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No-Cost First Grow


wiki "night soil", humans have been doing this since the end of time
however im so not going there

some old seasoned manure, sure.

urine is generally sterile, im pretty sure ive dodged any yeast infections and UTI's :p

its drying now and has 1 more day of dry i think, i'll snap a pic before i jar.

last night i made iso out of the trim and a couple weedy little buds i trimmed off the bottom of the (still alive) plant, good GOD quick wash iso with known good materials is freakin awesome!

Merry Christmas, everybody.


Grow like nobody is watching
Nice grow dude, loving the low wattage aspect. Take a look into bokashi for your poop, it's a different kind of composting using "effective microbes" (EM), and I would think more suitable for something like poop (it seems to be the next big thing in places that do use night soil). The bran costs a few bucks for a pack but the rest is free, just need some old buckets or something.

I'm normally way too classy to suggest something like this, but since we're on the topic :D How about *ahem* semen. Maybe it has some hormone in it or something, I don't know, haha. And of course, there is always your girls menstruation. Blood meal is a common fert. Thanks for posting your grow, peace.


And of course, there is always your girls menstruation. Blood meal is a common fert. Thanks for posting your grow, peace.

Wow, that's disgusting. It would be the best bloom fert of the aforementioned bodily fluids though hahaha.

"My eyes redder than your menistration, baby-girl I got one word for you, penetration.":pimp3:


Grow like nobody is watching
Hahaha hey it's natural. I dunno, I think the (bokashi'd) poop would be best for flower but it probably depends on your diet. I think blood is high in N, so probably not a lot different to pee. My friend used to use human poop but I persuaded him not to. It's pretty high risk of disease. I used to live in the jungle and have to dig a hole and poop in it every damn day for a year. Sucked even more when it was pouring rain. :fsu:


scrubs human (or any carnivorous animal for that matter) waste is filled with diseases and completely unsanitary. I'd look at composting organic waste for the best possible source of fertilizer, maybe even hit up a horse farm, go collect some cow patties or scrape bird guano off the sidewalk as a much safer alternative.

And stay far away from blood. Blood born pathegens are no joke.

Just some food for thought. Gotta be safe in this little hobby of ours.

all the best,


scrubs human (or any carnivorous animal for that matter) waste is filled with diseases and completely unsanitary. I'd look at composting organic waste for the best possible source of fertilizer, maybe even hit up a horse farm, go collect some cow patties or scrape bird guano off the sidewalk as a much safer alternative.

And stay far away from blood. Blood born pathegens are no joke.

Just some food for thought. Gotta be safe in this little hobby of ours.

all the best,

Really? Human feces is unsanitary? So you WOULDNT recommend going around collecting other people's crap and then handling it? Thank you for the warning. But in all seriousness, we were joking.
scientific name for urine is plasma ultra filtrate, why is it people think your kidneys and bladder detox u? urine is sterlie and safe to drink, try drinking your moring piss just after u wake up, full of hormones n mineral salts. now if u eat at burger king and basically live like an america dont do this. great to see some of u guys reminded just how little wattage u need to veg cannabis, you see people running hid light on day old seedlings and worring about the inverse sqaure law and looseing sleep with two inch plants, and i always ask my self why there so intersted in wasteing power n money. i think your yeild will be small obviously but its not about that really in such a grow...its takes 3 times less light to veg erb then it does to flower it. youve schooled alot of people. hope u flush with staright water though, your urine will give it a teerrible taste. best of luck.


Grow like nobody is watching
Frowny, birds eat meat and then you go on to advocate guano off a sidewalk? Blood meal is a common fert, try a search. The fore mentioned bokashi is a relatively new type of composting which is almost the opposite of traditional composting. It's possible to compost meat, and the same material is used in the process of treating human waste before it is used in night-soil like applications. Look it up, I didn't pull this stuff out of my ass, if you'll pardon the pun. I'm just sharing information, not telling him or you to do it. There is clearly an element of danger messing with body wastes. Everyone gets that, thanks.

My friend used to use human poop but I persuaded him not to. It's pretty high risk of disease.

Dr 4 four

One thing you could do is go to one of the coffee chains/stores in your area and get some of their used coffee grounds. I know Starbucks gives them away for free.

