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Bill C-15 has passed in Canada. You will get 6 Months prison for one plant. ORGANIZE.

mr noodles

the war just begin

dont celebrate , harper and nicholson will get back with c-15 full steam ahead this spring but now everybody had approved the senatorial amendments , it will be hard for harper to try to get nazi on pot . he also will pack the senate .

canadians who use marijuana for medical reasons = 900 000
for recreational use + 2000 000 minimum

this is at least a few millions vote for the liberals if ignatieff want to run us , they have to vote no this time if steve want to go on pot again .

start the war today , register on cbc and leave comments on a daily basis . its the only way to aware people about the ridiculous c-15 and its the only way to fight the conservatives .

fight, we are at war for real and we cannot screw it this time


Active member
fuck yheah just saw it on cbc thank you Harper.
I wouldn't thank harper if I was you..He's only doing this to save his own ass.
By scrapping parliment, he wont have to deal with the flack for the afghan detainee torture allegations. aswell it will also give him some time to let the criticism over the kyoto protocal to die down....
He's a fuckin snake regardless.
We need to oust these pricks.


Active member
I remind you all that this battle is NOT over.

Bill C-26 started this fight. It died with Parliament on the Order Table in 2008.

It rose from the dead and C-15 was born -- and passed -- by the House of Commons in 2009.

It was amended by a Senate which the Liberals controlled. That control ends next month. With a pro-roguing of Parliament, the Standing Senate Committee that amended C-15 will be reformed and next time will be under the control of the Conservatives.

The balance of power in the full Senate as of January 2010 is held by independents. By November 2010, control of the full Senate will be in the hands of the Conservatives.

We have seen C-26 proceed, die and come back to life in C-15. Now that C-15 is dead - we will see the same thing happen again, make no mistake.

This battle is not over. 2010 will see this Bill in the House of Commons again.


I have seen all sorts of posts on Cannabis Culture, WhyProhibition.ca and here asking people to "write their MPs" and "call the Tories to jam the phones" and complain.

That strategy is well intended, but it is utterly incompetent and misguided. THAT is the sort of strategy that let Bill C-26 progress and C-15 come within a hair of passing.

And if we pursue that strategy again, the next incarnation of the Bill will pass. How many times must this happen before people realize that the politics of protest do not work?

We must adopt a politics of persuasion.

I have said it here before - and I will say it again - the political strategy adopted by the so-called leadership of the marijuana movement in Canada is too far-rooted in the political culture of the far left. They are so deeply imbedded in the politics of protest that they do not readily understand that such politics are without any credibility in mainstream Canada. As a result, the media ignores them.

Once the media ignores you -- the battle is over.

If you go "write your MP" as your 2 cents worth of opposing this Bill next time - if THAT is our plan - we will get E X A C T L Y what we got last time: a Bill that passes the House of Commons.

How many times must we keep doing the same thing, over and over again, before we realize that this strategy does not work? Do you have to get kicked in the balls a THIRD time before you wake up? Or is twice to the nuts enough?

Seriously: WAKE THE FUCK UP AND THINK ABOUT THIS and what it is that you are saying. This is a serious political struggle. Naive idealism and amateur politics will not defeat the next incarnation of this Bill.

You want to defeat the next incarnation of this Bill? I tell you that there is only ONE path to defeat it: just one.

We MUST persuade the Liberal Party of Canada to not support the Bill. That is the only way that this dies and stays dead.

The Liberal Party of Canada is not a party of social conservatives. We are not their enemy. We are, to the contrary, their base. They do not support this bill out of any conviction or intellectual support for what it contains. Their support has only been premised upon a well founded fear of looking too soft-on-crime.

A gun was held to the head of the Liberal Party of Canada to support C-15. An election had just been held. The public polling numbers in support of C-15 were VERY high.

Those numbers were high because the leadership in the so-called Marijuana Movement did not do its job properly. Oh, it tried to inform the public, but it played a fool's game. It focussed so much on telling all of the truth, it could not get its message out in a way that played to the public.

So let me spell it out for you, ok?

Canadians DO NOT LIKE DRUG DEALERS. They do not pity them. They do not care for them. They are happy to put them in jail. I'm sorry about that, but it's true. The large majority of the country would be HAPPY to put a grower's ass in jail. They would see it as a GOOD THING.

So deal with that reality and then wake up and BE SMART. That's the lay of the battlefield. If we fight that same battle on that same field, we will lose it again - just as we have lost it twice before.

To win, we must pick a new battlefield.
If we cannot put a new label on the new incarnation of this Bill, it will be fought in the same battlefield and we lose.

