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Feminized seeds

feminized seeds can produce males and hermies! And worst yet, if you do find a good female keeper, they also have a tendencie to (herm)pop out a few male pollen sacs several generations down the line. So if ya decide to go the feminized
route always be on the lookout for hidden male sacs. i have read so many times about a grower losing entire harvests and all the strains they had going at the time!

Now you might be wondering how can feminized
(xx crossed w/xx) produce male plants? the reason theyve never been completely successful,
is the grow environment can influence the final sexual outcome of mj plants grown from seed! Basically stress = more males,Good grow environment = more females. From the time a seedling has 3 sets of leaves up until preflowers show the grow enviro can change
a male into a female and female to a male. Until researchers figure out how to completely fool mother nature feminized seeds will always have this "prob" to deal with. feminized sound like "the way to go" but ya might wanna checkout the grow books like greg greens or jorges growers bibles. good luck either way!


I've grown out several strains from feminized seed stock. Nanners were common on all of them, I had more phenos later go hermy and keeping a mother was a real chore because they would try and go into flower once it was a bigger plant/rootmass. I had some interesting strains but having to live on my growing, I got sick of the nanner and hermy watch and vowed to stay away from feminized stock for now on.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
And you know this to be fact? How? Can you provide any sources?

20,000 years of observation and interaction between man and cannabis have born it out.

Please work on your people skills. I've seen 3 posts from you today all of which have been belligerent and unhelpful.


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
plants grown from regular seeds will also often hermi if you stress them with high temps or other stuff they dont like. true females (that will never produce male flowers under stress) are quite rare.

if you got a lot of herms from fem seed then it may well be your environment is off or you have not bought them from a reputable breeder.

personally i have had more herms from regular seeds than from fems.



umm, how about eff that.

umm, how about eff that.

20,000 years of observation and interaction between man and cannabis have born it out.

Please work on your people skills. I've seen 3 posts from you today all of which have been belligerent and unhelpful.

I asked the dude some questions. He comes in with a very strong opinion I haven't heard much about. I wondered if there was a source for the opinion. That is all.

And now you're telling me I need to "work on my people skills?"

Seriously? Troll moderators need to work on their candor. You have a personal problem with me, PM me, you putting me "on blast" here is really immature.

With all the companies making femmed seeds, and all the different pheno's, I can see how this could be sometimes true, but not universal for all seed companies.

I'd have loved some specifics, so I asked for them. I guess that was wrong of me... I don't know why, but whatever.


Since the process is generally the same to feminize, it's not a stretch to think the problems would be similiar and common. My problems were consistant with the feminized seeds. My conditions are typically optimal and I have almost 20 years experience working with seeds stock. The problems were not exclusive to Fem seeds but just more common.

I always eneded up with hairy sites and triple/single leaf patterns while the other stock was still in a state of vigorous veg growth. I managed to control it by shortening the mother life but that is a pain in the ass for me to do when all the other plants are big and I have to turn over that fem mother 2-1.
yes standard genetics/females can herm but nothing compared to fems.The 2 biggest reasons fems herm is heat stress, or irregular(sp?) light scheduale(light leak). Followed closely by over ferts.

Its true that most good growers can get all females from fems but new growers really dont have their rooms/techniques dialed in, and any1 can have accidental power outages,ect..herm probs are the worst thing(next to getn busted) that can happen to a grower and some new growers quit altogether after herm prob than to cleanup n start over.(well at least they would have alot of their own feminized seeds)



I've been able to consistantly get 80+% females from regular seed stock anyways. I've had a couple/few come out 100% female. I just feed watered down liquid karma for the first 3 weeks and then to a low ppm veg feed for a couple more. By the time I've given them a stronger veg feed they are almost all showing female. I'm also using T5 lighting so that may help with that huge light spectrum?

I'm sure if you grow strictly from seed instead of clone, fem seeds are a great idea. Very few males to pull. If you grow from large numbers of clones and have to keep mothers going for months then you probably have seen what I'm talking about.

farmer city

New member
environment can influence sex, that is why there are grow tips to get higher% females(from standard seeds).Besides what else can explain finding males in all female genetics.get highr % females from MH, cool white,more blue spectrum. Higher nitrogen in grow medium.starting seeds under less length of light(12/12).

2lazy where you at in bay area,lived in berkley 2yrs, cali has the best bud in the world!


From everything I've read actually it's been low N suggested for a higher ratio of females, not higher. This has been my own observation as well.
for years,Ive been growing out hundreds of seeds for outdoors and get near 80% females also,by using cool whts, alot worm castings,and also use liquid karma,superthrive, and a product called hygrozyme. the hygrozyme acts like plant roids,I get incredible results w/it! hyrgozyme and liquid karma are must haves for serious soil growers.
you sure NFR, Ive read higher nitro and lower P in growing medium for higher %females and seems 2 wrk, but too each his own! peace


Proof? bust out greg greens growers/or breeders bible.jorges too! I dont believe everything I read but have alot of experience w/breeding.why do growers w/feminized genetics get so offended? NFR is completely right. It doesnt matter what company or how feminized seeds are created if they get stressed they can create males or go herm.And yes standard genetics/females can herm but its very rare especially compared to fems.The 2 biggest reasons fems herm is heat stress, or irregular(sp?) light scheduale(light leak). Followed closely by over ferts.

