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House and Garden people. Can i see your feeding program?


Active member
I have been using H&G Aqua Flakes for about 4 years now. I use Aqua Flakes because I never have to adjust my pH. Multiple locations in multiple states and it always works great. Depending on the strain, some like more Ca and Mg so I have been adding 5ml CalMag+ per gallon with great results. I pulled 1gpw with my last harvest on this formula.

Here is a basic break down of what I use.

Canna Coco with nothing else added.

Early Veg
10ml A/B Aqua Flakes
5ml CalMag+
5ml Liquid Karma
1ml Roots Excelurator

Late Veg
12ml A/B Aqua Flakes
5ml CalMag+
5ml Liquid Karma
1ml Roots Excelurator

Early Flower
10ml A/B Aqua Flakes
1.5ml per gallon Big Bud powder
5ml CalMag+
5ml Liquid Karma

Mid Flower
12ml A/B Aqua Flakes
1.5ml per gallon Big Bud powder
5ml CalMag+
5ml Liquid Karma

Late Flower
10ml A/B Aqua Flakes
5-10ml Overdrive
5ml CalMag+
5ml Liquid Karma
thanks for this info Pico, your posts have helped me go far with the H&G line, and iv'e been sitting on a set of aqua flakes for awhile and i think i'll give your recipe a run..again...BIG thanks dude!


ok just so everyone knows it is the B'Cuzz Coco brand that is causing the problems, I didn't flush it out and I'm paying the price. I need another bag of coco anyways so it looks like I'll be flushing out some Canna brand here soon.

I woke up to some pretty happy plants. I flushed them because I think I slightly overferted, no worries though. They look green as fook so we're happy.

Not sure why that is, I use the bcuzz and never rinsed it ever and never had any issues early on in veg or flower. Minor deficiencies week 5-7 will make some minor tweaks and take care of that.


Active member
Hey Pico, I assume when you say 10ml A/B Aqua Flakes you mean 5ml A and 5ml B? I have read most all of your posts regarding the usage of Aqua Flakes and it seems you got it diled in quite nicely. I have been having problems with the Aqua Flakes ever since I moved out to well water. Funny thing is is that its only 70ppm from the well. Also, the pH never stops climbing. This happened when I was on EWEB city water and on the well. Any thoughts?

10ml A and 10ml B.

Sorry, don't really have any insight in to why your pH keeps climbing. You might try to get a water analysis. Are you only using 5ml of each A and B? Depending on your setup, I would consider upping the strength, that will help bring the pH down.


Active member
IVE just finished a test grow from a sample box of the simple H+G range after using mostly canna range with silica. I found it easy to use with both tap and RO water, doesnt PH adjust as well/easy as canna but whats a few extra drops of down cost ya. OVerall a good nute a totally different shade of green foliage vs canna but i notice every nute will slightly alter folige colour i feel its flower nute maybe lacks some P+K.

OVerall a 7.5/10 without taking price into account I never paid for it, my local shop only had space for 1 or 2 New NUtrient ranges they chose CYco nute over H+G and Nutrifield which apparently produced the better final product.

IN 10litre pots of canna coco drip fed to waste,
coco A/B flower 1.0ec upto 2.4ec
Root excelurator .3ml/litre found at this dose it didnt really compare to rhizotonic yet to updose but is better than no root booster atall.
there Enzymes
Bud xl (Boost)
shooting powder wk 5, wks6/7 canna PK
+ budlink silica

wk 6 Bigbud just before the weight was added via PK 13/14 shoot powder just didnt do the do for me.

wk 6

wk7 Bigbud

wk 5 white rhino

wk5 of 12 to14wks White widow, LOOked like the lame duckling the whole grow wasnt till after i harvested other strains around wk 9 the widow came to life bulking and frosting up. I doubted this strain but given some time she can be quite an enjoyable stoney stone.

I feel like I show throw my story into this thread as well as it seems to fit in with some of the other problems mentioned. I have dealt with these issues last run and am still facing them with the current project.