The winning Battlefield for the Conservatives is to once again make this Bill all being "tough" on organized crime. The third time will be a charm, and the next Bill will succeed. There will be no Liberal controlled Senate to save it next time.

In order to defeat the next Bill, the following must happen:

WE WIN IF: the NDP, the Bloc and the Liberals defeat it in the House. The NDP and the Bloc will never support this Bill. The Liberals might.

Therefore, WE LOSE IF: the Liberals support it in the House.

This Bill is not about Justice Minister Nicholson, or Stephen Harper. We know what they are and who they are. They are the Enemy. They are social conservatives who would be HAPPY to put everyone reading this post in to jail for several years, and would call it a VICTORY if they could do so.

The next Bill is about the person who can stop that from happening. The next Bill is about Michael Ignatieff. We NEED him.

In order to persuade Ignatieff, and the Liberal Party to be onside, two things must happen:

1 - Michael Ignatieff must decide to oppose this Bill; and,
2 - The people of Canada must be prevailed upon to oppose this Bill.

If we cannot persuade the public, we will not be able to persuade Ignatieff. He may be opposed to the Bill on principle, but if 68% of Canadians support the Bill, then he will support it too.

So how do we persuade the Canadian people that this is not a Bill that Canada needs?

It needs REBRANDING. It needs a FACE. It needs to persuade Canadians on both a visceral AND an intellectual level that the Bill is wrong. We have intellectual arguments coming out of our ASS in opposition to the Bill - but the vast majority of people don't know about the details and see only a headline. They need to see something sympathetic in one sentence. They won't READ further than that.

The Conservatives sell the Bill as being against "organized crime" and drug dealers. That's their one sentence - and it works. If the new Bill is permitted to be branded as being about organized crime and drug dealers - it will get the support of Canadians just like the last two did.

So we must BRAND it sympathetically. We must change the battlefield.

The Bill must not be about "drug dealers" and "organized crime". It must be about somebody that Canadians DO NOT WANT SENT TO PRISON. The new Bill needs to be about somebody sympathetic.

The next Bill needs to be about university students. Living in a Dorm, or an apartment, or at their parents' home. In all of those cases, those are the people who will go to jail under C-26 and C-15 for growing in rented premises. They do not sell dope, but they share it with their friends. That is enough to make them go to prison for nine months for one plant.

And that's what we need to sell this on. A sympathetic face. Without it, we lose.

The rental provisions of C-15 are the most pernicious aspect of the Bill that there is. It the one aspect of the Bill that has NEVER, not even ONCE received any attention in the national media. That is not an accident. If Canadians were actually told about it, they'd be upset. That's WHY the Conservatives don't tell them and their spin doctors stay away from that aspect of the Bill.

The Conservatives keep selling this as grow ops and organized crime. They stay on message - and they win.

We have to sell it as being against students and renters. We give this Bill a face. It is the face of a university student living in a dorm, getting dragged off to jail for a few plants in their closet. Not about drug dealers. Not about massive grow ops. Not about organized crime. We need this to be about students in a dorm room.

THAT is a fight we can win. THAT is a one sentence summation that people don't have to think about whether or not they oppose it.

If we make the next Bill about THAT, we can win. THAT is a sympathetic face. THAT is not somebody that Canadians want to send to jail. We do that? The Liberals will oppose this Bill - and this thing will go NOWHERE.

When the next Bill surfaces, ignore writing your MP. They don't listen to you. They vote as their whips tell them to vote. Write Ignatieff, and cc: the local newspaper and the closest LIBERAL MP if you must. Make your complaint be about university students caught up in the crossfire of a mandatory scheme of sentencing from the far right.

Make the Bill be about students. Make that case to Ignatieff - how could he betray the young people he taught for so long as a University Professor? Why is he so weak as to not stand up for his own students against Harper?

Make this about Iggy's character and strength. Is he strong enough to support young students caught in the crossfire - or is he so weak he will sell out his own?

That e-mail to him will not do much. But that e-mail to him AND the local newspaper will if they run it. and if they run it - and read them again and again, the editor of that paper will see a spin that is easy to summarize and sell to readers as a "story". Paint this as a test of character where to be "hard on crime" is to be WEAK IN CHARACTER, and we might get somewhere with this. We can persuade Iggy to delay it, amend it, and ultimately, to defeat it.

So, next time, you must do two things: write Iggy and write the newspapers.

Stay on message and make the university student caught-in-the-middle the public face of this Bill in the media. Persuade Iggy with all the intellectual arguments you may like. But without that sympathetic face to persuade Canadians otherwise, he will be afraid to appear soft on crime again.

