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How to Garden By The Moon



Hydro: I was wondering if anybody got that one... lol. We are on the same vibe man, groovy... :)

Free: Hey Baby! Glad to hear that the Sourbubble lives... ya got enuf seeds to kick the sick ones to the curb... :)

Ghostwolf: In the Green Swamp huh? Sounds like fun. The California Orange Bud is a nice medium buzz, good daytime buzz. Not the strongest of the bunch, but the great orange flavor on the exhale gets me hooked every time. I am planning on crossing some DJ shorts Blueberry and True Blueberry to the Cali orange and making Orange Crush one of these days. Maybe next fall.

Everybody, I am in such a good mood. I been calculating my harvest. So far I have harvested a few plants and got about a pound. I am doing a SOG so these are smaller plants, untopped, etc.

If my calculations are correct, and current trends continue in harvest, I will have about 14 pounds. This can't be right?!? Surely me math ain't good. :dance:

there is some of the BEST GRAPE soda smells coming off my Grape Krush. YUM YUM YUM YUM. Smells just like a bottle of Grape NEHI soda pop. Trichs are awesome, everywhere. THANKS PEAT for the Muscadine Mash beans. You are the best.

I am looking at the trichs everyday now. Only 3 days left till the buds will be at DAY 60 of bloom.

The Hazes will be quite a while longer still, but they are the best looking Hazes I have ever grown!

Yeehaw! Yippie! Yeehaw!

Celebrate the Harvest wit me. I smoke the Apophis in honor of all the friends I have made due to MOON GARDENING. :snowkiss:


Garden Nymph

One pound? Already?! Well I haven't seen a bud growing since...late January lol. I miss seeing that.

Lola, you gotta try out some ghetto air pots. Just take all your pots and drill ALOT of holes, or cut out 1/2" slits every 1/2". The roots start poking out and go back in. Gets plants going really fast. The new seedlings, Sourbubble and Chemdog Krush as well as NCDG x DC, are doing so well in their ghetto homes!!

Hey Lola, erm...about that 14 pounds...can we visit you and then go fishing at your cabin? lol :prettyplease:


lol. Hippie... Sure, come on down. :)

This would have been a really big harvest if it wasn't for those durn BEANS! cut me crops in half, they did... :)


:dance: I am the Ganga Queen, I like my plants all mean and Green.... :dance:

Thank God that we are on a new page. Those pics would not ever load for me on the last one!

Smoking some Apophis dried in the toaster oven.... (it does the trick) Yum. These buds look like they have been dipped in sugar.

I was in the grow last nite, looking for ripe buds, and the lites were glistening off the resin like diamonds... pretty.

I am sooo happy to be getting a harvest that I am not fighting off those dread Spider Mites. Ain't it nice to pick when to harvest? Last couple crops went bad for me due to Powdery Mildew and Spider Mites. I had to keep picking stuff early or lose it forever.

I don't think I have even really tried a couple of the strains I am growing right now.

The Muscadine Mash is turning out to be divine, and last time, it was barely starting to smell grapey. This time... YUM.

Next garden will have ZERO HAZES, (unless the SKunk Haze I am growing is good), and I will grow Grape Krush, Cali Orange, Bubblicious, DJs Blueberry & True Blueberry, all from seed.

I sure do wish I had an outdoor building for growing in. A big shed with open sides and a roof to keep off the rain, made of transparent 4x8 sheets of PVC in clear or maybe green. I am wishing a lot here... heehee....

maybe I will have enuf weed to see me thru till next fall's harvest. I am taking a grow vacation! I wonder if I will be able to control myself that long? heehee. I wanna load up the car, drop the top and head off on an adventure with a fat sack o weed!!!!

Watch out! I may be coming to VISIT YOU! ;)


Garden Nymph

Come on by! We will make munchies!

I miss having girls..I would love to try the Chemdog Krush because at least it would be Muscadine Mash with Apophis and I wanted to try both.

Maybe we should come by and help build you a small greenhouse lol. Or bury a train car..;)

I just bicycled a mile around the block. Trying to get in shape, I haven't been smoking so I haven't been having munchies either.


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Ghostwolf: In the Green Swamp huh? Sounds like fun. The California Orange Bud is a nice medium buzz, good daytime buzz. Not the strongest of the bunch, but the great orange flavor on the exhale gets me hooked every time. I am planning on crossing some DJ shorts Blueberry and True Blueberry to the Cali orange and making Orange Crush one of these days. Maybe next fall.
Yeah Lola I'm in the swamp in central Florida. Aren't you also in FLA. The Cali Orange Bud sounds good as do the others you mention, it makes my mouth water. Good luck crossing the blueberries and the oranges, that also sounds good I hope it turns out good, I'd like to know if it does, you have me interested now. :smoke:


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Aino sked! Come on ahead.

