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Colorado Medical Marijuana Analytical Lab


I can see why some would need the test . The only test I need is my patients telling me that my meds are by far the best they have ever used. Some are 30+ year med users. This is one reason only a couple dispensaries(Owned by friends). Have even seen my meds.


lost in the Haze
ICMag Donor
veta, cant seem to use the email on your site, im a twit when it comes to settin up servers and such.

anyway would like some contact info and locations to drop samples



contact email is [email protected] phone is 303-335-0227

the reason good repoduciable and reliable testing is needed is that there are patients that are now looking specific cannabinoid ratios. big THC numbers are good for some, but many people are trying to find high CBD, CBN or THCV strains. The cannabinoid ratio, or make up, greatly effects the medicinal effects. For example, one of our projeccts have been experimenting with high CBN ratios in extracts and have found then a great sleep aid with with very little high or hangover.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
the reason good repoduciable and reliable testing is needed is that there are patients that are now looking specific cannabinoid ratios. big THC numbers are good for some, but many people are trying to find high CBD, CBN or THCV strains. The cannabinoid ratio, or make up, greatly effects the medicinal effects. For example, one of our projeccts have been experimenting with high CBN ratios in extracts and have found then a great sleep aid with with very little high or hangover.

Amen Veta. I for one support what you're doing, keep up the good work!


New member

First, let me say that I appreciate your input, and do not consider it a flame... and this "may" not be the thread to discuss testing methodologies... nor was that my intention.

From the introduction of this thread, I thought we were gauging what interest the Colorado community might have in cannabis testing. As such, the introduction of other options for dispensaries, growers, and patients, I believe is appropriate.

If, OTOH, the purpose of this thread is to just promote your lab, then we should probably discuss this with the moderator of this site, as from what I can tell is against forum policy.

As to the points in your post let me offer the following:

TLC has been used in labs around the world for many years, and many respected scientists would disagree with your assessment of its value... i.e. "one step above smelling and looking at tricomes".. This particular test reveals levels/% of THC, CBD, CBN and several other cannabinoids, on the particular sample provided. While it is true that if someone is seeking a larger quantitative assessment, more testing would be needed. However, this would be true of a number of test methods, including yours.

A very accurate test result from the top bud at one end of a row, is not going to say a great deal about the bottom bud of the plant at the other end of the row.

It is my intention to be accurate and honest as to what TLC has to offer, while not making claims beyond its capabilities.

True, not all testing is equal. To use your mechanics comparison, some people are really only looking for a basic tune up and the typical garage down the street can handle that for them. They of course, have the option of going to the full service dealership, which has all the fancy equipment, but they typically pay extra for all that overhead. This "may" ad extra for the customer.. but it also "may not" if all they are looking for is to have someone change the spark plugs, and set the timing.

It is not my intention to be contentious, nor cause confusion. I would be the first to admit that you and your lab have offerings that I would not be able to provide. My meetings with you in person have been very favorable, and I would be glad to sit down with you and see if we can work out a win/win situation for both of us.


naw its all right, if you knew how much I have to defend testing to people you would understand where I am coming from. I have been working very hard to get the community to except testing, and to get the message out that this is the way things need to be done.

You have to understand most people at first don't understand what our reports mean. They have no concept of the standard of error, reproducibility, accuracy or precession. All they care is that the report is "true". My results are the best I can make them with available technology. People are starting to trust them. For someone to bring another testing modality to the scene that will not be accurate or reproducible will just make education and acceptance that much harder. And trust me TLC is neither, it is best for saying, "this has X in it and not any Y" or maybe on a very very good day "this has maybe around this much X", it is NOT for saying "this has this much of X in it" which is exactly how that test kit markets itself, and that to me is at best, false advertising.

I have actually used the exact kit you are talking about, I was not impressed. It doesn't even come with accurate pipets! Using a capillary rod to measure volume? How is that accurate? Look around the web and you will find the good, the bad and ugly about the cannalytics test (I assume that is what you are using). My feeling is bad data will only hurt the over all acceptance of MMJ testing. If people can't trust their results what good are they? Although, I have heard they are releasing a "all new and improved" version some time in Q1 2010.....

On another note unless you are going to manufacture your own kits (which i recommend) I hope you stock up because the manufacture also has a reputation for being very spotty with production. Some times it takes weeks to receive your order.

There is a way to do quick, moderately accurate with no lab equipment (other that a GOOD scale and GOOD pipetters) testing. I have a version working for 11-nor-THC and we are trying to get one for THC and CBD, but need to get a manufacture set up to make it. It accurate to about +/- 100 ng. which isn't so bad on a 120 mg/g sample of raw plant material, of which you can test on concentrations in the 1mg/ml range . It is actually something growers are really into for breeding programs, and also something that could be sold nation wide....

If you are interested rick in running with the technology let me know we can work something out. I dont have the time to work anymore on it, but maybe have some money to put towards supply costs if it is something you think you might want to try to develop further. I would rather see you offer that kind of service than the crappy TLC stuff....seriously I hate TLC if that isn't clear yet....:hide: I had to do way too much of its in my first research position, and the data was NEVER good. One in 10 runs was usable, and that is my feeling about the cannalytics test in the form I used in the past. It can work, just not every time.....

Anyway, I'm not trying to crap on you nor promote my business. I came here looking for advice and information back when the lab was a twinkle in my investors eye. I continue to pop in time to time to answer any new questions that pop up and once in a while a status update. This is a cool place and I don't want to ruin that. If I toot my horn too much i apologize.