This is a battle for hearts and minds. In order to win it, we must pick the battlefield and stay on message.

I swear, if I see another "write your MP" or "jam the Tory phone lines" post dressed up and presented as meaningful "opposition" to the next incarnation of this Bill, I'll scream.

headband 707

Plant whisperer
This was the email I got from Ignatieff when I emailed him in protest of the bills .I can't help but notice his wording on rehab:

Thank you for your email regarding Bill C-15. Please be assured that your concerns have been duly noted and shall be given consideration as we craft our future policies on important issues such as crime and justice.

The Liberal Party believes that strong drug laws are only one small part of what is needed to fight gang violence. Law enforcement agencies need to have sufficient funding to deal with the many types of crimes that affect Canadian families.

To succeed in keeping our streets safe, we need to have a balanced approach. The Liberal Party believes that government can meet its responsibility of making Canadians safer by expanding on the Conservatives' narrow-minded approach to crime and justice issues and by pushing for more effective prevention and rehabilitation measures.

As the Official Opposition, the Liberal Party will take responsible action on the issue of crime and justice by remaining faithful to its principles and values. We also believe that our democracy is best served by an open and constructive dialogue with all Canadians on important issues such as this. With that in mind, I thank you for taking the time to write and share your concerns with me on this important matter.

Please don't hesitate to contact me again on this or any other important issue.


Michael Ignatieff, M.P.
Leader of the Opposition
Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada


Active member
this could not of come at a better time, that shit was so close to becoming law, I was expecting it to be a done deal before the Olympics.

mr noodles

whatever what i cant put together in a post , listen to every words fatigues type here . he is best when it come to explain things in details .

war just begin !

invade every media blog and fart hard about the conservative and all their politics and bring c-15 on the table !!!

how many votes the cannabis users can represent all over canada ?

we should gather the data and make it public everywhere like this : ignatieff there is 2 millions of votes up to grab . we should became a strong movement that target a big organization like the liberals . making the od of carry the title of pot nazi to harper and clearly voices that we are millions available to iggy if he is on our side .otherwise he can go to hell .

voting ndp,green,marijuana party , bloc quebecois is a wasted vote if iggy take a position in our favor .at this time it will be a lesser evil than harper and the reformist,wild rose, torries shit

like fatigues said , there no other choice than supporting iggnatieff if we want to keep our head out of the water . the conservative are a real menace .

Canadians .....wake up !


Interesting stuff.

From reading the news it looks like this bill will be reintroduced word for word.

Fatigue has some great idea's.

I like your college kid's going to jail angle.

How about a medical marijuana angle for sympathy? A sick person can't get a prescription, so they have a friend grow a few plants for medicine. Friend is caught and goes to jail for nine months.

Or a sick person grows for themselves and gives a bit of medicine away, gets caught then goes to jail for nine months

Mitch Connor

Bill C-15 Is No More

Bill C-15 Is No More

Taken from WhyProhibition.ca:

"Today, Stephen Harper asked the Governor General to “prorogue” (end the session of) Parliament. This means that all the bills are dead, C-15 included!

Had it not been for the hard work of everyone in lobbying the Senate, C-15 would have passed into law. That's right, we campaigned politically and won! C-15 has been stopped!

The Parliament will resume in March, and we can assume Stephen Harper will reintroduce C-15 in some form shortly thereafter.

We can not stop now! We must continue to build so that when C-15 comes back we can face it with even greater numbers and more intense campaigning."

Obviously this is a huge victory for the marijuana movement. I would like to congratulate everyone who took part in some way to stop this bill.

Now, lets Hope Harper Hangs Himself!
Here is what i sent to Mr. Ignatieff. This thread has been very informative, and I would like to thank everyone for their efforts to this point. Don't be complacent, we must fight harder!

Mr. Igantieff,

I am a student at the University of xxxxxx completing my fourth year of a Finance degree. Like many students I have been somewhat unaware of the political proceedings around me and I've failed to consider how legislation affects me, my peer group and friends. Bill C15 has been introduced to the public as a bill that will persecute gangs and organized crime by implementing mandatory sentences. To be clear, I am 100% in favor of penalizing drug dealers and gangs thereby reducing their presence in our communities. What i find disconcerting about this piece of legislation is the fact that students who pose no threat to the community that grow marijuana for personal consumption are lumped into the same group as violent criminals. A nine month minimum sentence to an individual who grows one plant to share amongst friends is a complete and total miscarriage of justice. Mr. Ignatieff, I am writing to you because the conservatives will reintroduce this bill in March and it will get passed if someone does not have the strength to oppose it. The person who has the ability to stop this injustice is you, Mr. Ignatieff.

