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King's Kush stolen GHS shit like usual?

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99% of their customers want fem seeds.

Female seeds are great!

Not everybody is a fucking breeder or is a grower who runs perpetual grows and keeps mother plants.

I run one off grows every once in a while and I just want to end up with some decent bud for myself,and not fuck around with mother plants and male plants.

Why are so many seed companies jumping on the female seeds bandwagon? Tons more seed companies offer female seeds than before. The answer is simple - - - That's what many fucking people want, they sell!

Fuck any asshats who put down people who grow female seeds. Everybody has their own reasons for growing what they grow.

To be honest, I see quite a few shitty looking grows coming from people who grow "regular" seeds. They must be fucking noobs or something.



Active member
Yea but that 99% is just lazy newbie's that don't know how to tell a male from a female quick enough.

That's a real stupid, retarded and ignorant statement. It's also not true.

There's plenty of reasons that some growers choose to grow female seeds, and inexperience or not being able to tell a fucking male plant from a female plant is not one of them.



Active member
But they think these fem seeds are as good as clones and it's sad

Plants from seed can be more vigorous than clones. There is a use for both, it depends on the circumstances.

Then again, I'm arguing with a guy who likes to start threads claiming that CFL's are better than HPS, so I'm probably wasting my time here.


Green Supreme

I lost faith in the seed industry years ago. When I buy a strain, I want that strain, not something similar or something that came from that strain's seeds but was still good. I feel few folks get what they are looking for when they get beans. Least with the cut I am getting what I want first time. No guessing or waiting to find out if it will be male or not , or close to the original or not. Just my meager opinion. Oh ya and the King rocks so I magine the cross might be very nice. Peace GS


Just Call me Urkle!!
Plants from seed can be more vigorous than clones. There is a use for both, it depends on the circumstances.

Then again, I'm arguing with a guy who likes to start threads claiming that CFL's are better than HPS, so I'm probably wasting my time here.


WOW! fuck off dude way too defensive like everything said is all at you, and to bring the CFL vs HPS bullshit up when I have clearly stated over and over I LOVE my HID system and yield I get from it. I just wouldn't use it for a 2.5 sq ft grow cab as CFLs produce just as good of meds as my HID setup and I could give a fuck about it anymore. The people who have learned from my grows and copied them know what's up nuff said...

Plus my statement has been said by many here about their customer base being first time growers as not many growers that know their shit run GHS gear. I have a SSH that is MNS and I have NEVER seen and I mean NEVER seen a GHS SSH grow or sample that matched what I have. That's what started my hatred of this company plus Arjan just act's like a douche bag with all his money. Buying cups and filming celebs saying he's the shit I mean dude come on let your product speak for itself. Bodhi Seeds is the best shit I've come across as of yet and dude is humble as can be maybe if Arjan didn't do that kind of shit and took Rez's genetics and did good ol M/F breeding to get shit out to the world I'd think differently...

Back on topic I still would like to know about the Grape they have and any info on Granddaddy Grape Ape is that different from regular Grape Ape?


female seeds rock. for a personal grow I have a very small amount of space, every seed from ghs ive popped has been fem, it saves me a ton of time and space not having males. I want the smallest number of plants possible, i cant breed or clone, so people need to relax-if you dont like fem seeds just dont buy em!


Active member
That's what started my hatred of this company plus Arjan just act's like a douche bag with all his money. Buying cups and filming celebs saying he's the shit I mean dude come on let your product speak for itself. Bodhi Seeds is the best shit I've come across as of yet and dude is humble as can be maybe if Arjan didn't do that kind of shit and took Rez's genetics and did good ol M/F breeding to get shit out to the world I'd think differently...

Who gives a shit about how much money somebody has or about being humble? That has nothing to do with growing.

The only thing that matters to me when I grow is how the stuff performs in my cabinet. I get it, you and some others don't like GHS and arjan, he's not humble, he is a douche bag with too much money, lol.......You're entitled to that opinion, but it has little to do with the actual seeds or the science of growing though. If you think the seeds are crap, then fine, but all of those other reasons for not liking GHS is pure baloney and has nothing to do with actual growing.

Also, expect to see less M/F plants in the future, that is the way that the industry is going. You can't stop innovation, and that's what the average grower wants. You can continue to live in the past and be a hater, that is your choice.


Green Supreme

Monsanto's on it 's way. No biggie I guess. Peace GS

ps One {femmed}seed to rule them all. bring on the terminator gene, deja vu. cool thinking


Active member
female seeds rock. for a personal grow I have a very small amount of space, every seed from ghs ive popped has been fem, it saves me a ton of time and space not having males. I want the smallest number of plants possible, i cant breed or clone, so people need to relax-if you dont like fem seeds just dont buy em!

It makes perfect sense for people with small growing spaces or somebody with a small cabinet.

Who wants to waste 50% or more of their precious space with crap male plants that you will have to kill and get rid of? It is far more logical and economical to have 100% females and get double the yield. No wasting pots and soil and nutes and precious space on useless males, only to have to kill them.


As most of the judges were heading home for Thanksgiving
after a more than usually successful Cannabis Cup news broke
on Dutch TV that a vote rigging scam had been discovered.

