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Good lowes, depot,wallmart soil recomendations? anyone??


I have used MG soil many times and its fine to grow plants in it ...buy some MG and put some perlite in it ..yes it has some but always add more for good drainage also take out the big chunks of bark they put in the mix as much as you can remove and you will have some dank plants...If you dont want the MG soil loaded with nutes buy a bale of premier peat moss preferably which home-depot does sell and make your own mix with peat-perlite
add some dolomite lime about 2tbsp a gallon of mix and add your own food accordingly look
in the threads here and find organics for beginners and the LC-mixes work awesome....ST


the whole fox farms pro mix thing is funny, were talking peat, and perlite n vermiculite basically, ffof isnt even organic and many people thx fox farms for fungus nats esp with happy frog soil. thx for the tips guys, ill find something good and make a killer mix.

Well Foxfarms is overpriced imo, but Pro-mix is cheap and if you amend it with perlite/ewc/lime it will be a great base for seeds/clones. Pro-mix on it's own has almost no fertilizer at all.


Some Lowes carry 'Kellog' soils. They have one called 'porch plant soil' or something similar. It comes in larger bails and is pretty decent. If you added some perlite, vermiculite, and dolomite lime (all available at Lowes), you would have a pretty decent mix.


I stopped by the local Home Depot today and they don't carry Promix/Sunshine Mix...I did see the bales of Kellogg Soil that looked like the same type of bale that Promix comes in...I didn't see any ingredients, but if you have to add perlite, vermiculite and dolmite you're better off with Promix as it has all that.
There is no need to add lime to ProMix as it is already buffered with lime. pH yer nutes right, don't over feed and pH really isn't a concern. IMO anywho.
I have never seen one single pest in any FFOF soil and further more, what part of it is not organic friend? The bag sure says it is and from what I seen it is. Where is yer info/proof???


I stopped by the local Home Depot today and they don't carry Promix/Sunshine Mix...I did see the bales of Kellogg Soil that looked like the same type of bale that Promix comes in...I didn't see any ingredients, but if you have to add perlite, vermiculite and dolmite you're better off with Promix as it has all that.

I add the same to Pro-mix, except for the vermiculite. Lime is a cheap insurance policy to me, for $6 you get a nearly endless supply and an extra tablespoon per gallon won't harm anything and will keep the ph in check, especially if you veg for long amounts of time. Lime is my friend, especially when dealing with peat based mediums.
you will do well to search moonshine man's mix. or blazeoneup has a killer mix in the "blazeoneup hits the dirt again" thread. start to finish with only plain water. very easy super effective, not overly pricey, when you see hoe many giant ass dank nugs you get.


There is no need to add lime to ProMix as it is already buffered with lime. pH yer nutes right, don't over feed and pH really isn't a concern. IMO anywho.

The amount of lime they add is very minimal, not enough imo. Always get mg problems without adding it, that's the main reason I do. Needs to be dolomite lime though, not hydrated.
here's a super easy recipe.. get peat bale.. get miracle grow organic either potting or garden blend,, one big bag of perlite,, blood meal, bone meal,, limestone flour.

half a bale of peat, bag of MG, handful of blood meal, handful of bone meal, handful of limestone flour.. mix in wet perlite(no dust to breath) tillyour ratio is atleast 1/4 to 1/5 perlite. done. it works for clones to flowers can buy everything at any store in town( lowes, home depot, hardware store, wallmart)..

just feed any flower fert with every other watering at half strength. if you have any problems you cant fix.. give em a shot of miracle grow fert with your next couple waterings. water when your plant pots are dry,, and mix your perlite and adjust your plant size to make it so your plants dry out every two days.

The amount of lime they add is very minimal, not enough imo. Always get mg problems without adding it, that's the main reason I do. Needs to be dolomite lime though, not hydrated.

exactly.. and isnt there more than one pro mix brand peat bale? seems to be alot of em with a diff mix. some come with myco some ph buffered.. either way it needs lime.

also I think it should be said that if you buy your stuff at lowes homedepot or walmart.. there is not a great chance you will have bug problems compared to any other soil available. often times if you dont mix a soil right and it doesnt dry enough between waterings your going to develop problems with the soil.. buy decent quality stuff and your fine. but Miracle grow isnt some bad person or something. and you dont need to buy ocean forest or anything at the hydro shop.

maybe some areas of the country have more issues with this? I guess that might be whats happening...


Active member
Most home depots will carry 2.0 cu/ft bags of Premier peat moss. I have never seem Premier Pro-Mix avail at a major retail outlet on the east coast. I have found Promix potting soil, not Hp or BX.

Watch out for fungus gnats in soils you get fro those places. They are literally crawling with them. Good thing to do it bake your soil in the oven for 20-25 min to make sure all that crap is dead. It's better than opening up the bag one day and releasing 150 gnats into the air like i did. I nearly shat myself.

- SubN