I am running 3gal Royal Gold Basement Mix, didn't flush it though. I am starting to feel that the problems may just be in the poor quality of the Basement Mix. I love the stuff from certain applications but it seems like it may be the issue to my Cal / Mag / P / K issues that seem to be happening.

I'm honestly stumped. I've tried running the H/G agro formula, it worked great for the first few weeks but I was quickly coming close to some serious burning once the Top Booster was about to be added so I scaled back to the normal. I am at week 6 now, using the Shooting Powder and the full H/G line. The only thing I don't really use is Magic Green because it's such a mess and I feel weird spraying flowers at this point.

The first round I was using a RO filter, I played around a lot with Cal / Mag, adding in tap and other things I had read but nothing seemed to really get them out of this rut.

This run I am using filtered tap, at about 80ppm. It seemed to help a bit with the cal / mag issues that would occur early on but as soon as I started getting deeper into the weeks the old problems showed up again.

I should also mention that is mostly effects the middle stripe of the canopy that is directly under 1000w hps. The plants are not getting light burn IMO but it does seem that the higher intensity light is causing the slight amount of stress that triggers these problems.

Can anyone help? I am pretty much ready to just ditch the basement mix for the next round and either go with canna or biobizz, flushing it intensely.

I'm really looking for some help here. I'm at the point that I've done so much that I'm going a bit crazy and losing sight of the bigger picture. I feel like there is something fundamental that I am neglecting that I really need to get worked out.


Usually the cal/mag pk issue boils down to how the coco is prepared. A lot of people (including myself) are heavily washing the coco before use and then applying full amounts of nutrients to "charge the coco" as another IC member put it. Canna also makes a coco buffering product that is meant to do the same thing. This way your coco isn't stealing away nutrients that your plant would normally absorb.

Isn't it the ionic bond thats strong and pulls away the cations? I'm nowhere near a chemistry expert.

I know this basement mix is supposed to be nice, but there are a lot of brands that are very nice as well and people using the other top brands are still finding troubles similar to yours.
Then what can it be? Has there been any real answer to this issue yet? It seems like one that keeps coming up on the boards but there is really never any solution for it that consistently works.

I love H / G and don't want to switch from the line but it breaks my heart to have to live with these kind of problems.

They are still producing massive beautiful tops and flowers, it's just a leaf thing it seems.


Great posts. I really think were are getting down to something. But I really am not sure it's the coco cause i normally have these deficiencies later on....

I am hearing more and more that w/ magic green and maybe like once a wk max 2.5 mill gallon cal/ mag , you are fine I really think it is the not using magic green and the over calcium from cal/mag causing problems....

Most have not given just H&G a try, cause were used to using enzymes, fulvic's, silica's, vitamins etc....

The more i find out about H&g ( cause their product info is so vague (( Guess they have too cause of shipping)) the more i find out it all right there.....

And most ( including myself ) have these problems by mixing H&G with others.

Stick with it people I really believe in these nutes.

Back to my lab.


Out of the slime, finally.
I feel like I show throw my story into this thread as well as it seems to fit in with some of the other problems mentioned. I have dealt with these issues last run and am still facing them with the current project.

I am running 3gal Royal Gold Basement Mix, didn't flush it though. I am starting to feel that the problems may just be in the poor quality of the Basement Mix. I love the stuff from certain applications but it seems like it may be the issue to my Cal / Mag / P / K issues that seem to be happening.

I'm honestly stumped. I've tried running the H/G agro formula, it worked great for the first few weeks but I was quickly coming close to some serious burning once the Top Booster was about to be added so I scaled back to the normal. I am at week 6 now, using the Shooting Powder and the full H/G line. The only thing I don't really use is Magic Green because it's such a mess and I feel weird spraying flowers at this point.

The first round I was using a RO filter, I played around a lot with Cal / Mag, adding in tap and other things I had read but nothing seemed to really get them out of this rut.

This run I am using filtered tap, at about 80ppm. It seemed to help a bit with the cal / mag issues that would occur early on but as soon as I started getting deeper into the weeks the old problems showed up again.

