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Post-Legal UK....a thread for speculation


Take A Deep Breath
So....Let's suppose that a miracle of some sorts happens in the next few years, and cannabis is legalised in the UK for adult consumption.

What does this look like?


I assume big business moves in big-time. Fields and fields of drug cannabis? Even with our shitty climate? All-fems? From femmed seed or clones? Massive imports? Or a huge greenhouse scene? Energy is expensive....

Will there be room for the smaller commercial cropper? Conneiseur bud and all that....like a micro-brewery?

Competition will be fierce.....it may not be the license to print money it is now.....


Is it a cigarette or an alcohol model that will be used? Do we have coffeshops? Again, big business will step in.....Starbucks or the like?
Or will it be over the counter, purely for consumption at home? Health & Safety and no smoke in enclosed spaces and all that?

What do people think would happen? How would it all work?

lost in a sea

i dont think big business would ever allow cannabis to be legalised here in the uk.....let alone promote the facilitation of legalisation...

so i dont worry about them getting in and ruining her like they do everything else..

weed would out compete alcohol and ciggs straight away..not to mention the purchase of electronics and pharmaceuticals......

alcohol and fag's are so important to the government because they keep the lower classes happy, but also retarded and more prone to an early death.....they also add massive amounts of money to the govt through taxes and bribes from the companies to keep the booze culture going..

if they legalised....they would have to allow home grown...if they did that there are thousands of people like me with well over a 100 strains in stock, in seed form, that i could make millions and millions of corporation squashing top quality seeds from in one summer, in a legal environment..

weed is still their worst enemy, because they know it helps us see that they are bastards! (the politicians, business men and beurocrats in general, plus the church and police....all one big parasite)

as opposed to alcohol....where everyone just goes out and cripples their brains by saturating their synapses for a few hours with some swill... in some poor attempt to hide from their overlords....whilst doing the most pathetic thing a human being can do....which imo, is dance around like an idiot to a sped up shitty beyonce track...

what would our ancestors think if they saw what "the man" has done to our people....it all started back with the roman conquest.......if anyone didnt know, England got its name from the Angles from Angeln in germany....whom the romans brought over to fight the remaining clans of the north, which they didnt really succeed at, which is why hadrian built some pussy wall to keep them safe...what we are sat on now, in the uk, is owned by the queen who is anointed in the same old ritual, that the holy roman emperors went through, that says she (and anyone anointed) is a puppet of the church, not our head of state, but an agent of the pope..

anyhoo imo it just wont happen........even if every country in europe legalised we would still be the very last to give way....

the holy roman empire wouldnt like this set of events very much..... and the vatican has money in everything, they already owned everything, everywhere and every king, hundreds of years ago anyway...

the elites just want to rule us, and for their decendants to rule us......and cannabis is a threat to that plan..


Well-known member
The UK is a long way away from legalization.

My guess is that, following a hugely profitable run in the US, it would become legal for medicinal use in the UK, and the big pharm companies will be the only ones allowed to produce "medicines" from the weed.

Then, a huge tabloid story will emerge that the pharm companies are taking out the "bad" things from herbal cannabis and that actually, the natural stuff is public enemy no 1 because it causes cancer/makes criminals/causes aids/makes kids evil (etc). Then, a percentage of the medical cannabis sales will be used to clamp down on anyone smoking canna, ensuring that anyone who wants to take cannabis recreationally will have to buy the altered version from the pharm companies.

And so the turnaround is complete.


Take A Deep Breath
Wow.....people are taking a much darker / more dystopian view than I'd thought....

My guess is that, following a hugely profitable run in the US, it would become legal for medicinal use in the UK, and the big pharm companies will be the only ones allowed to produce "medicines" from the weed.

Then, a huge tabloid story will emerge that the pharm companies are taking out the "bad" things from herbal cannabis and that actually, the natural stuff is public enemy no 1 because it causes cancer/makes criminals/causes aids/makes kids evil (etc). Then, a percentage of the medical cannabis sales will be used to clamp down on anyone smoking canna, ensuring that anyone who wants to take cannabis recreationally will have to buy the altered version from the pharm companies.

So, you think that things will be just the same as they are now, even post-legalisation? Illegal growers growing their own, and people buying illegally off dealers?