The conservatives have done a wonderful job of masking the finer points of this bill, and the public has no idea who this bill will persecute. Young minds looking to contribute to our society will be jailed while gangs and criminal organizations will continue to thrive being able to sell their products at a higher price due to minimum sentences.

You and your party will have my vote, and millions others, if you act as our voice.


Here is what i sent to Mr. Ignatieff. This thread has been very informative, and I would like to thank everyone for their efforts to this point. Don't be complacent, we must fight harder!

Mr. Igantieff,

I am a student at the University of xxxxxx completing my fourth year of a Finance degree. Like many students I have been somewhat unaware of the political proceedings around me and I've failed to consider how legislation affects me, my peer group and friends. Bill C15 has been introduced to the public as a bill that will persecute gangs and organized crime by implementing mandatory sentences. To be clear, I am 100% in favor of penalizing drug dealers and gangs thereby reducing their presence in our communities. What i find disconcerting about this piece of legislation is the fact that students who pose no threat to the community that grow marijuana for personal consumption are lumped into the same group as violent criminals. A nine month minimum sentence to an individual who grows one plant to share amongst friends is a complete and total miscarriage of justice. Mr. Ignatieff, I am writing to you because the conservatives will reintroduce this bill in March and it will get passed if someone does not have the strength to oppose it. The person who has the ability to stop this injustice is you, Mr. Ignatieff.

The conservatives have done a wonderful job of masking the finer points of this bill, and the public has no idea who this bill will persecute. Young minds looking to contribute to our society will be jailed while gangs and criminal organizations will continue to thrive being able to sell their products at a higher price due to minimum sentences.

You and your party will have my vote, and millions others, if you act as our voice.

I like your last sentence...with Iggy in his situation...I think he is going to check this out a lot more and will realize that in fact his party can gain votes by changing his position on C-15

A slight reprieve is better then nothing....and in the words of Fatigues..."The fat lady hasn,t sung yet.
There is light at the end of the tunnel.


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
That's a great email.... lets get more going over there. I really don't like Iggy, but I hate this bill and harper more. They are sure to see the extra votes if more mail finds it way there.
That's a great email.... lets get more going over there. I really don't like Iggy, but I hate this bill and harper more. They are sure to see the extra votes if more mail finds it way there.

I don't much care for him either. But I look at it this way, instead of the politicians using us to accomplish their goals, lets use them for once to accomplish ours!

Great e-mail CareFreeLivin



In an email:

BILL C-15 IS DEAD!!!!!

Thank you for signing our petition opposing Bill C-15!

On December 2, we went to Ottawa and made a presentation to the Senate Committee studying Bill C-15. We got a chance to tell them directly about the devastating impacts this proposed legislation (which, among other things, would impose mandatory prison sentences for the cultivation of cannabis, starting at 5 plants) would have on Compassion Clubs and the many medical marijuana patients who rely on us. During this presentation, we submitted our petition--the one you have signed--to the Senate Committee.

Our testimony can be viewed here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQgsCeuFu_M

An overwhelming majority of the 62 expert witnesses called by the Senate Committee spoke out about the different ways in which this Bill was bad news for Canadians.

Several significant amendments were ultimately made by the Committee and passed by the Senate, forcing another round in the House of Commons, which were slated for January.

We have some very good news to report today!!!

Bill C-15 is dead!!!!

The Conservatives just "prorogued" Parliament today, forcing a recess until March. What is important for us is that all Bills still on the order paper die there, including C-15!!

While political maneuvering was ultimately responsible for the demise of this nasty legislation, we do believe we can still claim a victory for all our efforts.

If not for the overwhelming number of witnesses who spoke out and provided evidence against the Bill--resulting in the amendments which have stalled the Bill long enough for this to happen--Bill C-15 would have been made into law by now.

The Bill may certainly be brought back but it must be reintroduced as a new Bill starting from first reading again. If it does, all the grassroots communications we have been engaged in building opposition--speaking to members, supporters and the public has increased our capacity to mobilize in the future.

If you wish to stay in touch with the work we're doing, please send a quick request to [email protected] and we'll add you to our announcements list (used only for the really BIG stuff).

A deep-felt "Thank you!!!" once again to all of you who expressed their opposition to Bill C-15 and their support for Compassion Clubs, medical marijuana patients and all the cannabis cultivators out there who are decent people and contributing members of society!!

Happy New Years!!!

Best Wishes to Everyone
from the BC Compassion Club

im so happy bout this, it's more peace of mind than anything. Also, those youtube videos are just plain gem worthy

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