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Insane Clown Posse "Juggalo" New gang taking over the country?

headband 707

Plant whisperer
Let me put on some ICP and KKK jk lol,smoke some bud and laugh about you guys actually fighting about music lol lol lol.. REALLY ?? your going to throw down about this lol.. I'm pretty sure the ppl arguing about this group hasn't listened to one thing this band sings I would bet my next joint on that lol peace out Headband707


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
you can hand me that joint...lol.... in fact.... that reminds me.... yea brb..... maybe!


Smoked like 4 fat hooters of some fat stinking flowers yesterday and realized how much I do not give a fuck anymore about juggalos. All the fights I witnessed/partook in with jugalos was in like 8th grade when I was in and out of juvenile hall, so fuck I do not care anymore. My bad for starting that little shit tossing war, but forreal fuck ICP and that gay ass music.



and thats your point of view ,i only stirred the shit cuz i was bored and and some of the stuff said just didnt fly with me but whatever to each his own


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
bands like linkin park and slipknot and icp are marketed towards confused and depressed 14 year old boys... make songs about how everyone sucks and nobody understands you: people who think everyone sucks and nobody understands them will buy it.

add in the "listen to this/join our group and you'll be accepted" part, and you have a platinum record :joint:



like i said i dont just listen to them ,i have a very large range of music i listen to
I'll admit in my younger days I used to listen to them, but back then it was just about music. Not dressing like clowns or joining roving gangs of clowns. I dunno man.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
hey IW, i wasn't calling anybody out, at all :joint:

this kid at my work said it best "you're just makin fun of them cuz you're jealous" LOL! i cant say that i'm jealous of EVERYTHING they have/do, but yeah, the fact that they got rich as hell off of something so simple/dumb (in MY eyes, not speaking for anyone else) kinda makes me hate them more lol



i never was into it like that ,i dont have any buddies who are juggalos.i never wanted to go out and join a juggalo gang or anything like that.


see if things would have been said in a cooler matter i wouldn't have went off like that ,but you do have to see it from mine point of view ,when you get fucked with because of my taste in music you can only take some much.so if i said things to people to offend them my bad


shit theres esham,king gordy, r.o.c,masta mind ,natas and killa c just to name a few .i wouldnt go that far to say icp is the biggest name in horror core


there is jedi mind trick,apathy,ill bill ,necro,and the wold pac.the lead guy for the wolf pac was co-founder of blood hound gang.


all those cats are awesome.i would like to see necro live ,i hear they all put on an amazing live show


I saw Ill Bill rocking some La Coka Nostra gear at an airport in Vegas a few years ago, dude's brutal.


Personally, I do agree with Icp/Juaggalos or whatever, on average, to be rather trashy, and kind of awkward in some fashion, but we can't really judge all of them just because there seems to be allot of crappy ones, so it seems..
This may not be true, but-
I think its like this, any where from...maybe 60-to-45 Percent are pretty much severely crappy to pretty crappy/sketchy... stay with me here....

40-to-55 percent are kind of sketchy, but are ok people for the most part, maybe they have crappy friends who are in the upper percentile or a crappy home-life, or both.. Maybe they once where in the upper percentile, but matured a bit as they grew older.

The rest I figure, are decent relatively normal people who either once or still do, so happen to like this music/lifestyle . Out of all these people, I believe I've met two, who I would consider being in the lower percentile. they weren’t total pap smears wearing makeup and acting all cracked out and hard assed. And they weren’t that big into icp.

I’ve also come across super arrogant wanna-be hard ass, outstandingly annoying smelly crappy Robotardistic juggalos in my time too. Their the funny ones. . . Seriously.

Though, I hardly see any icp’ers anymore, I think most of them are in high School.

Just about Every Time I go to an airport though, I see someone really obese and kind of akward, wearing a cannibal corpse t-shirt, its started to kind of freak me out, but not really, its just really strange. Different person too, obviously.

Then there’s the super goth people you seen out in the middle of no-where - Some of them don’t seem so bad.

I've always hated icp and diskliked some of (pretty much all of) their fans, mostly because the ones I came across where obnoxious and kind of dirty. THough to be honest, I didn't dislike the fans just because they liked the music, I don't really care what people like as long as they don't try to make me listen to it (Long car rides can be hell with some friends).


there are some trashy juggalos/juggalettes i am sure of it but not every one is a piece of shit or doesn't have a job or whatever.i have known some pretty cool people who lo's/lette's who had some pretty good jobs and made it through high school