So much lobbying in the mechanics of how we get to legalization that the whole thing will be totally messed up?


Well-known member
Yeah, I know it's a bit of bleak prediction, but so many times I've gotten my hopes up thinking that the overriding facts and scientific backing would make a difference in the legalization argument. But it's all been ignored and laughed at by those who could have made a difference - and this has just cemented a lot of peoples preconceptions about cannabis being a harmful, psychotic producing, society eroding drug.

So yeah, once it becomes profitable enough, I see them legalizing a controlled distribution while simultaneously clamping down on those who don't want to buy their new products. Being able to grow your own drugs so easily is a terrifying thought to pharm companies and their major stockholders. They will take steps.


Brothers and sisters... post-legal is already here for those who choose. There is no LAW in the geographical area known as Great Britain that states you cannot grow cannabis! Playing devil's advocate slightly as I'm sure you're all by now thinking I'm crazy, but please... for entertainments sake... someone show me a law which states you cannot grow cannabis in Great Britain.

I agree with DocLeaf... we don't need so called laws dictating what we can and can't do with this plant. As long as you are not causing loss to another's rights to life, freedom or property, there is no claim and certainly no crime.

Think free people :D
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Take A Deep Breath
Well, Section 6(1) of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 is fairly explicit, but I'd honestly prefer to keep this thread on topic :)


i hate to say it but irelands chances of legilization rely on what what the uk does:mad:

and since the uks chances of legalization are slim, we need a radical solution.

i proposes operation purple monkey dishwasher.:biggrin:

we some how coerce price william and harry to smoke (kidnap them and off to holland for the cup and show them the future).

we then play the waiting game till william comes to power and by royal decree legalizes it.

its simples

also on a side note why is harry a ginger:whistling:


Take A Deep Breath
Harry already has some serious form....and I'm sure Wills has at least dabbled.

Given the Queen Mum lived to 102, and HM is still going strong, methinks Willy will be an old old man by the time he ascends....

Once the US legalises, I can easily see a domino effect throughout the rest of the Western world.

lost in a sea

also on a side note why is harry a ginger:whistling:

because his dad was blatently james hewitt....

their aint much ginger genes in our german blooded royal family....

Diane had more true british blood in her than all the royal family members have had for hundreds of years.........they desperatly needed her to bear charles the air.....which she did, then was promptly dispatched....

damn royalty...

just another level of slave driver...

lost in a sea

to gear this thread back towards the intended field.........

who would sell the seeds in this new legal environment ??......this multi billion pound industry, just in the uk...

i think you can bet your ass GN will be put out of business, by the govt and their extremely rich friends, within weeks of legalisation, to make way for a load of (pharmaceutical company owned) soul less vendors....

there are so many possible catches and conditions that could make the whole thing a complete nightmare.....

our polititians cant handle the bread and butter of running a country.....let alone mediate the complex transition, that would be needed to make a legalised system in the uk..

but if the rest of europe did legalise, which they should do because everyone on the continent can just go on a drive to holland and stock up anyway..... then the uk would have no choice but to legalise, or get overwealmed by every gang in europe trying to smuggle dope in....

the future will be a strange one im sure...


Well, Section 6(1) of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 is fairly explicit, but I'd honestly prefer to keep this thread on topic :)

Thanks bro... but I'll think you'll find that the Misuse of Drugs Act isn't a law, it is a STATUTE. This is very important... the legal world has it's own language, and things don't always mean the same thing in law as we would understand them in everyday use.

A statute is defined in the legal dictionary as 'a legislated rule of a society which has been given the force of law'.

This definition makes a couple of points quite clear on inspection, mainly a statute cannot be law because it has to be given the force of one, and it applies to the society which legislated it.

Now I know they are coming through your door, obviously. They are stupid and don't know the law, even though they claim to protect and serve it. What I'm saying is, when/if they do come through the door they will be doing it unlawfully, and if you know what you are doing and have your pieces in place you can really take them to the cleaners for it. They have absolutely no right to act on a man, only a 'person' which is your legal name, a piece of paper in other words, which you admit your are and submit to their jurisdiction when you answer the question - "Name?".