I should also mention that is mostly effects the middle stripe of the canopy that is directly under 1000w hps. The plants are not getting light burn IMO but it does seem that the higher intensity light is causing the slight amount of stress that triggers these problems.

Can anyone help? I am pretty much ready to just ditch the basement mix for the next round and either go with canna or biobizz, flushing it intensely.

I'm really looking for some help here. I'm at the point that I've done so much that I'm going a bit crazy and losing sight of the bigger picture. I feel like there is something fundamental that I am neglecting that I really need to get worked out.

Get yourself a light diffusor.


Howard its seems like you are really detail oriented, I would suggesst you go to the infirmary with the issue with some good pics and all your details. Stick with it and I'm sure the ic family will help you get it sorted out. Lots of experience to help out in there.

My .02c on your issue is well still being formulated. I have some similar issues as my plants are gorgeous but have a we bit of stress on different areas of the plant. Also all strains are a bit different.

I added 5 ml of cal mag plus a few days ago (first time) and the plants did not like it at all. I flushed and now gonna go to adding once a week and more only if the plants tell me to. I also run a really hot mix so I may need to back down on the other additives since calmag is fairly hot itself.

For the record they were all PERFECT in every sense of the word until about end of week 3 when the imperfections started, again the flowers are perfect but im sure it could be better.
Also I use the bio biz and cann coco and never flushed EVER and didnt have issues until mid flower

I feel like I show throw my story into this thread as well as it seems to fit in with some of the other problems mentioned. I have dealt with these issues last run and am still facing them with the current project.

I am running 3gal Royal Gold Basement Mix, didn't flush it though. I am starting to feel that the problems may just be in the poor quality of the Basement Mix. I love the stuff from certain applications but it seems like it may be the issue to my Cal / Mag / P / K issues that seem to be happening.

I'm honestly stumped. I've tried running the H/G agro formula, it worked great for the first few weeks but I was quickly coming close to some serious burning once the Top Booster was about to be added so I scaled back to the normal. I am at week 6 now, using the Shooting Powder and the full H/G line. The only thing I don't really use is Magic Green because it's such a mess and I feel weird spraying flowers at this point.

The first round I was using a RO filter, I played around a lot with Cal / Mag, adding in tap and other things I had read but nothing seemed to really get them out of this rut.

This run I am using filtered tap, at about 80ppm. It seemed to help a bit with the cal / mag issues that would occur early on but as soon as I started getting deeper into the weeks the old problems showed up again.

I should also mention that is mostly effects the middle stripe of the canopy that is directly under 1000w hps. The plants are not getting light burn IMO but it does seem that the higher intensity light is causing the slight amount of stress that triggers these problems.

Can anyone help? I am pretty much ready to just ditch the basement mix for the next round and either go with canna or biobizz, flushing it intensely.

I'm really looking for some help here. I'm at the point that I've done so much that I'm going a bit crazy and losing sight of the bigger picture. I feel like there is something fundamental that I am neglecting that I really need to get worked out.
Thanks. I have been planning to do a proper write up on the problems in the infirmary but have been being a stoner about getting a cable for my cam so I can get some pics up of the problems.

I am starting to lean towards the feeling that the Basement Mix is far too hot coming right out of the bag. I need to flush the stuff out first but now I'm thinking I should just ditch it totally, run 66% coc 33% croutons and stick hard to the normal formula of HG.

What one previous poster was saying could very well be right. A lot of this issues come from dancing off the HG suggested applications. It seems like if I have a bit of faith in it that it may just work out.

Anyway, I'll keep you all updated if I do have a breakthrough moment and figure it out. It doesn't seem like there is really anything I can do for this current run though.
I should also add because I dont think I previously mentioned it that on the first run I was adding in Cal Mag to my RO, started way low at 1.5 ml per gal, went slowly up to 4 before I saw that the road I was going down was the wrong one and that just dumping cal mag in there is just going to burn other plants that were still looking great.

I'm done with the cal / mag for now until I go back to RO in the next room. My water runs at 7.1 with 80ppm so I figured that maybe the RO water was doing it.

Same issues as you though, everything continues to look stunning while in veg, and the first few weeks of flower, they start creeping in around that 3rd week.

