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My Box Set Up

Fresh Start

Active member
More pics.

More pics.

Some better shots of the whole grow. Looking good at the end of week 1 of 12/12. They love that simple lucas formula man. So easy. I think next time I'll switch the ratio to 6 and 9. Better for coco. Later lab heads.





Fresh Start

Active member
Lab heads are the best

Lab heads are the best

I've got these same pics posted in my micro thread but whatever. Its here for further evidence and your viewing pleasure. This is what they look like after two weeks and two days into flower. Peace Y'all.


Spooky Bud

Under the canopy sites.

Top down

Oh yeah, do you trim your plants at all lifeless? I had to get rid of some foliage underneath to allow some air flow.
The show must go on. I think i found a good carbon scrubber design that could be modified to the cab. Its over here http://forums.mycotopia.net/cannabis/8038-diy-carbon-scrubber.html copy and paste that link. scroll down some... i'm working with a 48 cfm fan. so i have to modify it to fit that. any input is great. help wanted.

good find, im going to start working on one in a week or so. still mothering out some clones so i can take a round of cuts for flowering.

Fresh Start

Active member
Carbon filter for the lab..

Carbon filter for the lab..

good find, im going to start working on one in a week or so. still mothering out some clones so i can take a round of cuts for flowering.

Yeah trichs! we can do this man. My GDP ladies are starting to smell up my house! Although they have a lovely sweet smell like a ripening melon, I have to cut it back.

My car is out of whack right now but when I get that up and running, I'm going to home depot to assemble one of these bad boys. If you run 4 inch ducting (like I do) then I'll be formatting the filter for that. the one displayed is way to big for the cab. I like that he bought an inline fan for only like 28 bucks though. AND its like 60 cfm! Oh shit i can hear it now... "The death-star is almost complete my master..."

This is the REAL link lifeless used to make his carbon scrubber. YEAH_UH! This is so legit. Don't know why lifeless couldn't just tell us about this.. Its all good man. You've done a lot. here it is: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=29402

I found some other things that are basically what we're aiming for. like this carbon filter
: http://cgi.ebay.com/4-INCH-HYDROPON...emQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item439dc6232b

And the inline fan @80 cfm for only 22 bucks. Hell yeah!

If I can make the filter for less than 32 bucks from home depot, then I'll do it. I still might have to get that fan. And maybe some activated carbon:http://cgi.ebay.com/1-lb-BEST-quali...emQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item439c260075
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Fresh Start

Active member
I've been hanging out at a bar all night. (DRUNK text) But check this link out. It's clean and easy. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=103322

Not only that but look at this link that explains how big your carbon scrubber should be (approx. 3 inches long for a 40 cfm fan which is what I have) for this type of scrubber. http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=31679

Man, I'm just gonna try the scrubber sock method and if that is not strong enough for my GDP plants, then I'll try the "pro" diy model scrubber. The pro diy model will cost 20+ bucks while the scrubber sock is only like 8+bucks.

Lifeless has taken a vacation. It's up his acolytes to carry the torch.
HOLY SHIT! FreshStart you are my new best friend! That 1st link was exactly what I was planning in my head EXACTLY! Gonna overkill it abit and make it 8-10" long or so. That attached to a 45deg. 4" pvc attached to the top of the cab will work out perfectly I hope. Even drunk, you got your head on straight homie. Get home safe now, ya hear?

Fresh Start

Active member
Dude glad to see you're up at this hour! Yeah I took a taxi home.Many whiskey shots later... lol But anyways..

I'll try to take some more pictures of how I fixed a dryer adapter to the top of the box. Makes for easy installation of 4 inch ducting. Thanks trichs! BFF!!!! LOLOL

Pics of where my ducting starts. My scrubber will go ontop of this piece.

eye candy of what I'm up too end of week three of flower.
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~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Good informative threads just don't die off they just get better with age.
Peace LL

Fresh Start

Active member
End of week 4 update

End of week 4 update

Check this shit out man. This is great stuff.



And my new scrubber sock. The smell is cut back by 70-80% not completely at all. I might have to upgrade down the road.


New member
Looking mighty purrrrrrrty ;)

Thanks for the links on the scrubbers too, I'll probly have to be going that route soon, haven't checked it out too thoroughly yet.


New member
Building my first Lifeless Grow Box

Building my first Lifeless Grow Box

Hey hows it going? Im building my first box this weekend and I have a few questions. First off Ive read this thread over and over and Im amazed. Well my first question is about air flow. Im gonna make a carbon filter for the exhaust and I was wondering if the filter will restrict my air flow? If I have two 2inch intakes is a 4inch exhaust big enough? I was thinking about putting dryer sheets over the intakes because this will be kept in the garage. That leads to my other question.

I live in So Cal and during the summer its hot here. Sometimes 7+ days of 100 degrees. Its gonna be in a corner and out of sunlight but any ideas of how to help cool down the box. I read that you could put frozen bottles in there but what about the moisture it creates. This has to be very stealth so I cant hook up an A/C or anything.

Should I have a fan inside the box to keep the air flowing or are the intakes and exhaust good enough?

Last question: I read someone put cat litter at the bottom to help soak up any water run-off. Is that a good idea or is it better to put in drain holes and have the box slopped? Thanks for all the help.


Well-known member
Thnx Boom

Great Buds fresh any new pics ?

Sin im gonna post a inline fan i made for my last box that works great with a scrubber. I have a scrubber made for the box but im trying to make it smaller to fit inside the box. The link fresh posted seems to be what i was going for. Your Gonna be looking at a 10+ degree diff between your box temp and the ambient temp where the box is. not to much you can do about that. A fan is a must for air movment in the box. Im not sure about the cat litter but i can say it sounds messy at the least. Go with the drain holes there easy and get the water runoff out of the box. Sorry about the delay getting to these ?s. Work sux. Be safe Peace LL

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