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gonna be scarce for a short.......


Active member

Brother, Get better soon! I was gonna give you some motivational roasting and shit-talking, but it seems like you might be in too much pain for that. I'll hold it in reserve until you're feeling a little better... You just lemme know when laughing about your situation will improve things for ya, and I'm happy to oblige! Until then, seriously, take care of yourself and PM me if there's anything I can do for ya. Feel better man, I'm roasting one to your health right now... It's getting me pretty stoned, so I think that means it should be working!

Get Well Soon,



Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Just sitting here a bit ago when I stretched/arched my back,

like a pack of firecrackers I felt a series of snap crackle pops,
the nerve in my leg is still flared hard but a huge amount of
pressure has just come off my spine. I know it'll load back up
again but the relief is welcome atm. This happened to me last
week also but the relief was for just a day or so.......

Thnx again for all the kind thoughts.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
you can file this one under, 'No good deed goes unpunished'. As I have
been feeling badly recently my dogs haven't been getting their normal
walks, catching/fetching frisbee, ice fishing outings etc, in short they've
been sedentary like me.

I have a stash of soup bones in the freezer & so I broke out one big cow
knee joint (I'd sawed in half already) & cooked the two 1/2's up for them,
my girls spent several hours gnawing on them but come 3am Mon morning
one of them yacked up all over my bed. Quick as shit I scraped it up and
started my washing machine up, the wash was only half done when I saw
that she yacked up in the big two dog kennel (full of bedding) also.......
I was thankfully done with laundry by 7:30am monday morning and just in
time to catch a nap before physical therapy @ noon. Came home to guess
what again? yeah, but thank god this time she went out to the concrete
floor which was a simple clean & bleach job.

never mind how my back felt having to bend and clean, if I didn't have that
cannabis buffer between me the pain and the stress I don't know how I'd
have managed. Weed is such a wonderful multifaceted pain/anxiety reliever.
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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I've been in some crazy pain lately & thought I'd light some fire under this old thread of mine and find out how many others out there are suffering moderate/severe/chronic back pain. I might mention my back pain in the Wake 'n Bake thread from time to time but I don't usually make a point of whining about it.

Pain levels of mine in the past.......
You know those 'pain charts' in the doctors office showing faces w/#10 being someone crying in pain? My pain level last year would then have to be an 11 or 12; the pain that shot down my left leg and through my lower back made me puke, it was that severe. I'd taken no narcotic pain meds (they make me puke too) as right before the moment that nerve let go I was in a regular 'moderate pain' level which I normally treat with cannabis.

The nerve let go while I was walking into the kitchen, it dropped me to one knee and I suddenly felt this incredible feeling of nausea, a bucket was nearby & I grabbed it just in time. This pain (last year) left me nearly bedridden & I lost 48 pounds in 28 days from muscle mass wasting due to inactivity, it was the unhealthiest of weight losses and it was gradually regained as I began to be able to eat again which was about 33-35 days after the start of that pain. I was on a liquid diet until then as liquids were easier to puke up, nothing was staying down. Caloric intake of mine was 100-200 liquid calories per day & I threw that up too.

Since the extreme pain issues last year I have NOT gone in for surgery as the risk of coming out worse might have left me in the state I described above & earlier in this thread. I was unable to go out and shop for myself, unable to walk my dogs when they needed to go out (bless their patient bladders 'n bowels) and generally I was limited to the 'Comforest' hospital style adjustable bed I bought for myself & an 'iJoy' ergonomic massage chair in my home.

Traction therapy helps a lot but it is very painful as it is akin to being put on 'the rack' an old torture device that stretches me out by pulling me apart @ the lower back w/well over 100#s of pressure, sometimes 120-130#s of pull.

anybody else having issues with lower back, disc and nerves?



man i which i was there to at least take out the dogs for ya....are you by yourself...i can't do nothing for you but fly a 747 over your place with love and pain relieving vibes....good luck to you with this issue.....if i could only take 10% of your pain from you..i would be glad to do it....peace dj


european ganja growers
ive had lower back pain for the last 11 year,,(heavy lifting done mine).......ive done the good old physiotherapy,chiropractor....and you know what...thay only made it worse.....

i feel ya pain bro,,well sorta,,,with the sound of it my sore back is shit compard to yours,,,,,ive never been sick from the pain, but close to dropping a tear or two, cant sleep for days, other parts get sore because you get scared to move ect ect ,,,,,

bro i dont know if your up for this shit....but when it comes to sore back anything worth a shot (if it dont cause more pain)

Acupuncher......i was watching some shit on chinese energy therapy,,,,its all about getting the chi energy running freely through your body again.....have a wee look there is loads of info on the net.....this is my last go at trying to fix my back...i wish you all the best bro...
but please if that dont work,,,,get the fucking OP,,its bound to be better than haveing your kinda back trouble for the rest of your days ......

stay strong bro
keep it green


c6 and c7 are herniated for me and have caused a lot of pain over the years... i too have avoided the surgery, but have taken prednezone(sp) orally to reduce inflammation, and it has helped a lot.
when my pain was acute i just wanted them to cut me - whatever it took to relieve the agony! lucky for me the steroid worked (5 different times) and i carefully avoid any risky behavior that would initiate another episode. i recognize that your condition is another order of magnitude and my heart indeed goes out to you.

sending healing vibes to you brother... may your days just get better.

wish i could send a bag of this chemdog...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Thanks guys, I'm able to bear the pain right now and my outlook daily is that the worst of my pain and problems are in the past.

When hurting badly I medicate heavily w/weed, when that doesn't work I go to the heavy narcotics I'm prescribed. they often make me puke and so I take another drug to take those drugs ~~~ I fought my doctor tooth and nail hollering at him that this was part of the trick of the drug companies but finally had to settle on compazine to fight the nausea the oral morhine causes me.



Stoner4Life, your outlook on life has helped me many times. Recently, I have dealt with some tough situations, and I just remember you saying "Think of the people who are worse off." That has helped me so much.

I am sending positive vibes your way. Stay strong.


Ol' Skool
ICMag Donor
Let me say that I can't relate to the pain you're experiencing, S4L, but I TRULY respect you and what you're going thru:bow::respect:
My experience with this back pain thing involves my close friend/fishing buddy/neighbor. He's had back surgery where they went in and put pins in to tie the vertebrae. well, he stayed down for several weeks. When he "healed", he started back doing things, and now the pins have "come loose" and the pain is back - which never really left. He's now on percocet, oxycontin, and takes those things by the handfuls EVERY day. He's given a month supply and sometimes uses them up before its' time to go back and has to get heroin to suffice until then. I've tried to get him to smoke weed, but he thinks it'll trip him out.
Peace and GOOD Karma to you, S4L.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor

compazine to fight the nausea the oral morhine causes me.

That stuff is the shits bro! I had to take tons of it and it really messes up your stomach.

You are in my thoughts bro. Big time.

Hang in there. Day by day. It too will pass.



ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear your in pain bro,a friend of mine who broke his back in a car accident .Has been on oxycontin for years now.He still gets spasms and pain.Just last week he started trying acupuncture,says it is helping him alot.Anyhow hope for a speedy recovery for ya,don't be a stranger...

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