Its true that most good growers can get all females from fems but new growers really dont have their rooms/techniques dialed in, and any1 can have accidental power outages,ect..herm probs are the worst thing(next to getn busted) that can happen to a grower and some new growers quit altogether after herm prob than to cleanup n start over.(well at least they would have alot of their own feminized seeds)

and mellow yellow... do you like transvestites or 100% true females? lol! just kidn bro!

I actually don't have feminized genetics, so I'm not "offended" by your statements. I was offended by the moderator for being an arse, but not your statement.

I think you're just coming at this really hostile. Like a stray cat in a corner hissing and spitting. I don't think anyone actually expects every femed seed to pop female and to stay female.

I just don't think you can blame the seeds for environmental factors and grower provided stress. It's not the feminized seeds fault that some growers can't keep their conditions in check.

Seriously, it's like you're saying femmed seeds suck because people can dick around with them and make them hermy. I just do not understand that line of logic in the slightest.

If I were to buy femmed seeds I wouldn't expect every single seed to be the cream of the crop female. Out of 5 seeds if I get one very good mother which lasts me maybe 2 or 3 harvests I'd be plenty happy. There are no shortage of seeds available in the world so I don't see the need to really get up in arms over how the seeds were made.


I actually don't have feminized genetics, so I'm not "offended" by your statements. I was offended by the moderator for being an arse, but not your statement.

I think you're just coming at this really hostile. Like a stray cat in a corner hissing and spitting. I don't think anyone actually expects every femed seed to pop female and to stay female.

I just don't think you can blame the seeds for environmental factors and grower provided stress. It's not the feminized seeds fault that some growers can't keep their conditions in check.

Seriously, it's like you're saying femmed seeds suck because people can dick around with them and make them hermy. I just do not understand that line of logic in the slightest.

If I were to buy femmed seeds I wouldn't expect every single seed to be the cream of the crop female. Out of 5 seeds if I get one very good mother which lasts me maybe 2 or 3 harvests I'd be plenty happy. There are no shortage of seeds available in the world so I don't see the need to really get up in arms over how the seeds were made.

I think pretty much anyone with a bit of experience knows what stress can do. You are stating the obvious. Stress has little to do with my experiences with feminized seeds. Since I've had 100's of plants in rooms with some mixed clone stock off mothers of fem seedstock, I can easily compare. I have experinced what some stress will do to fem stock as well because my sturdy clone stock toughs it out and shows little sign of anything negative at all....but the fem stock has problems surfacing. My Ice Cream and UK Cheese are two fine examples recently.

Even the best seed stock typically will show you a few things when stressed unlike sturdy clone only strains that are perfect for commercial adventures. I've seen enough unexplainable occurances with my fem seeds that I cant be bothered to buy them anymore. My ratio is so good with standards that best I'll improve on is 2/10. Hardly worth me worrying about seeding a big room of buds.

Oh, another observation is how many retarded phenos appaer out of a 10 pack sometimes. Doesnt matter what you do...the damn thing wants to bud on 24h.:wave:

If someone wants to plant a couple of packs of fem seed for personal and starts from seed every crop, I think it's a great option. I think enviroments are more controlable for those people as well. That doesnt change the unstability of fem seeds though.

farmer city

New member
I actually don't have feminized genetics, so I'm not "offended" by your statements. I was offended by the moderator for being an arse, but not your statement.

I think you're just coming at this really hostile. Like a stray cat in a corner hissing and spitting. I don't think anyone actually expects every femed seed to pop female and to stay female.

I just don't think you can blame the seeds for environmental factors and grower provided stress. It's not the feminized seeds fault that some growers can't keep their conditions in check.

Seriously, it's like you're saying femmed seeds suck because people can dick around with them and make them hermy. I just do not understand that line of logic in the slightest.


First of all bro(I might be a newb to the site) but
the Mod even asked you please in his post,and
if ur not offended by staggers opinion then whats w/the attitude towards his post? NFR is totally right,imo. you complained about Mod in different thread and argueing in this one, but the Mod was out of line right?.He ASKED you 2 work on your people skillz?I wonder why? huh?Besides, Who said anything about every feminized seed "going bad"? a couple growers are posting their experience /opinion, your the one w/the problem, and your proving the Mod,s point! great people skillz!

never seen a cat spit b4?


Never had a prob with fem genetics... have had a late herm in flower from a true female .....pollen was sterile tho.....i think it pushed out a nanner from a light leak....it happened to be closest to closet door

I think you're just coming at this really hostile. Like a stray cat in a corner hissing and spitting. I don't think anyone actually expects every femed seed to pop female and to stay female.

I just don't think you can blame the seeds for environmental factors and grower provided stress. It's not the feminized seeds fault that some growers can't keep their conditions in check.

Seriously, it's like you're saying femmed seeds suck because people can dick around with them and make them hermy. I just do not understand that line of logic in the slightest.

Are you serious? Read my first post again....were do I come off "Really Hostile"..? like a cat hissing
n spitting? wtf? some funny ass shit! great people skills, the MOD must be crazy huh? If you dont grow w/feminized seeds then wtf is up your ass a cat thats hissing n spitting?