Aino sked! Come on ahead.

:dance: I am the Ganga Queen, I like my plants all mean and Green.... :dance:

I sure do wish I had an outdoor building for growing in. A big shed with open sides and a roof to keep off the rain, made of transparent 4x8 sheets of PVC in clear or maybe green. I am wishing a lot here... heehee....

Like this?
Budz in bondage.jpg

maybe I will have enuf weed to see me thru till next fall's harvest. I am taking a grow vacation! I wonder if I will be able to control myself that long? heehee. I wanna load up the car, drop the top and head off on an adventure with a fat sack o weed!!!!

Watch out! I may be coming to VISIT YOU! ;)

You know where to find us?

At da intersection of da 4 Bs
Butterfly ranch Bed Breakfast and Burnery.

But mo' betta take airplane.
Whe ya hit da Kona airport, I come get you.
Newcastle already got coal.:)

Aloha nui,
Da Weeze n 'em


Moon Porn..

Moon Porn..

Ghost: I used to live in Florida, but the bugs drove me out... :)

Weez: That is just what I need. Too hot for indoor crops.

Hippie: You supply the train car, I got a ditch! :)

Anybody wanna see some buds?
Apophis Bud Dried in Toaster oven for quick smoke.

Afghan Skunk Haze fromMr. Nice Seeds

Muscadine Mash


Power Kush


Pirate & Cherokee Warrior for Freedom and Cannabis
Ghost: I used to live in Florida, but the bugs drove me out... :)

Weez: That is just what I need. Too hot for indoor crops.

Hippie: You supply the train car, I got a ditch! :)

Anybody wanna see some buds?
Apophis Bud Dried in Toaster oven for quick smoke.

Afghan Skunk Haze fromMr. Nice Seeds

Muscadine Mash


Power Kush
I understand about the bugs. I used to grow outdoors but had to move it indoors for security reasons. The buds look real good!:tiphat:


Thank you Ghost! I am tickled to death to have them looking this good. Almost harvest time... :D


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Homeless no more.

Homeless no more.

"Weez: That is just what I need. Too hot for indoor crops."

I don't doubt that, boaster!:)

But Cereally!
That Pakalolo Palace is dirt cheap and fit for hot weather.

Home-D has da dog kennel for unner $500
5' X 10' X 6'
The roof is jus' 6' X 3' clear Polycarbonate. (Plexiglass).
Snag 3. 12' 2 X 4s and some rope to hold 'em on and a couple long drywall screws so it no slip front to back.
You done!
One person can haul and assemble it.
Easier with two though.
Cost less than $600 USD.

The infra-red camera's for motion detection are optional but recommended.:)



Hey Lola, thanks for the input on the genetics. I recently joined a local compassion club and am hoping my options on strains open up a little for me now. Are you still doing the "moon chart" here. It kindaa looked like not so much, but I wanta start this new grow and the ones I have done without your guidance on moon phases have always gone to the left.. Would you be so kind as to guide me again as I start this new grow... I am waiting to take clones until you tell me.... I bow to you for advice oh Great Lola, the Moon Gardener!!


Garden Nymph
If you join the Moon Garden group you can see the pics of the calendars there :D

Lola, those are awesome pics...I know why you had to quick dry some of that Muscadine Mash..it looks yummy!!

Weezard, I gotta try that out once I can buy some land...


Yup, Hippie is Right, all the Moon charts are over in the Moon Garden Social Club. You can use them to plan your grow and shows when to do what... OR you can buy a copy of llewelleyn's moon sign book. :)

That wuz the Apophis I quick dried... lol. Ain't got into the Grape Krush yet! It is tempting though...


Garden Nymph
Oops! my bad, I was posting too quick for my own good! :)

I repotted the seedlings today. I put one Chemdog Krush in a Smartpot (a real one, not a ghetto homemade one, lol) and the other one in a regular plastic container. I want to see which one grows faster. I also got one Sourbubble in a Smartpot.


I love my life

Come on by! We will make munchies!

I miss having girls..I would love to try the Chemdog Krush because at least it would be Muscadine Mash with Apophis and I wanted to try both.

Maybe we should come by and help build you a small greenhouse lol. Or bury a train car..;)

I just bicycled a mile around the block. Trying to get in shape, I haven't been smoking so I haven't been having munchies either.

I have done 7.25 miles this week trying to get in shape for the gang, but I have a lot more to do before 4/20 ;)

Peace, :joint: