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Sour 60 grow

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transplanting won't induce stress unless it has been done to late or hastily. I disagree about auto's not needing room... Try planting in 6 inches deep then try planting in 12 inches deep and see how different your plants look.


I'm using 1 gallon grow bags for the first time right now and I have sour 60 roots coming out the holes in the bottoms after a month so I don't know what to tell you other than everybody will have different results since we all have such different conditions and environments.
Hey Gene-weaver, dont sit in on these threads looking to rip peoploe for trying to help out someone. I dont like your attititude, or the nasty PM's you left me.

i dislike some of the things you said also bro but thats done and dusted il stay out your way you stay out mine, im simple saying the guy has gave bad information before, and these THREADS as you put it, doesnt need false information, so unless you know it to be a fact dont say it, you can over nute plants, fact, and that was my point, i dont like this guys attitude danzig but i dont follow him around abusing him, i said what i said previously in this thread because he is giving more dis information, and roor check my profile for pics mate, i got nothing to prove to you! or anyone else here i try to help when i KNOW what im saying will help, but you cant over nute a plant bro? thats horse, i barely ever come to these threads the past two weeks and its because of this kind of mumble, sorry bout the thread jack,
Well Roor They are on a 24 hour light cycle and yes I started with Fox Farms. I started adding Big Bloom around or after the 3rd week. As for testing PH of runoff I haven't done that as of late and I think you make a good statement about checking. I do however boil the water i plan on feeding the plants then cooling it before feeding. However that doesn't garuntee a set PH. I know I'm still very much a novice at this I appreciate all the help from all of you. As for the container size we went with 2 liters for approximation of space.


Boil your water? Try getting a water filter or do some reverse osmosis. What is your reasoning for boiling it? Boiling your water will literally remove all dissolved oxygen from it.
Ok these pics I'm putting up today I need some expert advice about the yellowing leaves. I've been told it's better to cut them off so the plant doesn't spend nutrients on a discolored leaf. I have yet to trim them because I don't wanna stress the plant more then I already have. Without delay here are the pics. Also thank you all for the warnin on the boiled water I have completely abandoned that method of purification.


Looks like they are either too dry now or still over saturated? I would suggest to leave the leaves as they are still able to photosynthesize and they don't seem to be blocking anything.


MR meds is correct leave them on, the leaves are going yellow because the plant is using SOME sort of nutrient in them. By taking them off early you are in essance speeding up the lose of more fans. Since it isn't using from the one you took off any more it will go to the next. Your plant is motabalizing stored energy to make buds.

I knew you were taking them off your plants got more sparce as time went on. The dead/dying leaves are a help to us to diagnose the issue as well.

If you water with tap water get off of it pronto. Reverse osmosis water, rain water, snow melt water. First off good water, bad water helps to create nutrient lockouts, or salt build ups. What you are seeing is a deficency of some kind, i was going to say N def, but it looks good and green, it might be as simple as adding some Epsom salt to a few waterings. Cal mag def, i think i do a TSP per litre... i'll need a 2nd opinion on the exact amount..
What are you using for your fertalizer? Sorry if you've stated this, i just don't wana re-read everything.

You won't get those yellow ones to go back green, they are done. Leave them till they are dry and pull off easy. Might as well let her eat them. If you ever run lots of ladies this isn't really ideal as it helps promote mold, and it alot more work with #'s, you just have to stay ontop of it.

The wet dry cycle still isn't quite in sync, like Mr meds stated. The leaves will reach for the lights when you have it right. Your first pic is more what we they are looking for.

Can you get a pic of your soil so we can see how wet it looks? Olso the bottom of those bottles, what color are the roots? Healthy white or?

We are here to help mate. A little late to get your yeild back but you will be set for next time.



well judging by this grow sour 60 is definitely not the big yielder it was professed to be! i think it definitely needs a large pot for root growth to fully realise the potential seen in madanzigs pics! not a bad grow so far though!!


i think the buds just seem to be alittle airy, maybe a s60 x auto ak47 could bring some dencity to the s60,

your grow looks good man, keep it up, im sure youll be happy with your harvest
Alright we are well past halfway now this is day 35 and thanks to all of your advice they are starting to become green and lush again the yellowing leaves seem to be returning to normal. I'm hoping they will bounce back and be happy from here on out. I am posting individual pics for you all to see. I know I'm not done yet but TY all for being paitent with me on this I really do appreciate all the Advice and help.

Again it takes a community of knowledge for a novice like me to attempt this I am humbly grateful to you all lets see how this last 30 days goes.


make sure you leave them for aslong as poss, see how thick those buds can get,

im sure youll get more than 2g a plant, just make sure the light source is as close as poss,
I think 400w lights have to maintain about 1.5-2 feet away from the plant in order to not be burned.

But! May I say that they have bounced back rather nicely.

I think 1-2 grams per plant is severely undershooting, there is still like 25-30 days left. I will withhold judgment until we see them completely grown.


I think 400w lights have to maintain about 1.5-2 feet away from the plant in order to not be burned.

But! May I say that they have bounced back rather nicely.

I think 1-2 grams per plant is severely undershooting, there is still like 25-30 days left. I will withhold judgment until we see them completely grown.

They have, even since his last posting they are percking up! 30 days of flower will pack on some weight. I can not guess at this point what you'll get, lots of time left.

This will be a good test to see how well S60 can pull through in flower.

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