particles floating in the water. It is colloidal solution.

These particles are much bigger than ions, they make laser beam visible.

And they are useless and harmful to our purpose because ions of Ag+ stick to metal and become inactive.


Active member
so, i would set my coins and charger up, let it sit for a few hours, then switch polarity once, and let sit over nite. then filter. is that correct as far as switching polarity? just once before its long soak?
im sure it wont work, but i still have some silver nitrate, it says its .999 on it. would that work? i have no problem making a generator, just thought id check my options.
also i hate the light stress technique. hermie plants are too common result, i cant afford to do that.


Active member
yea i got a nice hanna. however if i recall correctly, if u test ur distilled water, ur still gonna have a ppm of around 100 or so already

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