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E.C's Bagseed Paradise


=These pics were taken this morning 12-30-09 @ 9:15 this morning... Enjoy:



ITs the 2nd of January and these girls are getting the FULL dosage of nutes that they can possibly handle.. They looked very very hungry and whenever i feed them they take it seamlessly so i know they want it. Here we go:



This update is on 1-6-10..... So far the plants are doing very good, actually great. They stand (above the pots) 2-2/12' tall at the moment. Some lower shade leaves are dying but for the most part everything is green and healthy..

Temps are high and humidity is low but a few spritz on the walls and on the reflector bring it right back up. My avg temp/humidity - 85/38.... YEs hot and dry but the end result will surely be sticky.

Im not too sure but it think its around the 28th-31st day of flowering. Now the smell is pungent and deep as they wake up.

Here are some pics. Enjoy
Love seeing bagseed grow and such healthy ones too. All I have going now also. But it's a good thing. Still getting soil mixture right. You have a carbon filter or anything for smell? Sorry if you already posted that.
Nice grow man.

This is when they really start taking off. What type of nutes are you using? Are you adding any flower boosters to your plants?


Phatboy - Thanks friend and yes bagseed, in my opinion, is the cheapest way to grow. But it can also bring in some tasty nuggets come harvest time. I do NOT use a carbon filter. I have no outlet in my tent. I have an inlet which feeds the fresh air around, a inline fan to cool the lamp but no exhaust. I have my tent open during light hours too so the exchange can happen that much more. But all in all,, no carbon filter for this grow...

Corsican - Thank you for the comment and stoppin by friend. Hopefully you find my thread interesting, informational and motivating all in one. I am using Bio bloom @ the moment, but am switching to A.N conniseur. For back up nutes, i am using a high does of Flora nectar / flora blend and some cal mag. Great results so far, been using these same nutes for over 5 grows now. As for flower boosters, no... Never thought about it, but i am upgrading my whole system in a little while to get a greater harvest with less expense on materials. Trying to enlighten my own path for righteousness lets say lol...

More pics to come...
Right on man.

I was using KoolBloom for flowering but just switched to Beastie Bloomz. Hopefully I'll see some better results. The Koolbloom caused something similar to fox-tailing, new growth sprouted from the top of my buds! Oh no! It looked really bad and probably stole a little energy that could have been spent better fattening them horizontally instead of vertically. I've heard that "Big Bud" is another good product but haven't tried it yet. I'm trying to learn fundamentals and try not to fall for all the marketing hype. Unfortunately I'm human like the rest of you and sometimes can't resist. I'll report on how the Beastie Bloomz worked out. Nice grow brother.


Today is the day of many things. For me, its day 30 of flowering but more importanatly them JETS go to cinci to whoop some ass on mo time . Here are some pics i took yesterday evening.. The buds popped overnight due to the nutes i gave them so they are a tad bit more swollen than the pics. Enjoy......


Hey great grow! got a question for ya; Did you count day 1 of flowering when the plants showed their sex or the first day you flipped them to 12/12 light schedule?
Good question.

When do most people start the count? When do seed banks start the count? I figure the flowering times listed for seed bank strains (8 weeks, whatever, etc.) start the count from the flip to 12/12.


Nice - great question.. The 31 days of flowering is counted at the switch of 12/12.... but i have the days each on showed their sex. 2 of them showed 4 days before the switch and the rest were from 1-11/2 weeks in before they showed. so for two its actually 35 into flower and the others are from 23-26 into flower


got some stress but the funny thing is that the one that stressed her whole life is a solid ass nugget (or nuggets) and the other 4 are looking like skinny sativa's..... I dont know if trimming had anything to do with this but it tickles my fancy to see such a big difference in the same conditions.
Looks like one hell of a grow.to me,bag seed is just as good as some of the named weed.just because it came from a''bag'' don't mean shit.Ive grown out some excellent bud that came from the''bag'' and always had some good results.anyway,your plants look awesome and im looking forward to seeing the rest.:yes::lurk: