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uk clone only! (and british bred strains)

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There have been precious few glimpses into the KC genetics, but all have indicated a pretty stable genome methinks. There is the KC itself, then I grew out the only other 2 seeds from the original bud the KC came from, I exchanged with the original finder for some other seeds. I only got one to germ and it produced a female indistinguishable to the KC and sadly I lost it as I mixed up the labelling and flowered it out thinking it was a cut of the KC, but it was identical. The other glimpses are the two S1s I have going now which seem so far to be very close if not identical, and the KC x Flo work Elevator Man is doing looks to be indicating a fairly stable f1 with both flo and kc phenos, if the KC was unstable, there would be loads of phenos and it doesn't seem that way so far.

The KC itself is capable of a vast range of phenotypical expression however, it grows differently in different environments, the opposite of the Cheese which always smells the same and looks pretty much the same, the KC is 'a chameleon' to quote Elevator Man. What that indicates as regards the genetics and their stability or lack of, I don't know.

I'll say this though - if ever I saw a plant that screamed 'breeding potential' it's the KC, there is a lot of resin, potency and flavour in there, mixed in with some undesirable traits such as a slight tendency to produce male flowers under stress, a lot of stretch, an unwillingness to branch and below average yield.

It's definitely a great candidate for hybridisation, I'm not sure what lines would make good pollen sources to cross to it, Hindu Kush would probably be a good one.

I'm not sure where I stand on the woody stems as an indicator of high potency thing. I can think of several plants I have grown that were highly potent and also has woody stems - Chemo, Herijuana and the KC all spring to mind, and the Blueberry male I had that was the best male I ever saw was also notably woody, but I can thinks of others that weren't woody at all that also had extreme potency.

I find the KC hard to clone, cuts seem to take an age to root, perhaps due to the woodiness.


ICMag Donor
I find the KC hard to clone, cuts seem to take an age to root, perhaps due to the woodiness.

We found KC difficult to clone also,,, although semi-wooded clones normal root quicker IME ,, like Jack Herer and SSH do.

Cheese x TW (aka Kachina aska eekamouse) was the worst clone we cloned off,, only 30% rooted return. crap. thrown in the bin :no:

Depends what you want / need. Few of these "clones" would make the grade in a commercial room,, whereas in a connoisseur garden they get best place,, and a few unrooted clones here and there we can live with :D

Peace out


ICMag Donor
id say,,,,,,,if any plants show vairiation, then its probbly NOT Homozygote for desired trait,,,,,:)

i hear Hollow stems are a good thing,,,,apparently Hollow stems are very mutch distanced from hemp,,,,,any ideas if this is true?


Active member
I often find woody stems harder to clone, I'm having a right nightmare at the moment trying to clone an African. The woody stem cuts off it don;t root and the fresher branches that aren't woody are so thin they die off fast. I'll crack it in the end, might have to break out the bubble cloner again for this tricky one.

Wierd that Cheese x TW doesn't clone easy as Cheese is very easy and I remember TW being not bad to clone either.

The Jack and Mango I have at the mo both clone really easy. The two Mexicans I have - Yucatan and Oaxacan, well, you could just rip a branch off, stick it in dirt and it will grow, they just root so easy. Colombian Gold was like that too.

Elevator Man

Active member
That Oaxacan is hilariously easy to clone - just bung some branches in a glass of water, and they'll root in a week. Mind you, that's how my mum used to clone everything she did, so it's not unheard of, but then the Oaxacan does have very rubbery but strong branches.

BTW, we need a name for this OG Kush X Purple Afghan, as the pheno I have is looking very tasty at five weeks. Pics soon...;)


ICMag Donor
W.Widow x Free Tibet [So7omon Seeds]


This line has now sold out ,,, so we gonna hype it!

With the exception of a stanky-spliff of PurpleKush from the essence-jars of LLP,, then W.Widow x Free Tibet (#6) was by far the dankest bud we smoked in 2009...



These breeders sent us x9 samples to test... some slightly sour from the Widow,,, some more like himalayan hash... but the best ones,, tasted like pineapple punch and get ya baked out ya face :bandit:


Peace n love to all UK growers :canabis:


Active member
That Oaxacan is hilariously easy to clone - just bung some branches in a glass of water, and they'll root in a week. Mind you, that's how my mum used to clone everything she did, so it's not unheard of, but then the Oaxacan does have very rubbery but strong branches.

BTW, we need a name for this OG Kush X Purple Afghan, as the pheno I have is looking very tasty at five weeks. Pics soon...;)

Aye, both the Oaxacan and the other Mexican chicita I have are stupidly easy to clone, one big reason I've been able to keep my Mexican for years is how easy it is to clone and how tough it is, almost impossible to kill it!

Yeah, a name might be in order. I have kept the other pheno that I have and have also passed it out to a couple of friends so there's two of them, in fact, there might well be a third one in circulation as the guy who was gifted with the original female before I went to Spain may well have kept cuts of it, not sure.

This is the one I have:



This is the one he had, only his second grow so some issues, but it reeked of OG Kush I'm told by THC4Sim who took this photo:


This is the original Abusive OG cutting, by Elevator Man, for comparison purposes:


A close up by Elevator Man:


A close up of my pheno, I'd say the resin and bud structure are very similar:


I still have the male I selected too and made a few f2s using my female which I've sent off to a couple of people so the genes aren't going anywhere for a while at least.

The dried buds were pretty similar to the original OG Buds:



Another great pic by Elevator Man for comparison, the OG bud is the one on the left:


THC4Sim just ran a cutting of my female and I hope to taste his buds soon.

I think between the two females and male we still have plus the f2s I made and the original Abusive OG cutting we have the tools to make a nice OG IBL, or at least I hope so!

