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New Experimental Organic Hydro Technique!


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
i edited my post above 2 show progress w/o hi-jacking

as anyone can see, there's plenty of vigor and color is good (the apparent yellowing at the tips in the day 16 pix is a lighting issue - all leaves are nice and green to the tip w/ no yellowing)

however, the grow is not w/o issue

while color and vigor are excellent, the plants lack thickness and are getting a little leggy - could be lighting (ambient sunlight supplemented w/ cfls)

here's my soil recipe:

base 2 parts coco coir 1 part EWC 1 part perlite

ammendments 2 tbs ea, greensand, kelp meal, bat guano all FF; and 2 tbs dried cooked ground eggshell 2 tbs epsom

nitrogen is provided w/ fish emulsion and recently supplemented w/ bat guano (hi N) compost. i run the fish emulsion and compost aerating as a tea in a bucket

Any suggestions as to the spindly nature of the plants?
This system is so much fun to build, I can't wait to start growing in it. Since I can't grow herb, what kind of legal plants would do well? Peppers seem good, but I would like to do tomatoes and I was wondering if I could adjust this system's pH down by using Espoma Tomato-tone in place of Plant Tone (don't have Biotone starter plus, I hope that's not a problem).
just read the whole thing. this is promising. off to rrog's and LL's threads for more info. Did anyone ever get pics of a bigger OBBT system?

Mt Toaker

I see its been a long while since there has been much discussion on this thread. . . Are OBBT's still kickin out there 2 years after this conversation began? I'm thinking about putting an OBBT in my new setup just to check it out since I've been so interested in it for a while and have yet to see first hand what it will do next to my soil garden.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Give it a go mate. I have seen good results with tomatoes and weed.

However i am now more interested in making all of my indoor grows no-till in beds. This way the organic microbes and fungi etc can really make themselves at home.

The obbt concept is a good one i think. Still might do a grow show between 2 equal size beds, one with air injection and one just no-till style with maybe a living mulch.



Active member
No-till is what I'm headed toward also. Just no air pumping. When a plant is ready to be harvested, there is a complete super-highway network of fungi ready to go. So take advantage of this. Cut the old plant down at the base. Leave the roots. Cut a hole in the soil and insert your clone or seedling. It will immediately pick up where the old plant left off.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
No-till is what I'm headed toward also. Just no air pumping. When a plant is ready to be harvested, there is a complete super-highway network of fungi ready to go. So take advantage of this. Cut the old plant down at the base. Leave the roots. Cut a hole in the soil and insert your clone or seedling. It will immediately pick up where the old plant left off.

Yup thats the plan stan.

I did my first harvest and immediate transplant yesterday. Also sprinkled chamomile and a good bug blend (coriander, red clover, calendula, etc) seeds all over the top.


Active member
It's so cool you're doing that Surfer. Love the airpots you made also. I wish I could use them. Next house...