Research this stuff for yourselves, it's the only way you'll believe any of this for sure, but if you are in the UK and have a birth certificate you are basically owned by the government, which is really just a corporation (check Dun & Bradstreet website if you want to find out who else are for-profit corporations). Not you of course, you are a man (this includes ladies), but your legal fiction entity i.e. FIRSTNAME LASTNAME is owned by the Govt. This happened when your birth was 'registered', as in law this is defined as 'transfer of ownership' (what else have you registered?) Drive a car? Check the V5... you don't own that baby, you are just the 'Keeper'. Why? Registered to the DVLA of course... which is why you have to go through the shit of licensing, insuring, taxing... There are many more examples of this type of thing. It's endless.

Sorry to go a little off topic, but I just hope some of you guys are interested in this. I hope people hook onto this, it really does show how much of a joke the so called laws are and how they really work. There are many people working with this knowledge and trying different things out in the courts etc. Hopefully when more people catch on and know what they are doing, we can start to make some moves for what we all know such be standard, instead of hopelessly begging our so called elected leaders to 'please let me smoke a joint'.

So I'm just speculating that I think post-legal in Great Britain is already here for those who realise it. Lawful governance requires consent of the governed. So withdraw your consent... write to madge and tell her you're out! Tell her you are not a piece of paper but a sovereign living man with a soul and freewill. Many already have her tacit agreement in this which stands in court.

Here's an example of a Notice to the queen that's been sanitised - http://freetheplanet.net/articles/123/DUI

Here are some freeman basic fundamentals - http://www.fmotl.com/Fundamentals.htm#BM1


I guess the the most important thing to mull over here would be the question of whether or not people will take up growing or be lazy gits and just buy whatever big business puts on the table. When you think about it - not many people grow their own apples, do they? They'd prefer the simplicity of walking to the shop and buying one (or a bag) and I'd say the same thing will happen when the weed get's legalized. People would rather trust an unknown corporation and consume utter shite than grow their own trusty buds.

But there's hope. If those of us who truly love the weed would be willing to take it upon ourselves to make it hard for big business, by growing the best shit imaginable and giving it away freely, then there's hope.

If the hemp is made legal the money-making side of things goes right out the window anyway so why not give it away for free? Most of us produce more than we can smoke ourselves anyway - if it's made legal well then we can go right on ahead and produce even more with impunity - it'll be the end of stealth growing after all (unless your Mammy still wields her wooden spoon for such things :D). If big business swaggers onto the scene and tries to take things over well then - let them try and compete with a bracket of society that freely gives away a higher quality product than theirs.

We wouldn't be long about putting a stop to them. People may well be lazy and opt for the shop over growing their own but would they opt for the shop if they could get it for free? Giving it away is something I'd be willing to do anyway. It'd be a small price to pay if it were to help jerk the reigns of some corporate Clydesdale.

Making it legal won't automatically create new smokers so the market for bud will stay more or less the same. New smokers will appear on the scene at about the same rate they do today. As it is, underground growers have a fairly good handle on the market that's already there (for the most part - places do still suffer the odd drought every now and then) and that's mostly the underground commercial growers. Imagine if all the growers who are currently extremely low profile were suddenly freed up to share their produce too then there'd be more than enough dope to go around.

Make no mistake - we home-growers could make life difficult for big business if we want to. Speaking for myself - it's the growing, the production of fine resin-filled buds and the consumption that does it for me. I get an immense satisfaction watching somebody smoke my weed and get high as a fucking kite. That really does it for me. I have made some money here and there but I couldn't care less about money to be honest. I love weed - not money - and I'd go as far as I could to save it from the hands of greedy corporate bastards. It's true what they say you know - weed can get you through times of no money better than money can get you through times of no weed.


Take A Deep Breath
Great points, everyone!

@Free Man: I seem to recall (albeit hazily) this theory being brought up in another thread (by you? maybe, although you haven't posted often). My thoughts then, as now, is.....many rich growers with damn good lawyers have been busted, and none of them have successfully used this as a defence. If it were that straightforward, I would have expected their £500 per hour lawyers to have successfully used it, but instead those same growers are sitting in a small locked room, and they do not have a key. But I wish you all the best of luck should you ever find yourself in a position to test it in practise (let's hope this doesn't become necessary).

