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Mosca Negra's C99 BX1 - 400w Cabinet Grow by GrnMtnGrwr


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Haha nah I don't treat my women like that! Those are the males, still wondering what to do with them. I think I'm going to put off putting in the Tropf Blumats, gonna keep handwatering the girls for another week or so. The side shoots are all starting to take off, they seem to have gotten over the stress from topping + chopping.


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Here's a picture I just took of the girls. They're still not looking 100%, I'm going to try to wait to flower until everything is looking good.


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12/12 - Day 1

12/12 - Day 1

Here are the females, and the males, a few days ago...

And here are the girls today, and a shot of the Blumats...



Looking good!
I'm interested in how well the Tropf Blumats work out for you. I might be trying them on my next grow.


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I'm very interested to see how they work as well. As I've said before, if they work out and I don't have any complaints I think I'm going to match them up with some Air Pots and see what they can do. Right now I'm thinking maybe I'll reveg my best plant out of these and put it into a 5~ gallon Air Pot and grow a tree. :biggrin:


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So the reservoir holds about 4 gallons right now... if they end up drinking that much in < 2-3 days I'll upgrade to a 10-15 gallons reservoir, but we'll see how things progress. I'm mixing it up to 5.5 ph, and letting it drift up to 6.0-6.2 if it gets that far. Whenever I top it off I'll be adding in nutes @ 5.5, so that should keep it in the 5.5-6.0 range if things go right.


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Here's a better shot of the males. #3 is still showing the variegation or whatever it is, #7 and #8 are still stretchy, lanky plants.

I'm thinking I might try to split the pollen up, using #7 and #8 together, and using #3, #6, and #9 together. Any thoughts?


I would just use the pollen from #7 & #8 for they are both very similar to one another in both foliage and height. And may be some from #3 just to see if you are able the carry the variegation trite on.


Active member
I would just use the pollen from #7 & #8 for they are both very similar to one another in both foliage and height. And may be some from #3 just to see if you are able the carry the variegation trite on.

I'm trying to use a minimum amount of bud for pollination so I'd prefer just having one batch of pollen to use. :chin:

Should I just use mixed pollen from all the males?

(In all situations, every plant got the same treatment.)

That is everything I have to base my pollination choices on. My goal with the seedmaking? To have C99 seeds... nothing that specific. I'll definitely be keeping the seeds from each female separate... I'd love any input. :wave:


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Day 4

Day 4

Thanks Snype! :wave:

Canopy seems to be filling out nicely. :)

They're still all having slight issues, I've been told by a few people that they will grow out of it in 12/12, we'll see. If anyone's got a suggestion, let me know. Here's a pic of the worst affected leaf...

I've decided I'm getting rid of #7 and #8. They are stretchy, extremely sensitive to over/underwatering, slow root growth, poor stalk/stem development. Nothing I want.
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Fill out the form on the Cannabis Infirmary forum. I found answers to my problem there.
The tips of the leaves look like the problem I am having, But on your leaf the discoloration is extending on into the leaf and I don't want to give you and disinformation so I can not help you.


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Fill out the form on the Cannabis Infirmary forum. I found answers to my problem there.
The tips of the leaves look like the problem I am having, But on your leaf the discoloration is extending on into the leaf and I don't want to give you and disinformation so I can not help you.

No apologies necessary. I'm not too worried about it. I'm running from seed, and the plants are showing varying degrees of symptoms. If this were a clone run I would be much more inclined to dial it in, but their overall health right now is good. When I choose my keeper I will definitely dial it in, but this run I just want to see how they all respond to the base feeding program.

I've been doing slight supercropping to keep the canopy in check. So far I've only done it to the main stem, between the 5th and 6th nodes. For probably the past week, every day or two I would spin them in my hand until they could go a full rotation in either direction. I then bent them so they were pointing straight down. I did actually do it with one or two plants on the two sideshoots from the 6th node.


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I was just checking out the plants and remembered I hadn't given many details of the Tropf Blumats so far. I've got them all dialed in to 1 drip per 4-10 seconds, and I haven't seen any runoff in days. There is a very thin layer of dry coco on about 50% of the top of each container, but the coco is visibly moist. It ends up being roughly 1 gallon per day.

After I wrote that last sentence (1 gallon per day) I made a little spreadsheet in excel to figure out nute costs. If the 1 gallon per day stays constant... which I don't think it will, the plants will drink the more they grow. But if they only used 1 gallon per day, it would cost less than $10 for the whole grow. Even if they end up using twice that much, it's less than $20. :dunno: :) These prices are figured when buying the smallest nute containers available... larger quantities = cheaper grows.


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Day 5

Day 5

Here's what I saw when I opened the cabinet today. :)

I like this picture here... every plant looks very similar to this. You can see the two shoots coming from the fourth node out of the bottom of the frame. Shoots from the fifth node are pictured in the lower middle of the picture, and then you can see between node 5 and 6, I've been twisting and bending to let the lower nodes catch up. All tops are within an inch or two of each other now, I'm pretty confident I'll be able to keep an even canopy. :) I am very happy with stem growth on these. I can't say for sure if it's the silica or not, but I plan on continuing to use the Pro-Tekt in future grows. :yes:

Here are all five of the plants, pictured individually from the top. You can see all six tops in all but the fourth one pictured... not sure where I tucked that one. :dunno: :biggrin:

And here they are after a little trimming underneath to allow me better access to the tropf blumats, and the supercropping to keep the canopy level.

Once the stretch is stopped, if the tops of the plants are more than 8" away from the bulb I'm going to lower the hood as close as I can without taking light away from the outer plants.


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What is the best rate to have those Blumats on? Wouldnt you want a little run off now and then to exchange old and new nutes and oxygen? I am very interested in them, but not sure what the best way to use them would be. I am hand watering coco right now for the 1st time. It would be nice to automate things, but plant size, pot size, and environment would effect the rate of flow. Hope things are working well for you, will follow. Good luck