Elevator Man

Active member
Here's a few pics of my pheno at five weeks - very profuse branching, tight internode lengths and actual colas forming! Get in! The resin formation is slower, but apparently that's a common thing with organics - it's my first run with the cross and the organics, so I'll have to just take it as it comes this time around:

As for a name, I can think of a few, but they'd probably be considered controversial. 'Purple Helmutt' being one. Or 'Talibastard' My favourite is 'IED', though I'm ducking under my desk already....;)


Active member
Ah, she looks lovely. That looks like a Purple Afghan pheno to me, so I expect it will have a tad less resin than the OG pheno as the PA wasn't the frostiest, but it had huge yield and intense colouration, and that male I used passed on the colour in some other crosses so you might have a purple pheno there, I expect it will show more purple than my pheno did and mine had a fair bit of purple, I chopped it at 60 days and it could have gone longer, it was purpling from the calyx tips down so would have got more so with time. I remember the pics of her before she went into flower and she hasn't stretched as much as mien did and doesn't seem to show the preference to one cola being dominant, but you've done more training than I did, but that definitely looks like the Affie pheno to me.

If you like the end result and decide it's worth running again I can see to it that you can run my pheno alongside to see what qualities each possesses, there may be a clear winner or they may both have their good points.

I kept a male and made a few f2s with my pheno, it would be nice at some point to cross him to your pheno as well.

Elevator Man

Active member
I'm very pleased with the way she's responding to the organic nutes too - very comfortable indeed. The only burnt tips present are where the leaves have touched the fluoro tubes, not nute burn...;)


Active member
She looks very healthy. Glad the organics are working out for you. I had terrible ph problems with my organics causing multiple deficiences lockouts, overferts, all kinds of funky shit so I've ditched them. It might have been my soilmix, might have been a few things, can't be wasting electricity figuring it out so gone back to coco with inorganic nutes as I know where I am with that. I've been very pleased with the quality of my organic produce but the quantity has been piffling compared to what I was getting previously with coco under a smaller light.

I've been adding yeast and sugar every day to my bottle for co2, not sure if it's made any difference. I've got 6 new plants in there in 3.5 litre pots of coco and they are growing lovely, so not sure if this is partly due to the co2 or not.

Elevator Man

Active member
What's the pH out of your tap? I would guess it to be hard where you are, but not sure - I'm in a 'soft spot', and it's usually around 6.5/7 from the tap. That might be a possibility, if it was out of range a tad too much? I know someone not that far away who has 9 as standard, which must be a nightmare with hydro, but I would guess it would still screw with organics if it was too far out, though it should buffer it to some degree.

I'm convinced the CO2 trick works, as long as the growroom is small, and there's some circulatory fans in there. I find 0.5 - 1 tablespoons of sugar a day is about right in a half-full 2-litre bottle, with half a teaspoon of yeast every other day. It'll run for about five days happily before I need to empty it and re-fill.


Active member
I chopped a Mango yesterday at 60 days. Speed dried the popcorn and god is it tasty, imagine it will be beautiful with a cure. The QWISO I made from the trim is the tastiest I have made in ages. She was fed organic until about day 40 then given 10 days of heavy PK boosting with AN Big Bud and Hammerhead and the yield still sucks. For a plant this size in coco I would expect 30g. I think I got no more than half of that. I doubt the coco version will be much less tasty but should yield more so it's gotta be coco for me methinks. I also think coco growing suits the way I like to do things more than soil and organics.

My water is superb, always ec 0 ph 6.0 to 6.4, straight off the mountains, no recycled highly processed city water here. I think with all the ingredients n my soil mix plus all the liquids in the feeding regime, it would take a long time to figure out what was up and get everything dialled in. I can go back to coco and immediately get results and that's what I need for a few months - some solid, good yielding harvests to build up my stash again.

My Canna COGR Flores A+B arrived today and I have put 6 new plants in in 3.5 litres of coco - a ******'s Jack, two White Rhinos and three Bubblegum from seed. Fingers crossed I can get some nice yields out of them, I need to fill my jars.

I'm just adding a bit of yeast and sugar every other day to keep a nice froth going in the bottle. It's very cheap to run so even if it has a effect, it's worth it.

I added a 26W Reptile UV CFL with 10% UVB output directly over the Highland Oaxacan Gold in the corner with the LEDs. I figure the Oaxacan should be able to take high UV levels and I'm blasting it with a full 12 hours of UV supplementation, see what effect it has, if any. I hope it will give more resin.


Active member
Are those t5h0 units?

I am very interested in t5hotubes as they have some very interesting spectrums available and the lumens per watt is pretty good.

I actually bought a 4x 20w ballast and four 6500k 18w tubes off ebay dirt cheap a while back but decided to use LEDs for supplemental experiments instead.

Wait till you see my new LED setup, it's a frigging beast!


ICMag Donor
them reptile lights come in all shapes and sizes,,,,,,,im also interested in them extreem spectrums they seem to offer,,,,,,,they look high in the uv init bro?:)

ahh man,,,i envy your knolage of LED`s bro,,,,,im gona spend a fortune soon on a propper flowing light,,,,i want to see how low i can get the power consumptuion....


Active member
This is the one I;m using, 12.99 inc shipping off ebay. Have it in an old desk lamp screwed to the back of my cab so it points into the corner.


It's a pretty Heath Robinson-type lashup, but it works good, I can just flick the switch off when I open the cab to avoid any eye damage. So far after 4 days I can't see any visible UV damage on the Oaxacan at all and I don't see any more resin either, but let's see what happens over the next 6 weeks while she flowers.



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