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Im very sorry for not uploading my pictures, i still have them on my camera

I have been ill but I am better now.


Registered Non-Conformist
AMS is safer than any 'Merkin City I have ever been in... Street Crime exists, but is much more rare than in say San Francisco.

In any big City,if you act like an idiot, you may pay...

If one is concerned about being victimized... Ride yr' Bike...!!

Johnnyla sounds like he was out of his element... And a bit racist .... If you stare at thugs, you may get followed...!

However, it is quite likely that a punk will find a more willing victim than any of the stoners here...! Americans are assumed to be sorta dangerous, anyways, based on our Society, and how it is perceived as it is shown on the TV.

Weekdays in AMS are low-key. Weekends are the primary time for the fools who come to town, and ALCOHOL is the main problem, then. Just avoid groups of British Football fans, they stand out BIG TIME>..

Keep yr' Head up, and after 1am, going into the RLD is not a great idea...

Otherwise, AMS is VERY safe.


Active member
my best picks were dhaula girl, black hash from bluebird; always oily, hawaiian snow, greenhouse.
the x18 is the best kush around; but is quite hard to find atm...

Hey man, where did you find X18? Visiting 'Dam briefly next month, and that's really something I'd like to try out.


just caught this thread been twice now with my girlfreind always feel very safe,police are very helpfull and over the combined time of 2 weeks only got stopped by one bum who was harmless enough we gave him a tinny and some stoopwaffles we had left over and a dealer going "you wanna flyyyyy" we where fucked and just pissed are selves walking off
if people think it scary or danjerous then you must be doing something to attract attention/being a douche as for smoke
the super polm in the greenhouse is a lovely smoke also the trainwreck nice evening smoke to help you sleep

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