I've also heard that HG phases out some of the N in the line that is supposed to be replaced by the Iron that is in the Top Booster when applied. This is suppose to swing you back from the general yellowing that is going down around that time, along with the magic green should bring them back. This sounds great but still doesn't explain this pesky Cal Mag issue.

They are still swelling, yeilding and producing beautiful flowers, but I can't help to think that they would be doing better without this issue and I'm sure others know the sinking feeling of walking into a room full of sick plants. just wish I knew how to make em happier.

thanks, sorry for the ramble.
I am starting to lean towards the feeling that the Basement Mix is far too hot coming right out of the bag. I need to flush the stuff out first but now I'm thinking I should just ditch it totally, run 66% coc 33% croutons and stick hard to the normal formula of HG.

What one previous poster was saying could very well be right. A lot of this issues come from dancing off the HG suggested applications. It seems like if I have a bit of faith in it that it may just work out.

Not only am I committed to rinsing my coco before use to avoid another mix that is a little hotter than I want; I also am convinced I need to rinse the coco with something like Merit(imid...) to get rid of any unwanted tenants in the coco. I really hate the fungus gnats!!!

I am thinking of something like a rotating plastic compost bin to be able to rinse a few bags at once, but easily get the coco back out. I am afraid of trying to dig coco from the bottom of a 45gallon "brute" garbage can; my back isn't happy enough to shovel the crap out of a deep can.:)

Am I the only one who thinks they get Fungus Gnats in their coco?:crazy:

I see them often enough that I am hitting most fresh transplants with nematodes quite early. I love those little guys. Once you figure out how to really give them a good start at fighting the fungus gnats in the first few hours of application they work great. I've found that watering with them in plain water, maybe just a bit of root ex just before lights out sets them off right, nematodes hate the light and the few hours they get to groove in the dark usually has them eating up most of the larve and starting a positive eco system in there.

hope it helps!


Active member
well it sounds like you know something...

i'm wondering if the people having similar problems are using tap water like me, if there was an insane amount of calcium in the tap mixed with that decent amount of cal in A part (which people are over nuting already) then that could be a potential reason for these issues

it seems like the consensus is were all developing a few deficiencies, at least potassium for sure, its possible that the excess cal is locking out mag (probably assisting in keeping K from being absorbed too) and doesnt coco already like to suck up potassium?

I use tap water (shame on me), but my tap water is only 60ppm and I've never had any issues. I ran my last 2 grows (first delve into hydro, but dirt grower for years) with GH and heard about the H&G sample pack giveaway and got hooked up. I've been running bubble buckets and having awesome results. The plants are all healthy as hell, no discolorations at all, all the leaves standing up like a 16 year-old with a stiffie. I decided I didn't like the bubble bucket thing for a couple reasons that are particular to my situation. I've since gone over to coco and got the H&G Cocos bases and my youngsters that are coming up for the next round are just kickin ass. I also have a few clones in the coco that are also looking strong. I wish these companies wouldn't be so veiled on what their additives and supplements do (or are supposed to do). I'm running my regimen by following the website's nutrient calculator. I'm no expert, but I like what I see so far. I've got about 5 more weeks to go, so I have plenty of time to change my mind. I just got to the point in the schedule where I'm running Bud XL and next week go to that along with the Top Booster. Their description of these items really seems to say the same thing, but are 2 different products with different feeding regimens. Then, there's no explanation other than gobbledigook about what Algen Extract is all about and there's no sign of it on their nute calculator. I've heard really scary things about the shooting powder and I'm not sure what I'm going to do when it comes to that step. It's been a good ride so far...

mgk :tiphat:


Active member
Any one using "aggressive" formula ? Heard it will take care of any deficiencies .... lol

Yes please post feed regimen

I do use the 'aggressive' formula after the first 2 weeks of veg on the 'regular' schedule. I notice a little leaf curl when I start out from the git with the 'aggressive'. After the plants have a few leaf sets and are showing some nice vigor, I switch to the 'aggressive' dosage.

mgk :)