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dark room tents are shit


Active member
i just had a dr240w implode on me... the great weight it was carrying before this happened; 2 super sun IIs and a 6" vortex fan... this weight caused the dr240's cheap ass made in china supports to fail critically causing the tent, and lights inside, to come crashing down on the plants inside... needless to say i'm not happy and at the next industry expo show i go to i'm shoving a bent tent pole between the adams apple and collar bone of whoever darkroom's rep is in the parking lot mark my word :joint:


I had the same thing happen , you need to have a seperate inline fan pushing air into the tent to help with getting rid of the suction that causes this problem . Mine came down on all my elite cuts and moms


That sucks man, one of my nightmares. My tents have lasted wonderfully, minus one little tear in the top of my veg tent. Knock on wood.


Active member
fwiw this tent had been up for over a month no problem; the plastic support failed

i also have a dr120, 2 dr60s and a hydrohut kindergarden so i'm not new to tents

so tent's can't run negative pressure?? wtf? if that was it that's bullshit; never saw that warning on the box

i was using the vortex to exhaust hot air when it got over 85... a dehumidifier and fan were going on in the bottom to mix the air... nothing crazy or anything; wasn't storing my extra engine block on the top or anything
Wow, I was planning on buying a DR240W and DR300W very soon but this input is making me reconsider. Do all tents run this risk? I was planning on running passive intake/negative pressure too. Shit...


Active member
i'm just happy there weren't more plants inside and i was only running one of the two lights...


but i'm still not happy


I run negative pressure in both of my tents, although i could see how with a bigger tent the pressure could definitely almost make it implode.


yeah ive heard that those models dont have a lot of heavy duty framing

i have a growlab and it holds a can 50, my fan and a super sun 2, the can 50 is about 50 lbs alone so im pleased with the structure so far, sorry bro, glad i didnt get one of those



I have a dr240w and 2 6" magnum xxl hoods attached... sometimes the 6 can fan gives strong negative pressure when I first ran it (intake closed off) and I've not had any problems. This thread is concerning though, I'll be more careful in the future.


Power Armor rules
Sorry to hear about your tent implosion. Despite my love or the Secret Jardin tents, it's a fact that the plastic corner supports lack strength. I hope your reflectors didn't break during the whole ordeal.



Just Call me Urkle!!
WOW!!! Bro I'm SOOOOO sorry that had to happen to you but I think it would have happened with any of the brands. They all seem to have the plastic corner pieces which I've always thought was iffy.


Active member
yeah; the dr240 is basically two dr120s with shared central supports; that is the one that failed... top middle support in the back; snapped and caused the pole under it to bend in half

going to be a bitch repairing it; hopefully i can get replacement parts... if i have the time i'll probably redo the framing with schedule 40 pvc but cutting it to length without making the tent too loose or too tight is something i didn't spend all that coin on a tent to do

this wasn't a cheap/ebay tent it was just a bad design on darkrooms part... look for signs of stress, white lines, on the plastic supports for the roof... fwiw my tent was fine one day and gone the next; i hadn't moved a light or added anything, etc

i can't believe that the dr240 can support 2 magnum xxls.... those suckers are heavy... makes me even more pissed mine failed; super sun IIs are like the lightest reflectors out there

i also found a rip in the tent from when it broke :(


Active member
my dr120 is cool not great but good it holds two 400's and 24 babies that yeild me about 480 grams every 70 days a great buy


I don't know about the DR's but I have one of the New Sun Hut XXL's................In the top I have 3 Super Sun 2 hoods 1800w, 1 CAN 50 and 1 8"max fan. It is probably worth mentioning that I have a 6' rail mounted in the tent from when I only had 2 600's in there.