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EasyRyder Smart pot 400W HPS



1. Complete hydration is a tad different than the standard lipped-nursery pots we've all used. When you apply your water start near the stalk and work out to the edges of the pot. If you start at the edge you'll see water coming out of the sides of the pot but the center area of the soil mass will not be fully saturated.

2. Re-potting is far more challenging with a SmartPot and I would strongly recommend that you don't attempt it until you have a couple of cycles under your belt. Starting your rooted cuttings into the final SmartPot will preclude a number of issues.



CC, Thanks for the watering and transplanting tips.. I picked these smart pots up after reading a few threads on here, as the concept seemed sound. After purchasing, I started wondering about watering, transplanting, and also moving these around.. I thought that maybe the roots attached to the sides of the pot would be easily damaged or torn in moving, so that is why I put them into 5 gallon milk crates.(not sure if needed, but received no real answer from the people at smart pots)
Luckily with the autoflowers there is never a need to transplant, so that is not an issue at this point.. I do have some regular strains to start in the next few weeks, and I'll do as you say, and only up-pot the one time, from rooted clone to final 5 gallon container..

I'm stoked that you have popped your head in here..The knowledge that you and Burn1/jaykush/ICC/vonforne/ctguy/ share over in the organic threads has helped me tremendously.

Clackamas Coot

Active member
CC, Thanks for the watering and transplanting tips.. I picked these smart pots up after reading a few threads on here, as the concept seemed sound. After purchasing, I started wondering about watering, transplanting, and also moving these around.. I thought that maybe the roots attached to the sides of the pot would be easily damaged or torn in moving, so that is why I put them into 5 gallon milk crates.(not sure if needed, but received no real answer from the people at smart pots)
Luckily with the autoflowers there is never a need to transplant, so that is not an issue at this point.. I do have some regular strains to start in the next few weeks, and I'll do as you say, and only up-pot the one time, from rooted clone to final 5 gallon container..

I'm stoked that you have popped your head in here..The knowledge that you and Burn1/jaykush/ICC/vonforne/ctguy/ share over in the organic threads has helped me tremendously.

Thank you for the kind words......

Like I wrote earlier, I have a number of years using this product in our commercial nursery stock business as well as for our MMJ grow (5 plants - big whop! eh? LOL).

There are some other 'auto pruning' pots out there that are interesting like the Air Pot from Caledonia Tree Company. Way over-priced (IMHO) but definitely an interesting approach.

If you have any specific questions about SmartPots/auto pruning pots in general please feel free to send me a PM and I'll do my best to get you a viable answer.




There are some other 'auto pruning' pots out there that are interesting like the Air Pot from Caledonia Tree Company. Way over-priced (IMHO) but definitely an interesting approach.

If you have any specific questions about SmartPots/auto pruning pots in general please feel free to send me a PM and I'll do my best to get you a viable answer.


CC- It was your original post about smart pots that I read that convinced me to try these. Those Air pots looked cool too, but the price... I see you have a supplier down the road, but nothing close to where I'm at..I'm trying to convince my local MMJ group to do a bulk order for savings, but it's still pretty high.. I'd love to do a comparison between the two side by side. I'm spending less than 1/2 of that on the Smarts, so until I can find the funds that test will have to wait.


Day 27

Day 27

Well, day 27 now..

first 5 easyryders seem happy enough. They are really starting to stretch their legs in the 5 gallon pots. The second 5 are coming along slowwwly. The

Last round my Lowryder#2's were in 2 gallons or less of soil in each pot, and quickly outgrew and were held back by the size. Hoping the 5 gallon size will help them reach full potential.

All 5 are cruising along, with even a genetic freak keeping pace with the rest. I'll have pic's of that one tomorrow.The leaf growth is healthy, but bizarre.

A few pics of a couple of them..




Ok, day 32..another weekend..

The first 5 easys are looking better, besides one plant. The curling is much better on 4 of them, with only a leaf here or there with any curl. The last plant, is just curling like mad.

Have only fed EWC first watering, and today they got EWC and a splash of L.Karma.

The tallest is now at 17" with the others just 1-2" lower.

The 2nd group of 5 is coming along around day 13, with the SS#1 staying lowwww.Barely up off the soil.

Some pictures..




From what i know this is toxic N shock. Seems odd you got it from so little ferts. I've got a 12/12 strain going right now that is sooo tuchy on N, any whiff of excess in waterings and you see the eagle claws fly.
She'll still produce however, but it sure is strange.

Loving the grow so far, it's nice to see grows of strains on your home forum it sucks trawling google some times.



BH- Yeah, this one will get plain waterings for the next week , or until she relaxes a bit.

The others have relaxed, and as of this morning, there is only 1 leaf per plant that has any curl on those. This one is just sensitive.
I'll start using the 2-3-1 fish on the rest of them on the next watering.

I probably should have waited to give them any 2-3-1 for about 15 days after putting into the 5 gallons of the FF mix, and was giving too much molasses.

I will be using 1 TSP. per gallon in my teas from now on.


Curious to see how they do in 5 gals...


me too! I had some LR#2 before and had them in plastic pots with varying amounts of soil, from about 1 1/2 gallons to between 2-3 gal.
Those girls had just about everything go wrong with them, and I ended up with about 26 g. dry of some decent smoke.

I'm hoping for 1/2 the problems with this grow, and hopefully a greater yield.:watchplant:


I grew an EasyRyder under a 250 HPS and yielded just over 2oz of bone dry bud. I was very impressed with this strain


Sorry folks havnt been online in a few days.

I think it was a 6l square pot from my local grow store.

Medium i was using was Atami coco substrate with an inch or two of clay pebbles at the bottom of the pot for extra drainage.

My nutes were nothing fancy. Just some BioNova Coca Nova A+B throughout the whole grow. I added some of their PK13/14 when she started to flower.

Hope this helps. Any more questions, just fire away

Ill try get some pics up in the next few days if you folks want to see the grow.

Now ill try a smoke report.
Bag appeal is very nice. Buds are very frosty but arent as dense as i would of liked them to be.
The smoke was great. Its not going to blow you away but it is a very enjoyable high.
The taste was also very nice. Not a harsh smoke in any way.
This is my first smoke report iv ever written so if you guys want to know something i havnt mention then ill be happy to answer your questions.




Ill try get some pics up in the next few days if you folks want to see the grow.



Thanks for the update..If you have pics to share that would be great!! There seems to be little final yield, smoke information, etc.. for these auto's, and anytime someone can share that helps us all.


Ok folks heres some EasyRyder eye candy.

Grow pics
















Harvest pics







Unfortunately i dont have a pic of the whole 2oz harvest
Think it may of been just under 2oz, cant remember as i was weighing it as i was smoking it but you get the idea lol
Hope you enjoy


Nice work !!

I really hope mine fill out like yours did. Today is day 38 for mine, and they look pretty light in the budding dept. (more pics on Sat.)

My lowryder#2's had much bigger buds at this point, but the Easy's take 10-20 days longer, so maybe that's the issue.

Thanks again!


Nice work !!

I really hope mine fill out like yours did. Today is day 38 for mine, and they look pretty light in the budding dept. (more pics on Sat.)
Thanks again!

I wouldnt worry about limited bud size at this point...if you get to day 50 and the buds are not filling in, then you have a problem.

Good Luck with your grow!

The pike: Nice buds :thank you:


It does take a while for the buds to fill out. I let mine go just over 60 day as i was impatient. I could of left it atleast another week or 2.

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