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Elevator Man

Active member
This OGK X PA has just hit nine weeks, and is moving into the final phase now - I reckon another week. Just waiting for the final new pistils to die back, and the calyxes to swell. This is one of the two first organic plants, so it's possible it would be done a week quicker with other methods, but I'm quite happy for it to finish properly.

It's just getting water and molasses now, but has had a fair bit of BioCanna nutes with all the trimmings, and hasn't shown any problems at all so far. The buds are absolutely, completely rock-hard...;)



ffs ,can u make the pics thumbnails ,i'm on shitty laptop and takes weeks to look at ya pics,u could always fix me pc for me instead lol


Active member
How do I do thumbnails? Be happy to oblige, the big pics do me head in too!

Got a flashy dual core pc sat here I don't want, got two hard drives, dvd multiburner, decent graphics card, 2 gigs of ddr2 ram, the works. I'll be halfway to yours visiting a mutual friend sometime soon, could arrange to get it to you perhaps. Needs a new PSU, but they are under 20 squid and take 2 mins to fit.

That OG x PA looks different to what I expected, I still think it's a PA pheno, the one I have is an OG pheno, and the third one that is now lost was a mix of the two. I need to pop the remaining 4 f1 seeds sometime soon. A friend in Holland is growing a bunch of the f2s as is a friend in Belgium so eventually we should be able to find a solid keeper out of the line. Be nice to get all the females together in one place to grow side-by-side sometime.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
mate u need to use the "go advanced" reply option, then hit the "paperclip" icon...

be lucky


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
LOL... yeah, u do that man ;)

or not... im too damned lazy/high to open the thumbs personally... :D

Elevator Man

Active member
I just right-click copy the thumbnail from the album, and paste it into the thread - simple...I found clicking on the thumbnail often screwed it up, but this method seems foolproof...;)

As for the plant, it doesn't look that much like the OGK any more, but it sure smells like it, but with more lemon, which I guess is what everyone's after! And it's much more branchy and cola-forming, so it's got to be worth keeping for now.


Active member
Cheers mate, I shall try that right click copy thang.

The Purple Affie was lemony and branchy and formed colas, it's taste was lemons and hash, the smell mostly lemons. The PA male I picked was a very branchy one that had the same structure as the females.

There wasn't much lemon in the OG x PA pheno I did from what I remember. I've got another cutting of my pheno 5 days into 12/12 BTW.

I'll try putting some thumbnails of my pheno here to try out this right click copy thang:

Jeezus, that's a ballache, gotta copy and paste the thumbnail image then add a link to the album image to the thumbnail, surely there must be a simpler way?
Last edited:


Active member
Roll up a fat spliff of the most sativa weed you have, fire 'er up and listen this:


My brain is riding round the inside of my skull like it's on a motorbike doing the wall of death listening to Frankenstein and smoking this Mexican gem, proper loco weed:

I got the hang of this thumbnail thing now, it's a PITA but it looks much better.


Active member
I've been using some Dutchmaster stuff lately, mostly the Max Bloom and Liquid Silica, also using Penetrator and Folitech for spraying in early flower. Not sure whether it's the Max Bloom or the AN Big Bud Powder or the two together, but I'm getting more resin on my plants than before, that Mexican above definitely has more resin than other runs. I only picked up the Dutchmaster stuff cos it was on special offer really cheap, only 4 quid for a bottle of Max Bloom, 6 for the Penetrator and Liquid Silica, so I'm delighted my bargain turned out to be good stuff.


Here's some pics of my Jack Herer, it's definitely got more resin at this stage of flowering in coco than she has in prior runs in soil.


Elevator Man

Active member
The thumbnail link to the main image should be automatically copied along with the image - I just right-click on the thumbnail in the album, paste into the reply box here - and that's it.

The plant's finishing off properly now - ten weeks on Wednesday, so a little longer than expected, but it's organic, so it may add a week or so longer.


Active member
Cheers GP. Are you using Firefox Eman? Which copy option do you use? I have Copy Link Location, Copy Image and Copy Image Location to chose from.

Elevator Man

Active member
No, I'm using IE 8, which just has 'Copy' or 'Copy Shortcut' as right-click options - I use 'Copy', and it grabs the thumbnail and link in one...


Active member
Eek, short of the threat of testicular torture i can't think of anything that would make me use IE again. I have to spend about a third of my time at work (IT Support) fixing IE problems. I swear, the moment Photoshop for Linux comes out I'm through with anything microsoft at home, save that ballache for work!

Elevator Man

Active member
Never have any problems with it at this end really - I only installed 8 recently, as I was waiting for my techie-mate to clear it as safe - which he did. I have Firefox installed as well, and sometimes use that instead, but I never really care which browser I use to be honest - they all seem pretty much the same for the functionality I need.


Active member
My experience has been the opposite - nothing but problems with IE, and it runs like a pig on my PC even though I have a dual core with 4 gigs and 64-bit XP SP3 pared down to the bare bones for speed. I'll figure out a simpler way of doing it with Firefox in the end I suppose.

Or is this a reason/opportunity to try out the new version of Opera?

Got loads of updates to post, just can't be arsed, oh well, maybe tomorrow.

Elevator Man

Active member
I'll be chopping this OGK X PA plant in a couple of days - it hit ten weeks last night, and is pretty much done - but I think the calyxes will swell some more yet, so I'll give it up until Saturday if necessary, and then out she comes!

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