New member

As I stated in my last post.. "My meetings with you in person have been very favorable, and I would be glad to sit down with you and see if we can work out a win/win situation for both of us."

Accordingly, I would be interested in sitting down and exploring possibilities.

Email me at [email protected] and we can set something up.


New member
I love TLC. More than any other technique, it's only as good as the person doing it. "Skill" is sometimes underrated.


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Long haired country boy
just got some test results in from full spectrum labs.. I kind of understand how to read them but still have some questions on how it all breaks down. There are two tables, one says Cannabinoid Profile via HPLC ( grams cannabinoid/ grams of sample) The other says Relative Ratio of Cannabiniods via HPLC ( grams cannabinoids/ grams TAC) What do these mean? I feel kind retarded asking this question but I can't really understand what the total % of THC , ect is in the samples we gave them.. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks.


Long haired country boy
From what I gather one of our strains( Bruce Banner) tested @ 22.650% Thc, They told us it was the highest thc % they have tested yet.. Would love to be able to make sense of these tests a little more.


New member
The full spectrum website doesn't load so I can't see a sample report. Since I can't see a sample report, I would be only guessing. Hopefully veta can stop by and help.



Great Idea

Great Idea

I apologize for not reading full thread prior to posting. I am in data collection mode and can't afford time for "rabbit holes".

However I bookmarked thread for future reading.

Just want to say to OP that I feel you idea would be of interest to some of the other legal states in additon to CO.

I personally can think of a couple.

Good luck with your venture.

Hopefully I wil be in need of your services in the near future.



All the patient records to the DEA...............

DENVER (AP) - A lab that tests medical marijuana for dispensaries and patients said Thursday it was raided by federal drug agents and ordered to turn over patient records.

Full Spectrum Laboratories president Bob Winnicki said Drug Enforcement Administration agents showed up at his facility in Denver on Wednesday when he was at the Capitol for a hearing on proposed medical marijuana regulations.

The lab provided The Associated Press with a copy of a DEA subpoena requesting that it turn over customer and patient records over a six month period through Wednesday.

Winnicki, who had applied for a DEA license to dispense controlled substances, said he wasn't charged with a crime but agents seized about $10,000 worth of marijuana.

DEA special agent Mike Turner said the administration never comments on ongoing investigations and that he couldn't confirm or deny whether there was a raid.

In general, he said agents don't investigate medical marijuana users or suppliers but that they could be probed if their name surfaced during investigations into large drug trafficking operations. He also said the agency investigates facilities that apply for DEA licenses.

"We don't target these operations unless they come up in the normal course of our operations," he said of medical marijuana operations.

While federal crackdowns were once common with medical marijuana operations in California, Matt Brown, executive director of Coloradans for Medical Marijuana Regulation, couldn't recall any such raids in Colorado in recent years.

"They are absolutely not commonplace at all," said Brown, who represents a coalition of medical marijuana dispensaries and patients lobbying for state regulations.

Brian Vicente, executive director of Sensible Colorado, a medical marijuana patients' group, said the DEA has raided some large growing operations but has stayed away from patients and dispensaries in Colorado.

The Obama administration has said it won't target medical marijuana operations in states that allow them as long as they're complying with state laws and aren't fronts for drug traffickers. Colorado is one of 14 states to allow people to use marijuana to treat various medical conditions.

Winnicki said his operation isn't a dispensary but the only lab of its kind in Colorado. He tests marijuana for mold, fungus and pesticides and tests the effectiveness of different strains of marijuana for treating various ailments for dispensaries and patients.

He said he uses scientific instruments and applied for a DEA license back in October to use standards needed to test the marijuana. He said he didn't hear from the DEA until Wednesday.

"I was operating under the assumption that if we're playing by the rules, no problem," he said.

He said the marijuana that was seized included a rare strain that was going to be made into capsules for people with multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's disease.
(Copyright 2010 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)


Really said news to hear.
Veta, if the Colorado med scene can do anything to help you get back up and running just let us know. I fully support want you and your company is trying to do. We are a community here and as such we should thrive to be helpful, responsible and respectful neighbors even if we still live in a large gray area. I hope everything works out for you.
Is Obama in or out?

Is Obama in or out?

First of all this really bothers me that the DEA kinda just went on their own and raided Full Spectrum when Obama issued an order NOT to as long as within state law..... What do they have to say about this? Is Obama going to make sure that they are fired from their positions for not following orders or what? Well Props to the Full Spectrum people for handling everything so calm it sounds like..... I would have flipped my shit (which wouldnt have helped anything :) )


First of all this really bothers me that the DEA kinda just went on their own and raided Full Spectrum when Obama issued an order NOT to as long as within state law..... What do they have to say about this? Is Obama going to make sure that they are fired from their positions for not following orders or what? Well Props to the Full Spectrum people for handling everything so calm it sounds like..... I would have flipped my shit (which wouldnt have helped anything :) )

what you dont understand is that the DEA HAD TO CHECK OUT the lab....they filed for a controlled substance license.....When the DEA came to check out the lab for a license they smelled weed, weed is still illegal federally..... even if obama doesnt want to bust state legal operations, when you invite the DEA to your shop you know there is going to be problems untill its LEGAL federally....no if &'s or buts about it.....just bad judgment on the part of the lab. I respect what the lab is doing, but this was foolish.

This was not a "Raid"....This was Full Spectrum inviting the DEA into a federally illegal establishment.

***I still respect what you do full spectrum, just fire whoever gave you the advice to file for a DEA license***

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