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That crap for smell control


I have a small grow going in the basement of my house. 2 lights 2x8 table,you get it.
One night last year,My wife went to visit a friend (walking distance) and she had more then a few drinks. I wasn't concerned as she handles it well.
I put her to bed and a while later joined her. Suddenly I awoke to crashing and a yelp.I got up to investigate and my wife was laying at the bottom of the staircase in a heap.
I checked her out, her arm hurt and her ankle thinking I had a few drinks as well it was best to get through the night and go to the hospital in the morning,if necessary.
The other issue was she was unaware as to how she got there.I felt this was likely alcohol related as she wasn't complaining of a head injury.
Unbeknowst to me daughter phoned the hospital and due to her mental state the hospital insisted on contacting 911
Before I knew it I was woke up again with ems in the bedroom and 2 minutes later a cop was standing beside me.
Dam near crapped myself right there . My wife insisted on staying where she was, a everything turned out ok except the ems guy and myself were getting into it a little,(he was asking why I was in a grumpy mood and I replied I wasn't happy with 3 strangers in my bedroom at 4:00 am due to my wife's excesses.

It all goes to show you, Shit happens and even if you do all the right stuff,there are no guarrentees.
PS the heading supposed to be thank crap for smell control

Lord Doobie

My g/f got involved with some goofy women in the apt downstairs. I got out of the shower one night to find one goof and 3 cops in our livingroom. Of course, one cop carded me and I almost blew my cover....almost.

I believe this is why the bumpersticker was printed: SHIT HAPPENS


My g/f got involved with some goofy women in the apt downstairs. I got out of the shower one night to find one goof and 3 cops in our livingroom. Of course, one cop carded me and I almost blew my cover....almost.

I believe this is why the bumpersticker was printed: SHIT HAPPENS

Carded you? Pls. explain


Active member
good job, it looks like your security was enough to get through this episode OK. You definitely should set up an exhaust/carbon filter system ASAP.

A few years back I found a woman crying in the foyer of my building, some asshole had just tried to rape her on the sidewalk, she managed to break away and ran into my foyer.

I brought her inside and called the cops, then all of sudden I was like, holy shit, we have to go downstairs and talk to the cops outside! She didn't understand, I had to practically drag her down the stairs. The cops could have come in and talked to her, my closet setup was 100% exhausted through a carbon filter and odor free, and behind a locked door, but you never know if they'll decide to search.

You always have to plan for the un-expected when growing. Emergency, strangers in the house. Power outage. Furnace or AC breaks and need repair. Plumbing crisis. etc, etc, etc. The grow should not be smell-able, visible, or hear-able from inside the house.


good job, it looks like your security was enough to get through this episode OK. You definitely should set up an exhaust/carbon filter system ASAP.

A few years back I found a woman crying in the foyer of my building, some asshole had just tried to rape her on the sidewalk, she managed to break away and ran into my foyer.

I brought her inside and called the cops, then all of sudden I was like, holy shit, we have to go downstairs and talk to the cops outside! She didn't understand, I had to practically drag her down the stairs. The cops could have come in and talked to her, my closet setup was 100% exhausted through a carbon filter and odor free, and behind a locked door, but you never know if they'll decide to search.

You always have to plan for the un-expected when growing. Emergency, strangers in the house. Power outage. Furnace or AC breaks and need repair. Plumbing crisis. etc, etc, etc. The grow should not be smell-able, visible, or hear-able from inside the house.

Tks Muleskinner the heading was supposed to be Thank god for smell control as I do have filters fans etc.


Active member
Tks Muleskinner the heading was supposed to be Thank god for smell control as I do have filters fans etc.

yeah and the other thing is, once the grow is secure, you need to adjust your mindset to total confidence - the grow does not even exist - it cannot exist. that way you stay cool if something does happen

"These are not the Jedi Knights you're looking for"

I once had my small grow so secure that I let my landlord into the house and drove away.


Well-known member
do NOT have 911 on autodial ! my (then) 3 year old picked up phone playing, hit a number & laid the phone back down, they are REQUIRED to send POPO to hang-up 911's in tennessee. 'bout ruined my drawers when i looked up & saw blue lights coming up driveway...AOH


do NOT have 911 on autodial ! my (then) 3 year old picked up phone playing, hit a number & laid the phone back down, they are REQUIRED to send POPO to hang-up 911's in tennessee. 'bout ruined my drawers when i looked up & saw blue lights coming up driveway...AOH

I'm happy it turned out ok
In this line of work we should buy underwear by the case LOL.


Grow safety tips

The grow should not be smell-able, visible, or hear-able from inside the house.