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Rotogro advice or guide


New member
First of all I would like to let you guys know that I have a $60 grand budget. Me and some other guys put some money together. We decided that we want to grow our own marijuana. But the bad part is that I am a complete noob so I dont know much about growing at all.

We plan to buy this hydro grow room:

We will grow 10 plants in this and keep pruning those 10 until we get enough clones for the Rotogro.

Do you guys have any advice for me?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Slow down, scale down. Save $3000 on the so called super closet by building it yourself. Grow a couple of plants and see where that gets you.


There are FOUR lights!
Why not go to your local hydro store, and get a 4x4 tent, 6" vortex, matching filter, 600w ballast, 6" aircooled hood, 2 timers, some ducting. There I just saved you $2k more.


There are FOUR lights!
Wow, 450lbs! How much is shipping on that thing?

I wonder if mandoedoe is a sock puppet?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
It's a little early to make that leap. I'd rather think he's an overly ambitious newcomer looking to bite off way more than he can chew.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Happy to help anyway I can but, your ultimate plans are way out of my league (I grow 1 plant at a time in a freezer)

I'd suggest you start small, 1-4 plants, get your hands dirty, learn how the plant works. There will always be screw-ups the first time or three. Screwing up a few plants is pocket change, screwing up a Rotogrow is BIG buck$.

The Roto is essentially an Ebb and Flow (aka Flood and Drain) Rockwool garden so you'll want to concentrate on E&F and Rockwool in your reading. I've got some beginner's links in my sig. See also Library of Links and the Link-O-Rama for other, deeper collections.

If you DIY at all, I'd recommend building as much of your first cab as possible. One that could later be used for cloning or moms so it's not wasted. By building your own, you'll not only learn how it all works but, why it works. These lessons will carry over to the bigger grow.

Pay special attention to Negative Pressure and Ventilation. Smelling (and you will stink if you hang out here) is worse than telling, it's advertising.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
uhhhh ... excuse me, what happened to the "full study"? A cursory glance would've answered your question. It's still the holidays so you'll get this one for free but, if this is hard as your willing to work, you may want to reconsider.

The short answer is, when they're ready. Ready means they have roots and are acclimated to your big lamp.

Clones generally start under small lamps. A 23 watt CFL can do 100 clones easily. Clones BOND with that CFL, it's their Sun and they build themselves accordingly. Plop them under a 1K, it's the same as the sun going nova, they fry.

Place under the equivalent of the big lamp at "noon" in your 18/6 cycle, so only half their day is under the big lamp followed by a good nights sleep. Hang lamp extra high (3-4? feet for a 1K) lowering 6 inches a day until plants can withstand a proximity equal to your rotogrow's.


Active member
I agree with F/B Diy a closet groe out 4 plants and get the feel of it .Alot of us dont even have first crop suceed never mind cloning.As for the roto grow .you basically have to get clones of the same basic age. learn lolipoping and other training to keep plants as short as possible.Thats only one downfall of the unit,mold has also been a problem for growers ,this is caused from exccess water fromthe rotation .I believe theres a thread here somwhere that i read that on.Dont forget nutes and learning how to use a meter.Use the Kiss method .and learn from your mistakes.Plus your buddies wont be happy investing cash in somthing that dosnt pay off.To bad its your first grow 60 k would set up a HUGE grow,or did u mean 6k.wich woul still be areally nice start

You have to grow the plants not the toys


There are FOUR lights!
Do you have the Rotogro and clones? If not, don't worry about it.
Listen to FB and start small with 4 mother plants and learn to grow.
I would take FB advice. A big budget means big failure and dosen't mean you will produce more. Experience and advice from alot of people here will help you save alot of headache. I know I have a 60 grand budget with a hard head and think the budget will protect me from failure. I end up walking away with nothing. I have not work with the roto but i did work with the coliseum. Just come up with the clones is a headache. When you start little you will see your problem and resolve and understand it. If you start big with a little problem times it alot of time will over welm you.
I hope someone takes pictures.. curious how this disaster will turn out.
Let's skip learning how to grow the plant and just blow thousands of dollars... LOVE IT!


I hope someone takes pictures.. curious how this disaster will turn out.
Let's skip learning how to grow the plant and just blow thousands of dollars... LOVE IT!

I dont think the person made any purchases yet, and they are willing to do some studying as they posted or at least I hope they do.

I am with you though Pete no reason to attempt something unless you know what you are getting in to.


There are FOUR lights!
He's doing the same thing on "VerticalGreen.com". Boasts about how he's already
burnt through 10k of his grandfathers money. I think he's from india or somewhere.
He read how you can get "7 to 10lbs per cycle" with the stupid rotogro(obsolete) thing.
Which I think is an outright lie. Anywho, he's just daydreamin.


I can't wait for all this used gear to be for sale when all these guys who have never grown before fail and give up.

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