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HURRRR GOES!! (MY first grow)

Alright, good people of IC Mag. Be gentle, this is my VERY first grow. I seriously just started learning about all this stuff and while it's all very interesting, I've come to realize that it can be very complex and as most of you probably know, demanding. Here are some photos of my grow. There is some drying out of the leaves. Any feedback is very much appreciated. Lemmy know what you think, pleeease!




-Zoefresh :artist:


Hey mate, those lil'ones need to get transplanted into either bigger cubes, grow rocks or soil. But they definately are in need of more area for those roots to grow, as opposed to being mashed against that plastic tote you have them in. Best of luck with your grow man. We all gotta start somewhere, sometime....


New member
Hey Zoe,

Looks like you got some new clones going, what kind of system are you gonna put these ladies on?

Btw, they look fresh no pun intended, the dried up leaves shouldn't be a problem. You gotta plant them and give em some good nutes!

What strains are you growing?

Good luck!

I'm looking forward to seeing how this grow turns out...


love machine
ICMag Donor
what system are you running?
ebb flow? or just feed & drain ??

let us know, thsoe babies look like they need to be transplant insomething bigger,

best of luck my friend
so my initial idea was hydro. (grow rocks???) i mean, i want the best bud so i'm down for any suggestions. i'm looking into getting my girls a bigger area, pronto. growing that classic Bubba Kush! Any suggestions for nutrients??
Thanks, guys!!
Have you a local hydro store you can visit?

Would probably be a good idea going down and having a chat, as they can explain pros and cons far easier face to face, than we can on the forum. You will have a lot of people saying "do this" "no, do this" etc etc and it might get confusing!

Then once you've decided which way you want to go, you can get specific advice from the VERY knowledgable people who populate this forum!

I'm going simple simple, and will be hand watering COCO.

It gets as complex as you want it to be really :tiphat:
unfortunately the only hydro store near me is approx. 100miles away and the only set of wheels i have on hand is my bicycle. haha i've been hearing a lot about hydro and i think i want to go that route maybe a DWC system? however, i am trying to go simple simple on this one since it does happen to be my first grow. so what do you guys think?


Throw them into a potting soil mix. Keep it simple on your first couple of grows. Find some 20-20-20 fertilizer and a bloom fertilizer will look like (0-15-10). Don't overfeed your plants. Make sure you don't overwater either. Give them fresh air and good light and they'll grow just fine.

How much space do you have? What type of light do you intend to use? (Shoplight, CFL, HPS, MH, LED)
ok so can i use like my outdoor potting soil, the same stuff i use to grow my veggies? or should it be something specific? is there a certain brand i should keep my eye out for the 20-20-20 fertilizer? Thanks for the tips, btw!


New member
oH man that sucks...the good news is that you can google websites that carry products online to get your system started. Actually if you're thinking of a DWC, you can make that yourself with just a few things from a local hardware store. It will probably be even cheaper. :)
hardware store it is!! i'm all about getting great results for the least amount of money possible. i'm sure you guys know what i'm talkin about!! :-D


ok so can i use like my outdoor potting soil, the same stuff i use to grow my veggies? or should it be something specific? is there a certain brand i should keep my eye out for the 20-20-20 fertilizer? Thanks for the tips, btw!

Go buy some new soil. I'm actually testing out a soil brand currently with other plants (not marijuana) and its actually quite impressive soil. It is Epsoma Organic potting soil. Peat moss based and comes with plenty of beneficial bacteria/fungi. Also is a light and airy mix that only needs to be watered twice a week. If I were to use this stuff for MJ what I would do is amend the soil mix with 20% more perilite and another 1/4 cup of dolomite lime. It has both those in it, but could use a little more.

20-20-20 fertilizer, just buy whatever brand you find. Those cheap 20-20-20 liquid ferts that you can find in home depot are basically all the same. Use a little less than what they recommend on the bottle and you should be safe. pH test all the nutrient solutions before using. If you do not want to spend $40-50 on a pH pen find a litmus system or the GH test kit.

http://www.plantlightinghydroponics.com/general-hydroponics-ph-test-kit-p-273.html > GH Test kit

http://www.plantlightinghydroponics.com/milwaukee-ph51-waterproof-ph-tester-p-1692.html > pH pen

There are a lot of websites out there selling stuff. I only listed that one b/c I use it. Its close by and I get my stuff in about a day or two.


hardware store it is!! i'm all about getting great results for the least amount of money possible. i'm sure you guys know what i'm talkin about!! :-D

DWC is going to require more expensive nutrients, airpumps, and air stones. If you really feel confident about growing in hydro for your first grow go for it. But anything you do will have a greater and faster impact on your plants. Right and wrong. You do something right the plants will reward you by growing bigger and faster. You do something wrong and your plants are going to show you quickly that you are killing them. Soil mitigates some of the abuse by giving you more time to react to it and take action.

I do grow in hydro, but I started off in soil. You can get some very big buds from hydro.

i see what you're saying. So ultimately, growing with hydro will get me more bud sights but it's going to cost me more. I hear a lot about the quality, not only the bud size, coming out better with hydro, do you know if there is any truth to this?? I'm okay to spend the money on this stuff if it's gunna give me a beautiful grow, you know? Since you're growing hydro now, what method are you using? (if you don't mind me asking) thanks again :)


i see what you're saying. So ultimately, growing with hydro will get me more bud sights but it's going to cost me more. I hear a lot about the quality, not only the bud size, coming out better with hydro, do you know if there is any truth to this?? I'm okay to spend the money on this stuff if it's gunna give me a beautiful grow, you know? Since you're growing hydro now, what method are you using? (if you don't mind me asking) thanks again :)

The quality from my own personal experience comes down to TLC and genetics. You can take high quality genetics and still come out with crap if you don't know how to maximize the conditions for that strain.

The reason why most hydro systems do so well is because of the quality of roots. Roots = buds. Many of the systems are designed to saturate the root zone with high levels of oxygen.

Currently I use a bucket ebb n flo system. Floods 2 gallon buckets for 15 minutes and when it drains it pulls oxygen from the top down through the root zone. This happens 3 times per day during veg and 2 times per day for flower.

I got the TLC covered. As far as genetics goes, are you familiar with Bubba Kush's genetics? (I imagine that would be a great deal of help). Can the ebbn flo system be built? also, is it an automatic system, in regards to the flooding of the water and the amount of times it occurs each day.
Those pictures really illustrate a significant change, what hours were you using before 12/12? Do you have a photo of the roots before you flipped it to flower?

i apologize for the "20 questions" haha hope you don't mind!


I got the TLC covered. As far as genetics goes, are you familiar with Bubba Kush's genetics? (I imagine that would be a great deal of help). Can the ebbn flo system be built? also, is it an automatic system, in regards to the flooding of the water and the amount of times it occurs each day.
Those pictures really illustrate a significant change, what hours were you using before 12/12? Do you have a photo of the roots before you flipped it to flower?

i apologize for the "20 questions" haha hope you don't mind!

Well I never personally grew out bubba kush so I cannot say.

The ebb n flo is not the easiest system to create so I do not recommend it. I was only using it as an example. Yes it is an automatic system. I check rez temps, pH, ppm, and plants for insects once per day. Takes me about an hour give or take a few minutes. I used 18/6 for veg. No I never took a photo of roots. Its hard holding a plant up in the air and snapping a picture all by yourself. :)

No I do not mind the questions. Just shoot me a PM if you need any assistance. I still maintain you should start in potting soil and use a basic 20-20-20 fertilizer or a 2 part fertilizer you can buy off the internet.