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Strung out on IC...


Hi...Im Joe, and Im addicted to ICmag.com. It' been 2.7 hours since my last use....

There need to be a way to just plug this damn thing str8 into my plants, so we can just cut through the BS....let them ask all the questions and take ictures of themselves when the lights are out, I was a good catholic boy, and look what these hedonistic temptresses have done to me.
I know how you feel.

I need one of those phones with internet so I can at least start leaving the house again.



Active member
Im a multi tasker; I will icmag, watch a movie, cook dinner, eat, play with the girls, work out, all at the same time and work in between on other stuff. Always gotta come back and check on my yummy threads.


ICMag Donor
Hi...Im Joe, and Im addicted to ICmag.com. It' been 2.7 hours since my last use....

There need to be a way to just plug this damn thing str8 into my plants, so we can just cut through the BS....let them ask all the questions and take ictures of themselves when the lights are out, I was a good catholic boy, and look what these hedonistic temptresses have done to me.

Hi Joe.
We are the only ones who understand you in your life, remember that and all will be well.
We are all in this together.

(Class says in unison - Hiiiiiii JOE)

Yes Joe, the condition is known as "ICmagnitus". It's a common condition that has no knowable cure for it. The five steps given in our class is:

1. Denial and Isolation. "I'm not addicted to ICmag. I can stop anytime I want!" (then at a commercial on TV you log onto ICmag)


3. Bargaining. "Man, I've been on here for a while. I think I'll smoke a cigarette or go check my plants. What are people going to think of me if I'm on here all day"

4. Depression. "I'm a cool guy. I know I'm a cool guy. I can't really be addicted to ICmag, this can't be happening! I think I'll check YummyBuds thread again...."

5. Acceptance. "I love ICmag! There are others like me who are addicted to this damn place! I am part of the community now"


(Bottom left of the picture) - YES - "The Shining". Once you are a guest of the hotel Joe, you are ALWAYS part of the hotel!


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
I like the blonde next to the blonde two rows from the left working right up two rows by the blonde then one row down and right there she is a looker... nice tiddies... I remember when i came on the scene first in 2004
i was like some on here for instance i noticed unclefishstick joined in 2009 and has almost 6000 post.. unheard of but yes it can happen.. I was addicted i would be driving and be thinking of my threads and others threads and who was in chat.. its tough at first but then you can take a break and be gone for months... anyhow ive rambled peace..



yeah, I'm here way too much but I work on my growroom way too much and grow pot way too much and smoke pot way too much........... I'm too fucking much mang



mofuckin farmer smurf
yup this place is pretty addicting. what better than looking at other peoples plants while your waiting for yours to grow. i've done more lurking than anything over the years, taken my breaks. but can't stay away. man thinking about the old days makes me miss OG :(


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
definitely addicted. but growing weed is what i do, and to have a whole community in one place discussing everything that can be discussed about growing, its heaven for me.......


Im a multi tasker; I will icmag, watch a movie, cook dinner, eat, play with the girls, work out, all at the same time and work in between on other stuff. Always gotta come back and check on my yummy threads.

This most closely resembles my using pattern. This dis-ease..it's terrible. I tell myself, (in a Cartman voice) Oh, it's ok, I can just log on and get a few pointers, I need to research somthing, for my plants....it will help them grow/

but really, I just wanna be cool. I'm not getting any younger, maybe better looking, but definatly no younger. And the last time I checked, it may be okay to stand on the street corner, kickin a hacky sack around, or gathered in a park to throw the frisbee, but the natives round yere tend to frown on a collective group of individuals gathered and toking and discussing cultivation of da ganj....that being said, I have just justyfied my use, I deserve it!!!


Active member
I was addicted to World of Warcraft. I quit that, and just about all the time I spent playing WoW, I now spend here. The results are much more satisfying. :biggrin:


Active member
I don't know if I would call it addictive but when you're like me and you try to stay low and not leave the house and can have no friends because of what you do, sites like this are your only way to interact with people. Before I got the internet I would just go crazy alone in my house for weeks at a time with no interaction with humans. I go out sometimes to get groceries and such and I feel kind of a high seeing people all around.


Active member
I don't know if I would call it addictive but when you're like me and you try to stay low and not leave the house and can have no friends because of what you do, sites like this are your only way to interact with people. Before I got the internet I would just go crazy alone in my house for weeks at a time with no interaction with humans. I go out sometimes to get groceries and such and I feel kind of a high seeing people all around.


Between this site, and a few other sites, I learn things every day, and communicate with people all over the world. A much better use of my time than a lot of other things I could be doing. :dunno: