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When is it time to start flushing my plants, and how should I use my flushing agent


Ok.... Pleas read this WHOLe post thoroughly, for I have a few important questions, and I need some precise answers, please. I know that trichs play a MAJOR role in harvest. But how do I decide it is a good time to flush. For instance, for most part, 3 of my strains, that are 10-11 weeks flower strains(that are now on day 68 of 12/12), The trichs are JUST starting to turn cloudy(but hairs are white) do I: 1)Feed it again? or 2) Start flushing process with Botanicare Clearex, and Advanced Nutrients Final Phase. Another question I need answered is, most threads I read, people say to start flushing when Trichs are ready. But I would think u would want to harvest when Trichs are ready. OR........ Am I misinformed, and once the flushing process starts, does the ripening of the Trichs stop. In another words if I were to start flushing at 100% cloudy, would that mean that if I flushed for 3 weeks my trichs would stay cloudy, or would they still change? I think the Trichs continue to ripen, even while flushing, but I might be wrong. The reason I ask though, is I started flushing my Chiesel(which is a 8-10 week strain) 2 weeks ago @ week 8 of 12/12 and now it's on day 68 of 12/12 and it doesn't seem that the Trichs are no where near done. The bud has gotten frostier, and the almost ALL the hairs are dark red, but the Trichs are still not completely cloudy. There's some clear, a couple cloudy, and a couple amber, but 65% are clear!
Now another important question is this....... I wanted to use the Clearex to leach the soil, and Final Phase after. Now the problem is I have flushed a bunch of different ways in soil, and I'm not sure how to do it. Seems like not even the people who make the products, nor the Hydro Store, can give me a straight answer on how to properly flush with the flushing agent. Now when using "Flushing Agents", how do u apply? AND BE SPECIFIC. Is it like this?????? When u decide to start the flushing process, do u water with the flush solution for a few day, THEN actually flush with straight water(3 times the container size. For example 1 gallon container, 3 gallon of water). Or do I just water with the flushing solution for a few days, then just water with fresh water until harvest? I thank u for ANY help. Peace!


Oh yeah I should mention I am using a Soilless soil, Sunshine Organic Mix(the bag says its an organic mix, but it's a soilless mix, unless the Hydro guy doesn't know what he's selling) to be exact. Anyways, I wanted to throw that in there b4 I get a bunch of responses on how to flush in hydro system. When do I start flushing my soil?


i flush for the last 2 weeks and think the trichs still mature during the flush. i just flush the same way as i feed the plants, i don't like drown then with a ton of extra water just the same amount as i do when feeding, i don't even feed to run off.


Active member
i would do a gallon of clearex followed by 2 -3 gallons of water and then check ppm of run off.

you never mentioned the medium and size of containers.


i would do a gallon of clearex followed by 2 -3 gallons of water and then check ppm of run off.

you never mentioned the medium and size of containers.
I actually did mention the Media.
Oh yeah I should mention I am using a Soilless soil, Sunshine Organic Mix(the bag says its an organic mix, but it's a soilless mix, unless the Hydro guy doesn't know what he's selling) to be exact. Anyways, I wanted to throw that in there b4 I get a bunch of responses on how to flush in hydro system. When do I start flushing my soil?
Also I am in no way trying to be an A-hole bro, but the size of the containers are irrelevant, because I mention in my post about flushing with 3 times the container size, meaning for every gallon container gets flushed with 3 gallons of water. Meaning a 5 gallon container gets 15 gallons of water to flush.
THEN actually flush with straight water(3 times the container size. For example 1 gallon container, 3 gallon of water). Or do I just water with the flushing solution for a few days, then just water with fresh water until harvest? I thank u for ANY help. Peace!

But that's wat I' trying to figure out brother. U mention somethin, that doesn't make sense to me, even though, that is the instruction. BUT! Why would I use Clearex or Final Phase, and then immediately flush it with 3 times the water? Why would I spend the money? I mean thats what I'm doin cause I'm immediately flushing the clearex out also. And the Clearex, and Final Phase BOTH have Trace Elements. SO why would u give the plant some food, and take it away b4 the plant can even take any in? that doesn't make sense to me? My brother, I am in no way trying to be a jerk to u. sorry if the beginning of the post seems rude, but I am not trying t o be rude. I was just pointing out the facts. I would still like ur input, brother. Peace!


sorry dude. i ate a bunch of edibles. flush with clearex then water.
I want some!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to Cali for 2 weeks, and I hope I can come across some ppl out there, while I'm out there. Now what do u mean by flush with Clearex, then water? I'm still confused as to exactly how the process of using Clearex, and then water. Please explain step by step. And if anyone else knows please throw ur 2 cents in.


Last harvest we did - the plants were flushed for 3 weeks w/ plain water.

The leaves were almost white they had used up so much of their stored nutes.

