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Calling all Tree top growers



Top shit guys!

Top shit guys!

This is a 2 gallon bag that uses gravity to water your plants. You can get extra bags too. Might be less on top than pumping from a stream maybe?

I would imagine you might have a sore back after the climb though with the 2 gal bags full of water, buuuut No pain, no gain!

I got to try and score me a strain that's going to bud quick so as to be able to grow outdoors in England.

Here is the site **Click Here**

Some good ideas in here lads.

Peace. :tiphat:


Active member


my drawing is for more of a "autopot" auto top off. THe rain would top off each plants rez wich would hopefully sustain it until next rain.

blumat drippers would be nice, im just trying to think CHEAP. but im sure its not out of reach for many! tryin to figure out how much $$ the old lady is gunna let me drop on the "plant budget"

ive already spent over 60$ on supplies haha! and its only february... shoot...


Dude first off BIG pops to bom for those pictures, fucking gnarly man.
Secondly what do you mean about putting nettles in the bucket?

crownedsparrow, i think Bom means compost when he says "nettles and other plants" like clippings... or what not.. all organicc style.

Exactly what i meant. If Plant material is left in water for a while, the water gets nutes.

Went up to the forest again today and put up a 90 litre bucket in the tree witht the 65 litre bucket. -10 degrees and snowing today. Super lite powder snow. A magical day. So beautiful to be in the treetop all alone. Smoked a joint up there aswell, so the climb down was a little bit sketchy. he he.

Peace out guys


:laughing: wish I was up there with ya bro, sounds magical!

I know what you mean about the climb down LOL!



Active member


ive been wanting to go climb some trees! unfortunetly we've been getting blasted with snow.. over 6 inches in the past 6 hourss >.<

i might not score any luck as far as an early sping...

however i have started about 20 seeds, 12 of which are already popped and in jiffy pucks. should have some monsters this year...






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but how do u water it after:S

Hi ganjafarmer420.

If your on about my method with the drip bags, then you simply take the empty bag off the dripper wire and connect a new full bag. Hey presto your ladies are getting watered again. (It works on gravity.)

If your on about the method Trev has suggested:
-The reservoir at the top collects rainwater
-This then moves into the reservoir of the first plant
-Inside the mini reservoir, there is a Wick, this is fixed between the soil and mini reservoir.
-As the soil dry's it absorbs the water from the mini reservoir via the wick, keeping the plants alive and well.
-The excess water runs off to the next pot and the process continues!

I think that the soil needs to be mixed well with bat guano, worm castings and other slow release nutrients as you will not be able to add them to the reservoir because of the rainfall levels affecting whatever solution nutrient is added to the reservoir. No rain=strong nutrient solution, plenty of rain=weak nutrient solution.

Correct me if I'm wrong guys-just trying to help ganjafarmer.


Hope that helped.
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New member
i understand thks redeye 420 ima try ur way in one forest and manuely for my other plants ill bee watching this froum love tha smart idea of tree growing and have sum sick strains to work with the outdoors(skunk#1 and super silver haze which i already did two outdoor grows and beautifull beasts is all i could say)ima start soon theres still snow here with no leafs wanna camo abit before start


Smoke weed and prosper
A common greeting among people that grow in trees isn't "Hi, how are you growing?" but more along the lines of "How high are you growing?"


haha, How many plants you tossing up in that tree BOM? Might want to get 2-300ft of poly tubing and a pump.

I'm gonna put about 3-4 pots in 3 trees. It might be ambitious considering watering, but i live in a very rainy part of the world, so hopefully that will help. They are not so far from my house, so hopefully I'll get time enough to handle it.

Don't know how many or what kinda plants I'll put up there yet, but I have theese strains to choose from:

-Diesel Ryder Auto
-Blue Ryder Auto
-Lalandia Erdpurt Udemix
-Nepal 08
-Purple Thyphoon
-Royal Dane
-Royal Dane x Thyphoon
-Thyphoon 09
-White Russian x Royal Dane
-Oldfarmer Nepal
-UK 08-09

Thinking of dedicating one of the trees to just Autos.

however i have started about 20 seeds, 12 of which are already popped and in jiffy pucks. should have some monsters this year...

What strains are u running?

Hopefully your plants are gonna be huge trev. Because of my lat. and my strains I can't start mine indoors until April and I'll put them out late may. Hopefully they will reach a good size too

Last year it rained every day (nearly) In Aug. and Sept. So all my plants got heavily attacked by mould.

Except for one spot.The plants on this spot were under some trees. That gave a lot of protection i think, because here, mould wasn't an issue at all.
Based on this experience I think the trees will be great. The reason for this, is that if the rain gets too heavy, I could easily build a roof for the plant using plexiglass(is it called that in English?) or just plastic. Then it would be like a greenhouse.:good:

Since this is my first time treegrowing I don't know how it will go with this project, but I intend to do all I can to see it through.

Here is a pick of the plants that were hiding under the trees and didn't get any mould:


And one more. The green stuff in the middle.....


Later everybody.


This is confusing, how secure are your plants? Wouldn't squirrels love to dig in the dirt and birds? Blue rope isn't exactly discrete either.