@Lost: I didn't want to say it directly, but I've always had my suspicions about the Hewitt theory. But, even if young Henry took a DNA test, who would believe it? Once conspiracy theories take root, they are almost impossible to quash.

@Elevator Man: I've read your thread. Very interesting. But I can't foresee any legalisation scenario (as opposed to the strange quasi-legal mess they have in Holland) where Big Business doesn't step in and take over. I think home growing will be like home beer or wine making. But most people simply won't bother....look at how many people still smoke soapbar! They'll just buy the cheapest crap that the cannabis analogues of big tobacco put out.

Maybe the import of cheap seedy Jamaican and African will flourish again? Not everyone wants to smoke, or can handle, a strong sensi rolled pure. Many of us growers have got friends who toke just occasionally and who complain that our weed is too strong - or even accuse us of lacing it with something! - because they are used to smoking shite like soapbar....

But keep your thoughts coming, folks!


Great points, everyone!

@Free Man: I seem to recall (albeit hazily) this theory being brought up in another thread (by you? maybe, although you haven't posted often). My thoughts then, as now, is.....many rich growers with damn good lawyers have been busted, and none of them have successfully used this as a defence. If it were that straightforward, I would have expected their £500 per hour lawyers to have successfully used it, but instead those same growers are sitting in a small locked room, and they do not have a key. But I wish you all the best of luck should you ever find yourself in a position to test it in practise (let's hope this doesn't become necessary).

Thanks bro, I myself had doubts in the freeman technology, and I'm more than aware how it must look from the outside, but when you get to grips with it, explanations come thick and fast. Anyone who employs a lawyer can never hope for the best in a legal situation. A solicitor's duty is first to the court, they are working with the judge to make sure they get paid. It all requires consent which we are being tricked into. I'm pretty sure that when these guys with the high price lawyers were sentenced they were given a date that they had to turn up to jail and give themselves up, aka tricked into consenting. It's sick how it works...


thanks for the link man....k+

scary shit though.......

No worries man... I'd really like to share what I know, but I appreciate how crazy it all sounds at first. Hopefully some of you guys are willing to look into it with an open mind and give your opinion. Maybe I should start a thread? Sorry to hijack but it is very relevant to all these 'legal' fun & games.

The link is basically an affidavit. There is a legal maxim which states 'An unrebutted affidavit stands as truth in law'. So you make your affidavit, notably s.11 of the claim of right -

'11. I claim the right to grow, harvest, store, trade, sell, barter and/or use for my own purposes, any and all organic substances that grow naturally upon Planet Earth.'

Many have now obtained tacit agreement from madge herself, with lawful estoppel (meaning default judgment in court if you know what you're doing), that a freeman is lawfully within his rights to do this. Any activity that you can obtain a license to perform, MUST be deemed a lawful activity anyway. Attach the fee schedule for any breech of this agreement by her or her agents i.e any sub-company of the CROWN CORPORATION... police etc, as 'Notice to principal is notice to agent, and notice to agent is notice to principle'.

Many people around the world are learning how to hold these corporations posing as elective bodies commercially liable for their unlawful actions, and many are having great success. A lot of people go to jail unnecessarily because they think they assume the courthouse is a place where justice is being served, but in most cases it's because a 'charge' from the Police hasn't been paid. Just a lot of banking going on down there.

Claim your rights and take your freedom back... we are all sovereign and have the right to decide what to do for ourselves. I'm sure we can all agree that the human race is capable of much greater things, and the weakest amongst us lead.

I'm not saying this road is particularly easy to walk, but I'm sure there are people out there like myself who feel it is the ONLY road to walk.

Namaste :biggrin:

lost in a sea

luckily over the last year i have accepted a great many things about this "world"...

its still all hard to swallow though...my social conditioning has been quite intense after an early life of watching too much tv...

many of the things i have been shown, do not surprise me though, like wwII, its obvious even to an untrained eye, that both sides of that war were funded by the same people, it was simply to kill alot of people and help the internationalists consolidate power...

same way 9/11 was a false flag terrorism act, organised by the grandson of a man that laundered money for the nazi's through a us bank...