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End of Manned Space flight or only the beginning?

End of Manned Space flight or only the beginning?

  • Space exploration is a frivolous waste, spend the money here!

    Votes: 3 4.9%
  • I Favor exploration but let robots do it!

    Votes: 6 9.8%
  • I favor exploration but NASA is too inefficient to lead it.

    Votes: 8 13.1%
  • Are you kidding? they are at 2-3% of the military budget, build less bombs and more spaceships!

    Votes: 24 39.3%
  • I favor a partnership of private and goevernment entities and keeping NASA budget same or less.

    Votes: 9 14.8%
  • I favor a partnership and more money for NASA.

    Votes: 2 3.3%
  • Do a partnership, and radical re-working budget to favor charity, Space & green tech

    Votes: 4 6.6%
  • other (explain)

    Votes: 5 8.2%

  • Total voters


ya nice steady good progress better then fast crazy wtf happened, umm let go with plan b progress erp c, out of money let monetize the debt and sell it off. so you can work for what you spent, that you worked for to start.. lol

wasnt the debt ever going down at a point?


Recovering Seed Whore
ICMag Donor
I don't think we should fall behind, cause look who we would be trailing CHINA and Japan and Russia? We need to continue to advance technologically or we lose what little pull we have left in this world. The US needs more engineers and kids that want to be astronauts. What good does taking away a National source of inspiration and pride do for us? Or should we just say that because Asians are better at math and science then we should just let CHina and Japan handle Space? I agree that NASA is mismanaged financially and the private sector should take the lead. Anything the govenment controls or finances becomes an overgrown ineffcient monster!!!!


ya we have the lead, by how many years. the government should stop trying to even us out. there are people who stand out and do good work. and lazy people do not.

the mindset of the government is becoming control.. control money flow= control work(jobs)= control energy(you). right. i swear things were like really good early 2000s. to good bank think everyone should become homeowners...

ok big money, common loan is for a house right, expensive item, the most u ever buy? likely so many people could not afford to keep up the mortgage(dont make much$)

I know a guy work at McDonalds cashier. 500k loan wtf really this guy can pay the interest on this, fail. forclosed on him. I had a 'investment property' you know buy it, fix it up, make $profit, same hood as this guy, fail

lost half its value, thanks i did nothing but my hood fail cause bank fail lol

good my other home is safe lost little value. way better hood

so banks now government takesover lets see unfold..


Active member
It's not the end, and it's not the beginning either. I see it more as a temporary halt. It will pick up steam again after obama is gone and a more intelligent president with a more forward looking outlook on things replaces him.

Cutting off space exploration is a terrible idea.



when NASA goes down, do you think theyll admit to fudging the moon walk? heh

i voted not NASA because theyre too inefficient. reason is the penn and teller episode on NASA. very enlightening.


i also like to vote on a few other of the choices, shouldnt have such a large poll, im sure others also find they want to vote on multiple:(


If you believe that your lifetime is the only time then its the end of spaceflight as we know it, however a couple of hundred years from now we are growing in little concealed containers in orbit around the sun.

Space Toker

Active member
My god what great posts, both those that make sense (in which case I say "brilliant" and "right on") and the ones that don't (in which case I say "right on man, I wish I was that stoned, where can I get some of what you are smoking"!) :D
I think actually, as maligned as he was, and with as many problems as he had, Clinton actually had a surplus at least one year and reduced the deficit if only slightly. Space is the future, we must make it happen or it will be all over. I think we can pressure the elected officials to keep reforming the system and make this a plus and not a minus. I see it as that, it can be anything at this point from a disaster to a wonderous new beginning, it is up to us to shape public policy and get industry and government to work together in space for the betterment of all mankind! I am hopeful for the best.

Space Toker

Active member
ah-hah@! so that i what you are smoking! :D Right on man! I need to get stoned to understand you completely but it seems you make a lot of sense in the right frame of mind! thanks for your input man!


