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No change Obama Nominates Bush Appointee to Head DEA

mr noodles

anyway he will not get another 4 years at the pace he is going...you will get pallin in 2012 ...

i predict a serious step back in the mmj scene too ...

yes it suck ...here we have harper...

thats enough for suicidal tough---joking here


The more often she opens her mouth, the more I realize she doesn't have a clue...............:hide:

Which makes her the obvious next choice for this nation of ass scratching morons we call the USA. This idiotic country voted for G.W. Bush, TWICE!!! I'm a young man, and the few things I have learned about this country in my short time on this little blue marble is this. Never, NEVER, underestimate the stupidity of the american voting public at large.

BTW thanks for the heads up on the guns ban. This truely is the new world order. I for one won't take this shit lying down. Not going to go all bat shit crazy, but I still believe in the right to protect body, mind and home. I guess the saying "pry it from my cold dead hands" might be something I might have to live by. Fuck Obama. I voted for him, so fuck me too. Peace.


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
you're all right!
we'd be so much better off under McCain.
At least when Obama screws us he doesn't need viagra to get it up......


weed fiend
This is a political appointment. As such she will act in accordance to the direction and guidance put forth by Obama.

Yeah, while DEA might have autonomous units within the agency, the agency itself isn't autonomous.

It will be revealing to see what priorities she directs her agency to follow.
Right again. We saw how she followed orders. Now we'll get a chance to see how she gives them within her purview.

Too many times we see the result w/o getting the underlying circumstances. Maybe Beck will fill us all in, lol.


Change was a great slogan! It got him elected! I always wonder at this assumption that Democrats are automatically all for legalization, and Republicans are not......


:biglaugh: you guys crack me up, thanks for the giggle.

I fail to see how the erosion of our rights is a matter to giggle about. I personally haven't had a giggle in my entire lifetime when it comes to my goverment. I scream alot, but never giggle. Our goverment has done nothing to restore our rights. Never has, never will. It just keeps stripping them away, slow and steady, much like a rock erodes in a stream. I'm glad one of us is laughing. The rest of us fail to see the punchline.


war on drugs suits me... Im a soldier, where would i be without a battle to fight. although i prefer having my boot on the other guys neck. ...some day, some day, some too many days.


Ya man, like my Reggae brothers say, You aint seen nuttin yet:jawdrop: they be jus fannin the fire :hotbounce

"never mind me":biggrin: Im bubblefuked pretty good about right now....:whistling:


Freedom Fighter
This is how they keep us down....Thanks Obama--:dunno:

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Commenting on NIDA's admission NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano said, "NIDA has finally admitted to the world the 'Catch-22' that has been plaguing medical marijuana advocates and patients. Lawmakers demand clinical research regarding the safety and efficacy of medical cannabis, but the agency in charge of such research denies these studies from ever taking place. It's tragic that these public officials have let political ideology, not science, determine American's health decisions."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In 2007, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Administrative Law Judge Mary Ellen Bittner ruled that NIDA's monopolization of marijuana research is not "in the public interest," and ordered the federal government to allow private manufacturers to produce the drug for research purposes. In January of last year, DEA Deputy Administrator Michele Leonhart set aside Judge Bittner's ruling. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This week President Barack Obama announced his selection of Leonhart to be the DEA's Director.[/FONT]



The revolution will not be televised.....
Damn you Obama for making this kinda shit a reality! How dare you let states make up their own minds and pull back your dogs of war!? You devil you! Hate! Hate! Hate!


Backers say petition for legalized-pot initiative has plenty of signatures
Advocates for legalizing and taxing marijuana in California for adults older than 21 announced they were submitting ballot initiative petitions with 700,000 signatures today, much more than is needed to qualify the measure for the November 2010 ballot.

The petition will be turned in to the secretary of state's office for certification.

"This is an historic first step toward ending cannabis prohibition," said Richard Lee, president of an Oakland medical marijuana dispensary and Oaksterdam University, which teaches marijuana cultivation, production and legal guidelines.

