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hey look what i caught :)

Cool, but i think a BEAR would eat it RAW...LOL ,,get it high u might get a good laugh

I N Hail (aka Kermit Greenskip)

or the poor mouse could die. small rodents are NOT equipped to handle a high, please abstain from blowing out their poor little hearts!

Hope you put some holes in that thing. I think you should just drive to someones house who you hate and let it go. or put it in there car HAHAA

here too the end result would probably be death...

i got anice recipe, make a bigger hole and seal it with a piece of bread, take him/her to an open field and just leave the container. Might get picked off by a bird, but then at least it'll serve a purpose in the circle of life...

end tree hugger rant

Kola Radical

Surely you know someone who has a pet snake. They buy mice to feed them.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
or the poor mouse could die. small rodents are NOT equipped to handle a high, please abstain from blowing out their poor little hearts!

here too the end result would probably be death...

i got anice recipe, make a bigger hole and seal it with a piece of bread, take him/her to an open field and just leave the container. Might get picked off by a bird, but then at least it'll serve a purpose in the circle of life...

end tree hugger rant

:yoinks:O CRAP i did not know that and i would not want to hurt any thing evan a mouse


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
yo BB,

the woods idea is good... thats what i would do...

if he comes back, then flush him down the toilet..

peace, LW


the hell with feeding it to a bear, i say punch some holes in it and give it various strains of weed and hash and see what it does.

what?. . .. someones got to do it, and brother bears the one with the mouse. . . .... . well you may not have said but you sure as hell thought it!!! lol


so did ya release the little guy???

and to the poster who said that mice will travel over 1km to get home totally bogus. mice cannot and will not travel that type of distance. they will set up shop where they are or if you will they will shelter in place.

I have trapped many a mouse in my day. live traps are the way to go. that way you don't have to kill em.....then just release them.



The revolution will not be televised.....
Sell him to your nearest Chinese restaurant.

Touche' Smokey! Touche! Funny as hell!!!
Ole mousie, he just have a little heart attack and drop over before he knows he dead!

see, i wouldn't like to give a mouse a heart attack, but i'd sure take on in rat size! i hate those nasty things... mice run away when they see you, some rats will actually try to attack you...


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
well it's to bad for me but i cannot think of one single person i hate :chin:
she has air holes, i plan to dump her in a feild somewhere later tonight

You're missing out on such a golden opportunity.....that mouse would be like my Mickey Mouse ala Disney "Golden Ticket" brosky!!!

I'd take that thing to Tavern on the Green, or Aqua, or 66....or any number of upper crusty snooty restaurants....
That mouse would be my guest of honor right about the time the check came around....probably between dessert and me asking for the check.

"Waiter, you have MICE in this restaurant...running all over the place in plain sight! I think this is absurd and I'll be calling the health department immediately...I've never seen such filthy conditions!!!!!!!"

"Sir, please calm down, I'm sure we can do something to clear this matter up....let me see if the manager will be willing to waive this check..."

You know there are about a million different ways that can go down, all resulting in your dinner consisting of Filet mignon, the best caviar and all the other assorted goodies you can cram into your stomach....being gratis!

Then of course, I couldn't resist booking a weekend at the Four Seasons or the Warldorf Astoria.....things would be GREAT up until the time I had to check out due to the "infestation" that was apparent and of obvious health concern in such an upscale joint. That's like easily $800 a night on weekdays, and it just goes up from there on the weekends....

So the way I see it, that mouse is an awesome find! You and Walt Disney couldn't be happier with that totem animal.

Brother Bear

Simple kynd of man
ICMag Donor
so did ya release the little guy???

after being detained for a few hours
questioning about the whereabouts of other mice that may be in the house
i concluded she was telling the truth about being the only one in my bear cave

she was released later that evening on my way to the store
i dropped her near a barn, and hope all is well for the little mouse

she has a bent tail, so i will recognize her again if a trip back is made
death will follow should that happen:dueling:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
Here's my finest reusable mousetrap, 5 gal bucket, piece of wire hangar, soda can punched dead center top & bottom and about 1/2 tbsp of peanut butter. put p~nut butter on the middle of the can, a little water in the bucket and it'll kill them as they tire quickly, I live in the country & I take no prisoners, no mercy rides away from my crib.......


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