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Hempy Bucket questions.


love machine
ICMag Donor
You can get away with feeding less as the plants get bigger, but as of now they are still small, meaning the roots didnt hit the rez yet, as soon as the roots hit the rez they will explode and you only have to feed every other day ( filling up the rez )

for the first few times 10% run off is good but in the long run you shouldnt have any run off.

i ran hempy and still doing it, love it!!! :D
LOL alright I will see what I can do, but I'm not around to water that often.

If you can't water but every 3 days... Your plant is going to stress out at very best or die at worst. Once a plant is established it'll suck down some serious fluids. Heck, by the middle of flowering in my buckets I was watering once in the morning and once at night. This is where the whole hempy thing becomes not simple and not at all convenient. I still love'm, though. :)


Hi all well i water with full strength nutrient mix when the plants are young 1 time a day and that is with HPS lites now as you see growth start i back off to 1 time every 2 to 3 days depends on temps but as they grow and agine it depends on temps size of plant from 1 time a day max to 1 times every 2 day max for larger mature plants.

Now we are talking plants with yields of a pound or over here cured and in 10 liter buckets i dont see the reason to water 3 x a day at most once is all you need and the reason i tell people to water daily wen you start seedlings off or freshly rooted clones is the top layer of the medium will dry out and as the roots have not headed down yet to avoid stressing or killing them you water daily until you see growth fact is perlite dont hold water like coco or rw but lower you go down moisture is trapped in the layers try it your self place your finger into the medium you will feel it.

The roots will not only head towards the rez they will infact grow into the rez and once the plant gets larger not only will it sux the rez dry it will suck the medium dry thats fact its really up to you as a grower to make your grow as simple as you like or as complex as you like but what really maters is the end result if your not achieving a descent end result then you need to re think how your doing things.

These 2 plants have both grown in perlite and in perlite vermic and 1 was grown also in coco all cured well over a pound each in 10 liter buckets and were waterd full stregth nutrients 1 time a day then every 2 days then back to 1 times a day as they needed it didnt mater wich of the mediums they were grown in same feedings and feeding times were given.

Keep it simple feed the plants as directed by the nutrient instructions and follow the basic formula i have given every one years ago and you can achieve results like i do nothing magical about growing cannabis people they grow very well in nature in harsh conditions only time they dont is when we over complicate things.


  • mangohaze.jpg
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  • ssh.jpg
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Well said! That ssh is a beauty!

How big do you generally let hempy plants get before you flower them? I'm wondering about ceiling limits and fast growing plants...

i dont see the reason to water 3 x a day at most once is all you need

Your Holiness, you're referring to the buckets. We're talking about the beer/coffee cups in which we start seedlings. Just after germination one could easily go 2 or 3 days without watering. However, once that little girl starts to outgrow her house the frequency must necessarily increase. Of course, it's all about plant:container size ratio.


hi CS the plants in the pics were vegged a max of 4 weeks i normally veg plants 4 weeks max if a plant gets to tall i ether train it side ways or i lop.

pray4pistils no im talking smaller to for a small seedling even a clone that's just shown roots has no need to be watered more than one time a day the plant is not taking that much up wat you only need to be worried about is temps and or heat from lites now unless some ones crazy inuf to place a 600 or 1000 hps a ft above young seedling or even freshly rooted clones 1 x a day is inuf i my self will only use smaller buckets or containers if i have run out of space and i have them in the mum space even then i tend to water every say 1 to 2 days as the medium below is still moist i mean you can do it as you like as can any one but im just saying it as i my self do it.

Lots don't even water daily me i stress the point people should with young seedlings or freshly rooted clones as the top layer of the medium will dry under hps lites and soon as you see growth its fine back off i also tell people to feed there plants most would be amazed at how many feed there plants only water yet cant work out why there plants are slow and un healthy well the fact is the medium has no nutrient value and unless you feed them nutrients there not being fed by just giving them water i my self have sed it and do just that i feed my seedling full strength nutrients mixes mixed as stated by the nutrient instructions sed on the bottle and do so as soon as the seedling has opend up and leaf has gone green.

Each to there own i guess we all do things different.


I dont think they need to be watered daily....do you? I go by how heavy it feels. When it gets light I water.

I do but only at the start as the roots are yet to head down to were it stays moist as i sed the top layer of the medium will dry and i basically gave people a fool proof way to grow and the formula is just that but people still screw it up it seams people can change from the formula but its about common sense if the top layer of the medium is dry well the roots will dry and thats not going to be good for a new seedling or a freshly rooted clone so by watering it daily until you see some decent growth wich means the plants roots system has also grown and headed down to the rez you be wise to water daily.

No one has to follow any part of the formula iv given ether but all i try and do is explane why and how to given parts to the formula all i can do and really its up to each person / grower to do as they feel after all its there grow.

But your plants are large inuf to have sent down roots now and if there heavy yes you dont need to feed them and i am thinking there not under large lamps yet ether.


in the thick of it
I feed my lil' ones daily and once their in true veg state, they get fed every other day. The plants in flower get fed daily too.