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Turn or not to turn?


New member
I've read enough about vertical growing and decided to give it a whirl. The first time I read about vertical was a post by Prawn Connery and after one or two grows he decided not to turn his plants because the yield was not affected. I have to admit I want to give my plants a little spin once in a while - what are you guys doing?


Dr happy

Hey Stevie! The girls look great!

There is no need of turning them it actually takes energy that they would rather use for growing.


Active member
Hey Stevie! The girls look great!

There is no need of turning them it actually takes energy that they would rather use for growing.

agreed. try and train all the branches towards the light instead, and perhaps trim off the ones that are spindly and/or will not ever get enough light, so that the plant will put more of its energy into the branches that are receiving the most light.

eliminates popcorn "B" quality bud, and increases solid "A" quality bud.

:smoke out:


Turning is for horizontal. The equivalent in vertical would be raising /lowering the light.
looking at that pic, you should really flower now
what with the tube your not getting enough "overall growth"
as it don't seem your gonna get enough light penetration to reach the outer limits

you'll end up with alot of popcorn
unless you trim a bit back and concentrate production to the decent buds

cool tubes aren't that great for lighting they just keep the heat down used with a fan


Overkill is under-rated.
In my flat grows i've turned and got better yields, the outside popcorn gets some light so it has a chance to get some density. I also move plants from the outside ring to the inside, etc.

I'm about to fire up my first bare vert bulb grow though, and have debating rotation with myself. I thing if a bulb is in the middle and hangs in a ring of ~4 plants, the outside of the ring MAY get light from the adjacent light, if applicable, but if not, then I think they should be rotated to keep the plant more uniform. This is important in veg too, but I'm just rambling. I try to prevent popcorn buy pruning heavily. I like fat stalks and 6 budsites per plant so they all get fat colas!


i have been rotating a couple plants on the floor in my vert room, 1/4 turn per day, they don't seem to be doing any better than the unturned ones... i will probably stop.


I think it justifies clarification. Do you have a plant trained to grow around the light? Or a grid of plants with lights inbetween?

delta9x has the latter and swears by rotation.


I read somewhere that turning your plants will shift the energy of bud production into stretching towards the light... which means lower yield.

I also watched this video last night...


which claims a 20% increase in yield due to turning of the plants every day.

Personally, I have witnessed a stadium grow where the side of the plant towards the light was actually more mature than the one away (it had more red pistils). I also witnessed that the leaf growth on the non-lighted side was somewhat stunted.

Perhaps, if you lollipop the plant... you should not have problems with rotating.


Here is a similar thread.

I rotate and I have tried it both ways - not repeating something I have heard someone else say. Not saying that you cant get good plants by not rotating but sometimes they are one sided.

Someone in the above link said that rotating causes popcorn buds...please. I get forearm sized buds from a 150w.

All of these plants were around a 150w - In addition to being rotated they had to take turns being near the light.

fully baked

Don't rotate and trim the back if you're using a single vertical light source.


full time daddy
in the colisum i never did there was allways a light on top & bottem.... no need everywhere was bright...


Grow Clean.... Go Fast!
Well I am trying a vertical SCROG, so no rotation, but lots of training.... It makes it easy to water!


Active member
experienced with verts or "round rooms"

i got less weight with the ones i turned, and for some reason they werent drying up as fast as the ones that stayed stationary, SOO..... i stopped turning, and will not again:)


same strain? same size clones? same everything etc?

turn 2 or 3 of them, mark them, watch them and when dried weigh them. Only way to really know...


New member
I've decided to go with not turning. Tomato cages are ugly and give a little scrog effect but they are used to keep the buds from drooping.




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