Lee has donated more than $1 million for the petition drive to qualify the ballot measure. Proponents said today they hoped to raise and spend up to $10 million on the campaign.

They are likely to face dogged opposition from a coalition of law enforcement and church groups.

"This will be a serious campaign," said John Lovell, a lobbyist for the California Peace Officers Association, a group organizing in opposition to the pot legalization measure. "They will raise and spend $10 million to $15 million. We will raise a fraction of that. And we will win. . . . The fact is you can't make a case for legalization of another mind-altering substance."

A teleconference by initiative proponents today included former Orange County Superior Court Judge James Gray, a "self-described retired conservative judge in a conservative county who . . . never used marijuana in any fashion." Gray, a legalization advocate, argued that legalizing pot in California could produce more than $1 billion in tax revenues and save another billion in law enforcement costs.

Secretary of State Debra Bowen has until June 24 to certify the pot initiative for the November ballot. It requires 433,971 valid signatures of registered voters to qualify.


Active member
Damn you Obama for making this kinda shit a reality! How dare you let states make up their own minds and pull back your dogs of war!? You devil you! Hate! Hate! Hate...

Obama has done the least action possible on this issue. The memo he released to much fanfare, is rather neutered and offers no real change in policy; it simply de-prioritizes medical cannabis establishments operating under state law (now placing the federal government in a strange position of enforcing state law). They still have no federal legal protection, and the way things are going this probably is going to be irrelevant in 3 years, 7 at the most if the next president has a different opinion.

Lets see the DEA reaction if California tried to legalize adult use. The federal policy is the same as its always been. There is no change. They would be drug dealers, money launderers, and traffickers all the same.

The only way Obama can really deflect against the growing criticism (perhaps most strongly from his own side recently) is to actually accomplish something. Any fucking thing that he has promised at this point: Guantanimo, Don't ask, Don't tell, Iraq, Mountaintop removal mining. Pick an issue.

He has 3 years to prove himself, but right now is a real what-the-fuck moment for people who believed in (any small bit of) what he said before getting elected


Freedom Fighter
Rainman...WTF does that have to do with Obama appointing [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Michele Leonhart as Director of the DEA???:dunno:[/FONT]


weed fiend
This is how they keep us down....Thanks Obama--:dunno:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Commenting on NIDA's admission NORML Deputy Director Paul Armentano said, "NIDA has finally admitted to the world the 'Catch-22' that has been plaguing medical marijuana advocates and patients. Lawmakers demand clinical research regarding the safety and efficacy of medical cannabis, but the agency in charge of such research denies these studies from ever taking place. It's tragic that these public officials have let political ideology, not science, determine American's health decisions."[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]In 2007, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Administrative Law Judge Mary Ellen Bittner ruled that NIDA's monopolization of marijuana research is not "in the public interest," and ordered the federal government to allow private manufacturers to produce the drug for research purposes. In January of last year, DEA Deputy Administrator Michele Leonhart set aside Judge Bittner's ruling. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This week President Barack Obama announced his selection of Leonhart to be the DEA's Director.[/FONT]

Thanks, kmk420kali. Doesn't look like she's a good guy to put it lightly. IMO, we're gonna see more pressure on lawmakers from the state level. If more cities would grow a pair like Breckenridge, CO., we might pressure them from the local level too.

Here's a couple of excerpts from the "his selection" link:

The late, legendary DEA chief Jim Braseth, who mentored a generation of drug agents in the Twin Cities once said, “If you could look in the dictionary for the definition of a federal drug agent, you’d find Michele’s picture.”

Before she joined the DEA, she was a rookie cop in Baltimore. There, she was alternately called “Mickey” or “Alice,” as in Alice in Wonderland – a play on her sheltered Midwestern upbringing.
Now she not only knows the streets, but the mean corridors of power in Washington.
Unfortunately, she sounds like a typical bureaucrat. Keep the machine going in the same direction and grease the wheels with endless budget increases.


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