It's like a person - stop eating, and your body turns on it's stored fat reserves. Let the plant eat it's stored N and chlorophyls - the smoke will love you for it.


Last harvest we did - the plants were flushed for 3 weeks w/ plain water.

The leaves were almost white they had used up so much of their stored nutes.

It's like a person - stop eating, and your body turns on it's stored fat reserves. Let the plant eat it's stored N and chlorophyls - the smoke will love you for it.
Thanks Classy. Ur one classy MoFo! Let me ask u a few questions. Did u just flush with plain water? And by flush.... did u run 3 times the amount of water per container size, all at once, or did u use a flushing solution. Classy, break it down to me like I'm slow(in the head)! I mean, step by step, from the minute u decide when to start flushing. Do u check the trichs to determine that it's flushing time, and/or do u go by this method: You know that the strain is a 8 week strain so u feed nutes till week 5 or 6 then start to flush. I want to know what determines it's time to flush for u. then how long do u flush for(I see that u say u flushed for 3 weeks, but, what determined a 3 week flush for that 1, or do u ALWAYS flush for 3 weeks? Anyways break it down step by step. Don't leave ANYTHING out. Even if u carry ur plants to ur tub to flush, thats fine. I want u to NOT leave any details out, in case it's the answer I'm looking for. So from the minute u decide to the minute u harvest, break it down. And please don't just go, I flush for 3 weeks then chop. I mean, I flood the soil with 3-1 gallons of water 3 weeks prior, 3 weeks prior to harvest, I stop feeding and start just watering, like I was feeding, but with NO nutes. That's what I need, is for someone 2 break it down for me. Sorry for bombarding u with ALL these ?????, but thanks for ur help, brother/sister.


Wow - that's alot of info request...

Can't give ya the detail yer lookin' for - and I was using a dwc, but the basics are the same.

If you have a 8 week strain - plan on 9 weeks, and start watering with nothing but water in week 6.

Day 1, week 1, is the day you flip to 12/12. Week 8/9 is cut time.

By week 2 you should not be feeding ANY N - by week 5 there should be no nutes, only molasses or sweet bud boost type.

Week 6 - only water with good, clean, H2O. Keep up this water only until you harvest.

The plant will look almost sick - yellow fans, yellow white lower leaves, after 2 to 3 weeks there will be almost no green in leaves, almost no big healthy fan leafs, and your buds will cure and smoke very, very smooth.

Cut, hang, dry, cure.



Wow - that's alot of info request...

Can't give ya the detail yer lookin' for - and I was using a dwc, but the basics are the same.

If you have a 8 week strain - plan on 9 weeks, and start watering with nothing but water in week 6.

Day 1, week 1, is the day you flip to 12/12. Week 8/9 is cut time.

By week 2 you should not be feeding ANY N - by week 5 there should be no nutes, only molasses or sweet bud boost type.

Week 6 - only water with good, clean, H2O. Keep up this water only until you harvest.

The plant will look almost sick - yellow fans, yellow white lower leaves, after 2 to 3 weeks there will be almost no green in leaves, almost no big healthy fan leafs, and your buds will cure and smoke very, very smooth.

Cut, hang, dry, cure.

u sort of detailed it for me Classy. I do use some products later in my flowering, such as Overdrive, which isn't to be used until last 2 weeks prior to harvest. So I couldn't start flushing as early as u. I've never done soil b4. My last 5 grows were DWC. I never flushed that long though. Normally a 10 day flush was good enough. But u definitely answered my question on how u do it step by step. What u said was exactly wat I was looking for, as far as play by play. Thanks a lot, and Stay Classy!
may i add, some products will advise you to use them until harvest, this is not the way to go. 2 weeks of plain jane water is what you finish with.


may i add, some products will advise you to use them until harvest, this is not the way to go. 2 weeks of plain jane water is what you finish with.
Where can I get some plain jane water? It sounds better than my plain tap water. LMAO. Just kiddin! I will only use flushing agent 1 time, i think, and then use fresh water from then on out. Thanks for helping.


i still don't see why you would want to drown the plants with 3x the amount of water compared the the container side.

to me it seems like it would only be negative to a living plant, i know i wouldn't do that to any of my plant at any stage. i grow in 3 gallon rose buckets and flush for the last 2 weeks with the normal amount of water i use when i feed. i'v never had any complaints on my finished product.


muddy, you can't flush if you're using a normal amount of water. the large amounts of water help clear built up salts and macro nutrients that have been built up from the nutrients in the soil. Then the plants just get hydrated, no nutrients. When there's a lack of nitrogen at the very end of flowering it's supposed to help taste tremendously.


i just don't think its healthy for the plant to in any stage to get feed x3 the normal amount of water. my plants drink a gallon every other day in 3 gallon buckets in the last 2 weeks. so that means they get like 7 gallon of pure water before i chop.

wouldn't over watering an drowning the plant in the final weeks just stun and slow the growth.

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