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Retardo's Asylum

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
It is but its driving me crazy tring to do a report on it. I send it to you and you do it? :biggrin::dunno:
It almost seems sensible to have an outside party do the smoke report and give an honest unbiased objective opinion on the herb.
I judge things to a very high standard I think but still fell unable to be objective about herbs if I put my love into them one they are done.:smokeit:
10 ounces of butane lookout cruel world!

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Here's one I took for the fishstick promotional department.

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Allright here's anotehr I took. The litttle guy let me get about 5 feet away. This is taken with a 100mm sigma macro, so he was really behaving!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
nice!! all the serious birders i have met were the biggest gear junkies ever,well except bean junkies and growers!!

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Not me I only have three lenses for this camera! I saw some serious birders out west. Tons of gear tons! They were eating lunch as I puffed one above them on the bird lookout!:biggrin:


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
packs of them would show up in alaska with the hubble telescope strapped to a camera and LIST!!! must find the speckled throat tit warbler!!! seems to work better to just get high in the woods and ignore them,then every bird in the area will come by!!

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
I had seen him there a few times. I was going to read in the sun and get cooked as I was alon for a bit and once baked realized he wouldd show up while I was reading. Sure enough he came ands chilled with me!


Fancy Janitor
ICMag Donor
i go to this nice secluded spot near one of the few open water sources,the hummingbirds come right up to us all the time,prob just dissapear if i got the camera out there!! still need to drag it up into the mountains,its a battery devouring monster but it takes a nice pic!!

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
this stuff turned my friend into a rockstar!

this stuff turned my friend into a rockstar!

Thanks Ido, the thing is a breeze, real good of ya!






Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Great pics bro RM,
what sort of fish were they Unc? do they make good fishsticks lol

No point sending me the GFF i suck at doing reports lol that what Mel is for
We are now on day 30 of 12/12 with our GFF's so it wont be too long and we will be joining you trying to do a report lol

Wow Unc she looks great


At any rate I decided not to send them in so people wouldnt get pissy about germ rates. The MVTF x GK plants I grw from 12/12 smelled and smoke just like the mvtf, she is very dominant.
I'll give em out if people want to play with em!:biggrin:

Would love to take you up on that. Will be starting a new run after this one finishes in about 5-6 weeks.

Thanks for sharing the great photos.

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
It is but different Ido. Its length is almost double and I found that after the first run it as packed too tight and half the herb was untouched still. So the tube being much longer requires some getting used to before I can do it right in a single shot like the turkeyb.
It is much more efficient on the butane though and that is awesome.Less explosive gas to burn oneself with!
Its awesome buddy! Makes me feel good to have a proper tube and even better to know it was a gift from a good friend.:friends:

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
That descriptiopn sounded a bit too homo-erotic somehow!
I spent yesterday meeting Mr. O'Roooooouuurke! As we joked as kids. However puking all day is not fantasy Island!:biggrin:
ANy plans I had to get things done are off till next week.:dunno:
Too weak. I'm going to smoke a bit of Pa Ted Pixie's hat and listen to him play. just gonna chill!


so how much herb and how much butane did u use?... it said to break up weed very well, pack but not very tight 22 grams will fit in that tube i should have emailed u the instructions when i sent the Okief,,,well bro for all the cuts and beans it was my pleasure to get u a proper BHO maker,,,peace brother

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
22 grams eh! It seemed like only so much would fit!
I'm not done yet as a result:witch:
I packed it too tight the first time. I found this to be very important.
With a stainless baster the length is shorter so it is helpful to have it packed firmly as it makes the butane go through slower.

When I used the okief the first run the solvent went from yellow to clear too quickly and in my opinion had missed some resin. I had added powdered hash after all! This is the important part.
I assumed it was packed too tight and went to repack it.:hide::spank:
Sure enough 1/3 of the tube was untouched and free of butane. The other third was still soaked. I repacked the tube very f#*king quickly and mentally bitchslapped myself for compromising my safety with the butane soaked herb. No one got hurt but it was stupid. If I was dumb enough to smoke while working around this stuff I'd have posssibly had a pretty big flare-up in front of me.
Normally I run a tube once and let the tube gass off for a day or so in a safe place. Since it seemed unfinished, I toyed with it and thats thje fuxk up.:whistling:
I didnt weigh, I just stuffed it in. It should only take about 1/2 a 5oz can to do a tube. You might go nuts and drain a whole can through the first time. It takes a bit of getting used to the device to know the right amount. Pretty efficient I thought. If it seems like you didnt get enough from your fist run, play it safe and let that tube gassoff until later before messing with it.
It worked awesome though, thanks again!:dance013:

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
COffee break!:biggrin:
yeah I posted this already but its cute.:dunno:

Hashy Valentines Day!

I mix my finest full melt bubble hash with my bho. I will refer to it as bash for now on I think. Its my bashball ya dig! Anyone wanna play bashball?

Bashball with Afgooey:

The last of my gifted Casey J. Yup Casey goes purple with cold temps
Casey Jones:




Have a great weekend!
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