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South Oz Hydro Shop Alert


While the US goes med Oz goes fascist. Hilarious - the ghosts of Bush and his bum buddy Howard are alive and well in Australia.

Cone Head

While the US goes med Oz goes fascist. Hilarious - the ghosts of Bush and his bum buddy Howard are alive and well in Australia.

Its crazy isn't it. And in the late 80's, early 90's, when the US was all fascist on drugs. Thats when SA decriminalised. If you really think about the laws, they used to be freekin relaxed. It was 10 plants, per adult. Meaning if you had 4 adults living in a share house, thats 40 plants for $150 fine. And no mention of Meds, it was all recreational. I cant really think of too many other places in the western world were there are laws like that.

Just to clear it up Number 1. Nothing is actually illegal or banned. The best word would be... regulated. Everything on that list can still be sold in SA, its just that you need 100 points I.D. If your growing chilli's or exotic orchids with them, thats perfectly legal. If your growing pot, thats an extra charge of illegally using prescribed hydroponic equipment on top of cultivating cannabis. Not only that but I believe the charge adds up for every single prescribed item you have. So the more lights, the more carbon filters etc, the bigger the charge, even if you not using them all.


New member
Just to clear it up Number 1. Nothing is actually illegal or banned. The best word would be... regulated. Everything on that list can still be sold in SA, its just that you need 100 points I.D. If your growing chilli's or exotic orchids with them, thats perfectly legal. If your growing pot, thats an extra charge of illegally using prescribed hydroponic equipment on top of cultivating cannabis. Not only that but I believe the charge adds up for every single prescribed item you have. So the more lights, the more carbon filters etc, the bigger the charge, even if you not using them all.
Regulated, we all live in an overly increasing regulated society. every week feels like a new law is passed and a little more of our freedom taken away.

Where are the protests

Where is the contributions from the hydro shops to mount a challenge

Also how would this affect those that already own the equipment

Or are those that already own equipment meant to then register what they own ?

The whole ID send reports to police even if doing nothing wrong and growing indoor hydro chilli is bullshit

Cone Head

Regulated, we all live in an overly increasing regulated society. every week feels like a new law is passed and a little more of our freedom taken away.

Where are the protests

Where is the contributions from the hydro shops to mount a challenge

Also how would this affect those that already own the equipment

Or are those that already own equipment meant to then register what they own ?

The whole ID send reports to police even if doing nothing wrong and growing indoor hydro chilli is bullshit

It sure is bullshit. You dont have to register anything that you already own, its just that if your caught using those items while growing cannabis it adds to your charges. The shops are supposed to take I.D. for all items of "prescribed" equipment.

Where's the protest you ask? Well I'm told the SA hydroponic industry is seeking legal advice. Their advice so far has been to wait and see once the laws come into place. Remember they have an amnesty until may. Most smokers and small time growers in adelaide are too lazy and or paranoid to make any noise, many dont even know of the laws surprisingly. These laws have passed mostly unnoticed. There hasn't even been any coverage in the media.

The other thing you have to realize is that these laws for a lot of the "cash croppers" are a god send. I've overheard talk in the shops that sickened me. Some of these "commercial growers" are hoping that these laws will keep the home growers out of the market so the price can go up. I have literally heard a grower say this. For years these guys have been trying to push the price up, but small time growers who sell a little on the side to cover costs have always undercut the big guys attempts to raise the prices by selling Oz's off for late 90's prices. Its still happening. Dealers are trying to offload oz's at $250 now but people are still getting $200 and occasionally $180 Oz's off home growers. This phenomenon has always kept the price down in adelaide and it pisses the commercial guys off no end. Many of them dont even bother selling in SA and send their stuff interstate where they can get twice the price for it.


I guess the way the authorities view it is that if you're growing chillis you have nothing to worry about so why worry?? On the other hand if you're growing mj you have plenty to worry about and that's who they're after. I really think this is all related to the bikies and the SA Govs war against the Finks and HA. I also think this is about SA and their PGR and other illegal products peddling ways (their own actions have returned to bite them on the arse). We'll just have to wait and see what happens. If hydro stores take fake ID's and flaunt the law then I suspect that police will just close them down when they can prove they have been taking bogus ID's so it seems to me that a public forum isn't the place to be giving intel to the pigs. (Just a thought) On the other hand why not just shop interstate?? Online or a drive into Vic (buy extra bulbs to last a year) to bypass the whole ID thing. Personally, if I was in SA I'd stay the hell away from the stores and find alternatives. It's clear their shops are on notice and likely being watched.


