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16,000 watt warehouse grow part one


good drown

just amazing. i bet every abandoned warehouse you see, could easily be transformed into another grow! i just love warehouse grows


Weed Robot
hey dominicangreen how's it going. my first round in this system i was flowering royal hawiian,the cough, and bubbalicious. my royal hawiian and cough are both heavy yielders bubbalicious not so much but still respectable. the bubba's only yielded 3 to 4 zips and i had a few royal hawiians thet yielded 7to8 zips apiece. i see what your saying about the small rootball that's why i put the pvc blocks in the bucket's now i get a solid extra 3+ inches of roots in the bottom of the buckest I'll have to take a couple of pics of my roots to show some root porn. I'm definatly going to go your way with the 5 gallon buckets bigger roots= bigger buds for sure.

you'll be happier with 5 gallons and your yield will be much grader buckets only cost $2.34 at lowes.7-8 zips is very impressive on this system hands down bro you know your shit then.keep it green and clean



New member
can you explain or show a pic of how you put the pvc blocks into the bucket? Did you put them in the inner or outer bucket? What size pvc?

Thanks man!
hey no problem i'll get some pics today while I'm at work. but to also answer your question i put them in the outer bucket and then the inner bucket rest's on the pvc raising the inner bucket from the outer. i ussed 2 inch pvc cut 3inch's long.

hey thanks good brown. not to many abandond warehouses around these parts everyone's already growing in them lol


New member
Im curious.... it seems like it would take more water to fill the buckets that way. I run a 48 site and im concerned if I raise the buckets with the pvc the rez would not be able to supply enough water to all 48. What are your thoughts?

Thanks again bro.


One day you will have to answer to the children of
You will have to calculate your;
1) Water loss (evaportation, transpiration, seepage, ect.) on a daily basis. That is where a auto-top off float valve becomes handy.
2) Total amount of water it takes to fill the system. I use a little under a gallon per 2-gal bucket w Hydroton.
3) Amount of water returned to res. Related to #1.

If you are using a 50 gal res on 48 sites and you raise the bucket 3 inches, you will most definately need more water if you go for the same fill level on the inner bucket (assuming you don't already fill to the top of the outer bucket).
However, the roots will displace water when the mat becomes dense enough.
If you go for the same fill level in realtion to the outer bucket, then it shouldn't change things too much.


Weed Robot
You will have to calculate your;
1) Water loss (evaportation, transpiration, seepage, ect.) on a daily basis. That is where a auto-top off float valve becomes handy.
2) Total amount of water it takes to fill the system. I use a little under a gallon per 2-gal bucket w Hydroton.
3) Amount of water returned to res. Related to #1.

If you are using a 50 gal res on 48 sites and you raise the bucket 3 inches, you will most definately need more water if you go for the same fill level on the inner bucket (assuming you don't already fill to the top of the outer bucket).
However, the roots will displace water when the mat becomes dense enough.
If you go for the same fill level in realtion to the outer bucket, then it shouldn't change things too much.

i agree with you rednick.this will mean the the res will have to be top off every 12 hours when plants are mature and the top of the plants roots will not be takeing in water.i will post a system i put together so you can get an idea of what i was geting at.

hey guy's how's it growing. well it's already been another week so hears another small update. well my flower room is doing great were now 3 weeks into flower as of yesterday and thes baby's are really starting to swell up. my first veg room is doing awsome and these girls are really starting to grow up fast. 2 more weeks and we'll start flowering this room. my 3rd room is doing good and a couple of the royal hawiians are starting to take off. it seems to take about a week for my new clones to adapt to the ebbandgrow and then they take off real good. I'm waiting for my electrician to come back over and finish up some last minute work in the new biulding and we should have it up and running by friday. well hears some new pics to enjoy.





hears my veg room a couple of weeks in


hears a couple royal hawiians we put in the new room less than a week ago.

hear a shot of the pvc we put into the buckets to raise them up and hears a pic of the inner bucket raised up from the outer bucket.

well it's that time again. it's already another week past and were into our 4th week of flower in room #2 and most every thing is going great. we have a couple of plants thant are really turning yellow a little bit to early. not sure what the problem is but the buds are at least still going at it strong. room #1 is doing great these baby's are getting big. one last week of veg and we'll flip them to 12/12.

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I miss growin' all big like that....but, it was a job and a half for me and the captain.

It's not far off from here the captain said.....oh boy:)

Beautiful grow man, I know what it takes to keep up 15K + watts....it's hard, you make it look easy...great job!
sorry guy's my wife hijacked the computer before i could finish my update and post pics. well back to the update. yeh so everything is going great in room #2 and room #3 is starting to finally take off. my royal hawians are going ape shit and out growing my master kush's and big bud skunks.
my new biulding is in a hold pattern till my electrician friend shows back up and finishes wiring my timers. i have 60 little girls vegging in flood and drains just waiting to get transfered. well hears some new pics of the rooms. have a good one and happy growing.









RM everything is looking fantastic, what are you using to trim all that weight? Are you using friends and fam (which you might have mentioned) or are you using an automatic trimmer??
hears a couple of pics of room #1 these girls are getting real bushy. only one more week till we flip.




hears a couple of pics of room #3


hey l-immortal thanks for the props. i wish we had a trimmer that will have to come in the near future for sure. we use some family and a few specially chosen patience to help us trim.


I have been watching this thread ever so closely, have been modeling my upcoming grows on this, well lets be real, I want a third of this. You are bringing some of the upmost top medicine to the folks around this area and we appreciate it. Keep up the good work, I inspire to be half as good as you!

thanks for the kind words ace and for sticking around so long. i can truly say i find alot of motivation and insperation from people like you guy's it definatly helps thanks. it's took awhile but it feels really good to finnally have my dream up to full speed. hopefully by the beginning of next week we'll have our new biulding finnished and up to speed also.

happy growing
man time fly by when your having fun. it's already once again time for another up date. the weeks keep chuggen by and we only have 3 1/2 weeks to go till chop and things are getting real big!! wow these girls a fattening out. we had one plant this past week get alittle bug in her like root rot or somthing and we almost lost her. i treeted by top feeding hygrogen peroxide and sm-90. what ever it was i fixed it and she seems to be doing ok.
our second room is doing great and we flipped them into flower on monday. the 3rd room is coming along nicely some of my royal are going ape shit and outgrowing everything else big time.
lastly for this week I'm still wating on my electrician buddy to show up and finish of our new building so we can get all these babies transplanted. we have 60 of them ready in 4x4 cubes ready to go. well have a good one and happy growing. peace!!

enjoy the pics.

just flipped this room monday.




these girls are going nuts.








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