ONE OF AMSTERDAM's best known and most successful coffeeshop chains has been stripped of one of its cups as a result of an exercise in vote rigging that has left many within the coffeeshop community confused or merely questioning the credibility of the Cannabis Cup. Greenhouse, owned by Arjan Roskam, won and then lost the Hashish Cup. Also stripped of their medals were second and third prize winners: Rokerij and Het Kruydenhuys. As a result of the swift exit of the three top prize winners, the hash entered by the coffeeshop placed fourth in the original count, Dutch Flowers, was elevated to first position and duly received the cup. Er . . . .congratulations, guys.
THE news of the vote rigging, which was featured on Dutch TV and received considerable domestic press coverage, was a disappointing end to an otherwise successful Cannabis Cup. For the first time this year, coffeeshop owners were responsible for judging the seed company and hash competitions. The general view among cup regulars and entrants was that the judging procedures and restraints on ostentatious expenditure on 'promotional' activities were far
fairer than in previous years. The new judging procedures were introduced this year in response to coffeeshop complaints that the 1998 Cup favoured those who invested most in 'freebies' for the judges. Seven of the nine cups awarded in 1998 were taken by Greenhouse.
In a statement issued a week after the end of the cup, High Times Editor and cup founder, Steve Hager, dismissed the cheating as 'confusion about what was proper and improper' because there were no written rules about how ballots should be filled out. 'Next year,' said Hager, 'we plan to have written rules concerning voting and lobbying for votes so problems like this will not reoccur.'
Revealing rather more than
anyone wished to know about High Times' attitude to the ethics of the Cannabis Cup, Mr Hager expresses his regret that the vote rigging scandal became public.
Although asked to comment on his disqualification and loss of the Hash Cup, Arjan Roskam had nothing to say.
Other coffeeshops, however, were less tight lipped. Although news of the disqualification initially provoked a knee-jerk reaction that was rather less than benign, after a few days Dutch pragmatism took over producing a more mellow response. Most coffeeshop entrants expressed disappointment that the most successful (and fair) Cannabis Cup should have been marred by the unethical actions of some competitors. The most quotable comment on the cup came from the man with the strangest sense of humour in Amsterdam, Michael Veling, owner of Cannabis-Caf de Kuil. He said: "I hope that if High Times are going to produce written rules for voting and lobbying they remember to prohibit physical violence as a means to influence voting. If they don't I will simply assume that it is perfectly ethical and fair to beat the judges into a pulp in order to get their votes."
On a more serious note, plans are underway for a number of coffeeshops to petition High Times with a list of suggestions for improving judging procedures for next year.
Among other cup winners this year were Sensi Seeds (Sativa and Best Expo Booth) and Paradise Seeds (Indica).
The cup attracted more than 2000 of the nicest people.

Green Supreme

Plants grow in flower. If you have males and pull them, there is room for the girls to grow into. Too each his own I suppose. Peace GS


Active member
Monsanto's on it 's way. No biggie I guess. Peace GS

According to that article which thunderurkel posted, that would be skunkman and not GHS who was trying to make seeds that couldn't be cloned.

And I'll be the first person to say that is a really crap idea, and I would definitely boycott any company who made seeds like that.



Active member
Plants grow in flower. If you have males and pull them, there is room for the girls to grow into. Too each his own I suppose. Peace GS

Since I have a limited space to work with (as do many others I'm sure), it is of a great advantage to me to know exactly how many females I will be growing out, so that I can plan accordingly in respect to pot size, amount of plants etc.

I don't like popping a whole bunch of regular seeds, and then playing lotto, and not knowing what the final tally will be.

You're right about one thing though, to each his own.


Green Supreme

Who wants to waste 50% or more of their precious space with crap male plants that you will have to kill and get rid of? It is far more logical and economical to have 100% females and get double the yield. No wasting pots and soil and nutes and precious space on useless males, only to have to kill them.

Your quote!!!!

Just stating that is the next step after what you said. I give that article somewhere between little and no credence, so was not speaking of it. Peace GS


Active member
Yeah dealing with males is somewhat of a bitch. Unless your breeding they are pretty much useless. I often wonder how many males plants i have tossed in the garbage? I start 1000s of seeds each year....so its got to be alot!

You have to be aware that probably 75% of the seeds offered on the internet are not what they say they are. The all mighty dollar has taken over and the consumer is being taken advantage of thats for sure. I spent a few hours the other day finding all sorts of companies selling SOL seeds that are not authentic...makes me sick sometimes.



I'm not a real goat.™
I've had good results with my Greenhouse grows. Great plants for an even better price and that's all I want as a grower. I couldn't care less about any of the accusations towards GHS really (some people take that stuff very personal it seems). As long as I keep getting these results for these prices....I'm gonna buy more and grow dank while those that take this stuff to heart continue to dwell on what Arjan and Co. are doing. :2cents:

GHS Super Lemon Haze

GHS Trainwreck

Happy smoking!




Just Call me Urkle!!
Yeah dealing with males is somewhat of a bitch. Unless your breeding they are pretty much useless. I often wonder how many males plants i have tossed in the garbage? I start 1000s of seeds each year....so its got to be alot!

You have to be aware that probably 75% of the seeds offered on the internet are not what they say they are. The all mighty dollar has taken over and the consumer is being taken advantage of thats for sure. I spent a few hours the other day finding all sorts of companies selling SOL seeds that are not authentic...makes me sick sometimes.


I think about how many males have been tossed too and wonder how much progression is lost in cannabis breeding by doing so. Also that is so true and sad about seeds not being what they say they are by a BUNCH of companies!


Just Call me Urkle!!
I've had good results with my Greenhouse grows. Great plants for an even better price and that's all I want as a grower. I couldn't care less about any of the accusations towards GHS really (some people take that stuff very personal it seems). As long as I keep getting these results for these prices....I'm gonna buy more and grow dank while those that take this stuff to heart continue to dwell on what Arjan and Co. are doing. :2cents:

GHS Super Lemon Haze

GHS Trainwreck

Happy smoking!



WOW!!! Those are the best looking plants I've EVER seen from GHS seeds.. I can give credit when it's due and if somebody shows me a nice purple frosty Kings Kush from them I'd fuck with a pack for shits and giggles :smokeit:
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