Cannabrex Formulator
Humans have zero place exploring space until we learn to live sustainably right here on Earth.....


you say that as i know many people who think like this. fact is, to many NASA brought hope that the future is great.

so all these downers.. who cares take nasa take are hope take are freedom away again.. stop the repetition. NASA is a very advanced program these days respect it dont, waste it, dont lose this

so all funding was canceled for space programs. use the money here earth, but still why not PLAN at least for future missions. who doesnt like watching that rocket go up?

save up for big misson, lets really see the moon in High Def, come on we pay for this right


private firms are searching for helium-3 on the lunar soil.

theres 2 big go getters for it, the usa and russia.


many skeptics believe we havent even been yet to the moon
hollywoodmovie set done nicely. false hope? ithink we went for real
i mean right after around ww2- before vietnam right? when we went up..

so our power was great that day rockets thrusting millions of pounds of force propelling the metal in the darkness. where breath is sacred. but look at the failed missons, sacrificing for the better future.. learning from mistakes.. change tones, ya nasa may be quieting down they still work for progress in technology here on this level

Cookie monster

Humans have zero place exploring space until we learn to live sustainably right here on Earth.....

Thats what I believed until I saw a thing on natural geo about an Asteriod named Apophis.

A 1 in 37 chance of us being obliterated is too close for comfort if in fact the article is true.
We need to be able to send bruce willis up to blow up these near earth objects and save us all.

with an slightly offset orbit to that of Earth's. Discovered in June 2004, astronomers have determined that it will make a very close flyby on April 13th, 2029, where it will pass to within 5 Earth diameters of us. The exact path the asteroid follows on its flyby in 2029 will determine whether it smashes into the Earth seven years later.

Earth impact animation (8 sec)
Credit: ESA/Hubble
(M. Kornmesser & L. L. Christensen)

In 2004, it was first thought that the asteroid would hit us in the first flyby in 2029. The initial calculation for the orbit was made using only two sets of observations, those made in June and a subsequent set made in December.

From those observations, astronomers calculated a 1-in-200 chance that the asteroid would hit the Earth. If this was true, then this asteroid had become the most dangerous asteroid ever found. After taking more observations , the chances climbed even higher and by the end of December 2004, the chances of the Earth being struck by this asteroid climbed as high as 1-in-37.

Normally, when more observations are taken the chances of this kind of collision decrease. Not so here, it seemed like this thing was really going to hit us.

Luckily, some other observations from other sources were located and they allowed astronomers to calculate a more precise orbit. From those images they were able to conclude that there was no way that Apophis was going to hit the Earth. Whew!

For a while there though, you can bet there were some astronomers with some pretty tight sphincters.

Space Toker

Active member
we may not spot an asteroid until it is too late, and that's something we can stop. I don't think anyone has come up with a way to stop gamma ray bursts, which would irradiate all life in seconds or minutes. We need to live in many different places to avoid this, to prevent having "all our eggs in one basket". If we live elsewhere in the solar system, no one asteroid strike could wipe us all out like it could now. If we live elsewhere in other star systems, we will be safe if our planet is irradiated, and can reseed life on Earth eventually. We must make space our top priority, it is literally our future. I think it is the only thing that will bring us together and unite us as a species.

Space Toker

Active member
I may have the best threads that no one visits! :D
People have sent rep messages saying "great thread" and no one posts! I have been pleasantly surprised though that not everyone is dumbed down by dumdumbud threads and it is obvious from the responses that there are some intelligent people here. So I hope people post interesting news or viewpoints.


Carl Sagan himself preferred unmanned exploration. We'd be better off in the long run doing unmanned exploration at the moment of distant places like Mars, and spending the money on developing more advanced propulsion systems, and ways to grow food sustainably for the voyage. Unmanned exploration is a lot cheaper and just as good for data collection if not better.

Space Toker

Active member
Well I respectfully disagree. I think it's been said that a manned mission could do more in one hour what many rover missions have done combined. I think unmanned missions are most valuable when used to go to places impossible or extremely difficult for people to go. Not saying going to Mars would be easy, but humans can do it. Send the probes to the atmosphere of Neptune or Jupiter or landers to the surface of Venus. Send people to the moon, Mars, and asteroids and once technology allows, to any earth-like planets around nearby stars. I think we need a lot more of both unmanned and manned missions, a vigorous and aggressive program of pushing the limits of exploration and constantly challenging ourselves to take it a step further. Not be content with child's play like we are now.

Space Toker

Active member
I hope they find a way to utilize the Constellation infrastructure already built instead of just wasting it. The moon rover especially, there was a working prototype and it was cool! Didn't they have a Pluto probe 90% done, and cancelled it only to build and send another? Did they just "throw away" the old one? This is the kind of start and stop waste I want to see eliminated. Once a project starts it should be prohibited to stop it. Modify ok, but not stop it.

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