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medical license success!!!!!!!

Nah, I don't think I know him but it is hard to say because my memory is most effected by trying to place names with faces. If double D owns a hydro store in Hali then I do but if not I don't think i do. That is a freakin sweet deal.

What type of system did he create?


Active member
he grows 4 pound trees for medicial growers, his best yield to date is 43 pounds from 10 plants and 10 or 11 lights, d

mr noodles

everything was signed and stamped but health canada refuse my license not because of me , because of my specialist who didnt told me he cannot prescribe narcotics....under the law even if its stupid and impossible

..marijuana is classified as a narcotic by health canada and my doctor lost is license to prescribe any narcotics

i had a nice fucking phone call and a letter and no license

i am screwed ...fuck the mmar fuck health canada, fuck the human right commission who dont do nothing for canadians if they are born in canada (...) i should be muslims and cry about something to have some respect by them....

its the absolute horror in my case ...denied by helath canada because of bureaucratic administrative technicality that have nothing to do with me at all, my chronic disease are enough to fill b-1 and b-2 10 x times

fuck health canada and this stupid program , fuck the conservative because health canada confirmed me they will make shit and pull a shitload of license in a near future, they will reduce everybody to 3 g max and they will pull you right to grow and dg...they know the court will reverse all of this byt it will take years and years
rob nicholson declared he is at the mmar program and health canada confirmed to me

in fact the person at health canada told me she was afraid to lose her job in a near future and she was kinda emotive .

long story short...i got health canada paper filled on my walls here but no license !

they told me to find another doctor or specialist to sign my paper..i have an apointement with another specialist in 7 months...it will be the first time i will meet him and of course i cant talk about mj on the first apointement...so i am screwed for at least a whole year if this new specialist end to agree...if....if....but likely not like all the other white coat money grabber they call doctor

and polcoa if shit hit the fan !

so jail me steven harper
They are lying to you Mr. noodles, the specialist does not have to have the ability to prescribe narcotics??? They just have to give their medical opinion that your condition can be treated with Cannabis. HC will not approve any application not supported by the specialist, but if you fit into category 1, you don't need any specialist report.

But we have got into this before regarding what you "think" about the MMAD future. I understand that you are very frusterated as I would be too, but if you really believe that HC is going to do this and that and that the Conservatives have the power to close the program, then why are you still trying to get your license??? I think that we both know that the government does not enforce the law, the courts do, and if the courts have moved in the total opposite direction, your claims have no real basis. As I told you recently, HC lost the ability to one allow each DG to grow for only 1 person, HC is trying to dance around the law, which has caused them to be taken back to court for more clarification on the Supreme Courts previous ruling, which is GOOD for patients and not the government.
@ mr noodles,
If your in SW Ontario, I may be able to help with a GI specialist that you can ask on your first visit without having to beat around the bush...
After 10 weeks of having sent out my application, just found out that HC just received my forms back from the college of physicians and surgeons on the 18th. Shouldn't be much long now I hope.
God Speed


Active member
thanks for letting us know mr n. that is a petty state of affairs, and like anything in this world, the people whom may not need the most get, the people that need the most get fucked, and the people who dont need at all get the most.

its the same bs with workers comp, public insurance and all the rest of the currupt corporations. i would bring up cannabis on my first visit, becuase tht is what i did. i told my gp that i use a natural alternative to oxycontin, i told her marijuana, and she found me a compassionate specialist.

all our doctors know eachother in one way shape or form, from meetings, gossip and conventions, d

mr noodles

we will get rid of the conservatives soon or later if we fight enough , thats why i still want a legal license !

they dont lied to me read the front page of formula b-1 and b-2

and health canada wont issue a license if your specialist or gd is ban to prescribe narcotics .health canada consider medical marijuana as a narcotic , i dont agree either but i cant do shit about it .

worst , my specialist is now facing a sanction from is prof order because of this . in my province they hunt the dg/specialist who prescribe mj .

my gd dont want to sign a damn paper ...and now last week or 2 weeks ago rob nicholson made severals statement in the media regarding the mmar , did you read it ? now i dont know if i am sad or happy to avoid being under the radar if they decide to break teh law and fuck the mmar upside down

i learned something of that drama...i know exactly and in detail how the system work...its a start to win the war !

lets fight !


Active member
the only thing i can really complain about is the waitng game for specialists in canada. in the states, u either pay or flash your insurance or benefits card and voila, yer in, d


Active member
ps, i knoiw for a fact if there really isnt anything wrong with you, and you arent currupting an official, its virtually impossible to get a license.

if you have legitimate reasons, you have to know cannabis wont cure or mend you without a holistic lifestyle, subject to condition obviously.

be tenacious, dont give up, do your best, d
You only require a specialist report if you are a Category 2, that is what I said. And your specialist is in trouble, thats different from not having the ability to despense narcotics, a lot of GP and specialist can not prescribe controlled narcotics, that is not the same as your specialist being investigated or being placed under sanctions. Basically anything that this MD does is going to be scrutinized, but the specialist is not prescribing you anything as i said, the are giving a recommendation.
Very well said bro

ps, i knoiw for a fact if there really isnt anything wrong with you, and you arent currupting an official, its virtually impossible to get a license.

if you have legitimate reasons, you have to know cannabis wont cure or mend you without a holistic lifestyle, subject to condition obviously.

be tenacious, dont give up, do your best, d

Marco Renda

Active member
My GF is waiting to get resigned for 25 plants. License should be here in the next 6 weeks.

Good luck! There has been so many folks waiting for their renewal it isn't funny. There have been some folks waiting more then 12 weeks some as long as 16 weeks. If you don't believe me contact Kirk Tousaw as he has quite a few of his clients still waiting.

Take Care and Peace
I am actually still waiting for my new card, but it usually get fedex'd to me the day before my old card expires, so I quit worrying for this year


Active member
i had my renewal in 6 months in advance, and they never called me about a couple complications, so now il be getting it 6 months late, thanks for the support and prowess in management hc, d


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
Health Canada doesn't have a light limit do they?

I can't find anything on it.

Im gonna set up a 25 light, 25 plant legal grow.


Active member
health canada is like master p when it comes to lights, no limit uuuggghhhhh! d
yup, lol, but you gotta watch what you have in storage, because its all about plant numbers and dry storage weights... Also tho remember that HC counts everything as plants in limits, including seedlings and unrooted clones, so watch out for the minor details.