New member
It sure is bullshit. You dont have to register anything that you already own, its just that if your caught using those items while growing cannabis it adds to your charges. The shops are supposed to take I.D. for all items of "prescribed" equipment.

Where's the protest you ask? Well I'm told the SA hydroponic industry is seeking legal advice. Their advice so far has been to wait and see once the laws come into place. Remember they have an amnesty until may. Most smokers and small time growers in adelaide are too lazy and or paranoid to make any noise, many dont even know of the laws surprisingly. These laws have passed mostly unnoticed. There hasn't even been any coverage in the media.

The other thing you have to realize is that these laws for a lot of the "cash croppers" are a god send. I've overheard talk in the shops that sickened me. Some of these "commercial growers" are hoping that these laws will keep the home growers out of the market so the price can go up. I have literally heard a grower say this. For years these guys have been trying to push the price up, but small time growers who sell a little on the side to cover costs have always undercut the big guys attempts to raise the prices by selling Oz's off for late 90's prices. Its still happening. Dealers are trying to offload oz's at $250 now but people are still getting $200 and occasionally $180 Oz's off home growers. This phenomenon has always kept the price down in adelaide and it pisses the commercial guys off no end. Many of them dont even bother selling in SA and send their stuff interstate where they can get twice the price for it.
:wave: spot on cone head,:dance013:


Landrace Lover
Just a quick note to remind everyone that starting very soon, possibly as early as Feb 1, you are going to have to show 100 point ID (picture ID, utility bills, etc.) to buy globes, reflectors, lights and carbon filters in South Australia.

Law went into effect this year and the shops have to start enforcing very soon.

Coming soon also - the Federal Government wants to start censoring the internet - joining the likes of China and Iran.

yeah i heard about this, what a fucking joke (about the laws changing and the internet censor.... wtf seriously)


New member
The main hydroponic retailer in New Zealand was shut down 2 days ago after a 2yr under cover police sting. 250 employees arrested, 120 grow ops busted and now we are going to be in the same boat as SA. Proof of Id for every purchase including nutrients. WTF is the world coming too?

Any body got any recipes for good hydro nutes from scratch i.e dry form?

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Maybe order bits and pieces through hydro stores in other states. Just my humble opinion. I would be a bit nervous if I was living in SA though.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
The main hydroponic retailer in New Zealand was shut down 2 days ago after a 2yr under cover police sting. 250 employees arrested, 120 grow ops busted and now we are going to be in the same boat as SA. Proof of Id for every purchase including nutrients. WTF is the world coming too?

Any body got any recipes for good hydro nutes from scratch i.e dry form?

You might have to go organic for a while bman01.


New member
You might have to go organic for a while bman01.

Yeah was in coco but can only get that from specialized hydro stores like the one that was busted. Perlite/Vermiculite hempy buckets for me now HC. Can get that from anywhere. Have just mixed my first batch of Homemade chemical nutes from dry ingredients. Formula made for me by a science professor specifically tailored to my grow style and the nutricional requirements of my . . . . . . Tomatoes.
Where there's a will theres a way. Cant make my own lamps though LOL

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
yo mates! ,fuck the ol'government sounding shaddy dow under , but my advisde is to stock up or just buy from else where if possible, They only raising the price of the final product , making it harder to produce cannabis by limiting equipment sales , This would ve been effective 50years ago before anyone has ever thought of indoor growing but cats outta the bag now, u can grow with almost anything almost anywhere!!!

So fuck u south aussi government ****s!, keep it real down under mates
peace TS
What a great read guys,
but honestly, how can they do it, every hydro shop is trying to make a living, i think it will depend on the relationship you have with your local hydge shop, i would spend 2k a year easy, and being a small shop, and i know they would have 200 regular customers who spend as much as i do, and being CASH i don't think i will honestly get asked for ID.
No way man! Pot is going for premium Rates and will ever be. Like the Prices of Food its only going up. Things NEVER get cheaper apart from Electronics. They Day that commercial pot is Ever $180 an Oz BEN i will eat my SH!T.

LMFAO if ever the day i pay $180 for an OZ here, maybe it would be safer to eat my own sh!t then smoke that fuckin bag.....