And there's always paying a visit to your local botanical garden/center with a shovel and bucket. lol


Well-known member
coffee grounds are a great fert, problem is its high in nitrogen so good for veg, but not good for flower. In fact, I had some habanero plants that literally dropped blooms and aborted all fruit because of to much nitrogen caused by top dressing with coffee.

Its definately good, will grow plants like CRAZY, rich, fast vegetative growth... but not good for flower/bloom/fruit production. Be careful with it. If anything for using it during veg I would simply make a diluted coffee solution to water with, rather than scratching the grounds into the soil. That way you can control when you add it and dont have the grounds lingering in the soil during flowering.


Sorry I haven't posted in the thread all.

It's almost all gone, except for one little nug. I had to smoke it over the past week as we ran dry (financially due to christmas). We smoked on the same schedule we normally do and usually burn a quarter a week, this lasted us 5 days so i figure somewhere in the 5g range. This figure is pretty conservative in my opinion, as I did pull a good 2-3 colas off pre-harvest for emergencies. Plus a good 6-8 hits of really good, flowery hash I made off the bottom clippings.

Currently rounds 2 and 3 are underway with 4 plants 4 weeks post-germ under 46w of 2700k cfl and 5 1 week-old seedlings under 13w of 4700k cfl. movin on up slowly but surely

if I can remember to recharge some batteries I will take pics of my current status tomorrow



Well groomed dirt from the back yard, cheap cheap cheap bag seed, 20:1 urine fert with a shot of H2O2 in the soil fert now and then. 42w(whoops, I meant 23w) 2700k CCFL.

I have little to no idea what I'm doing, but it's doing something.

Should be a fun Christmas.

kudos to your diy and natural simplicity! low cost and low energy use too. you could run this with just a small solar panel even.

Is that a screw-in CCFL? If it is, what sort of temperature does the bulb get? Would a plant be fine if they touched it?

I started this thread on the bulb-type CCFL's, thinking they were truly "cold".


I would not put plants in direct contact with those lil guys they still hit ~150+ F on the glass at points. BUT as long as you do not have direct contact between plant and bulb, you can get them as close as you want as long as you have just basic airflow


I would not put plants in direct contact with those lil guys they still hit ~150+ F on the glass at points. BUT as long as you do not have direct contact between plant and bulb, you can get them as close as you want as long as you have just basic airflow

thanks for the temps.. Hmm, that sounds about the same as what a regular cfl screw bulb can do.. get as close without touching. I have a 20watt CFL here and I can hold it indefinitely with no discomfort, so that's got to also be under the photosynthesis inhibition threshold.
Thanks for the perspective!


So yall thought I was gonna cut and run....well I had to chop and chill, but ain't no runnin' going here.

Welp, here she is.

See that little green bit in the middle? I haven't been watching it too too closely, but I'm about 90% sure that it's new growth.

I realize I chopped this thing massively and it would take a miracle to re-veg but I want to try. Any suggestions? She has been on 18/6 for about 10 days and I am feeding 1/4 strength of my veg nutes alternating with water.

The soil is so, so old though and really compacted. I am wondering if it would even be worth the perlite to dump her out, trim roots, shake off the rootball and repot in dirt+perlite. Any thoughts?


You might have noticed a little green off the right of the frame.

That's because that's....



Pardon my nute burn. I got excited. They've all been flushed. 4 weeks from sprout - I start counting when the first real set of leaves gets bigger than the cotys. I'm sure that's not the academic standard, but whatever

50/50 by volume perlite + dirt. I ran out of pots.

Another shot of the kids. Peep my awesome reflector (yes, I am up to 46w now, that is a trouble light out of the garage. I am REALLY broke right now - like, eating ramen broke - because the holiday break was long and my check is going to be late because of it. I am wanting to build a fixture ASAP, but for right now i gotta pay the bills and make do with the near-zero budget)


Sorry for the bad focus on this next one. I have a question I hope somebody can answer. This one is an obviously different pheno than the others - remember this is all sprouting out of my 'Pokemon - collect em all!' coffee tin. I tried to FIM this thing last week and thought I fucked it up. However, I am seeing a second set of leaves sprout at each existing leaf node? What's up with that? I haven't experienced that before.


Down deep in a hidey-hole, waiting their turn...

........Round 3.


7 days from sprout, except one which was a replant after the first sprout in one of the cups got viciously murdered by my fat fingers trying to pry off the seed shell. I'll be super-careful from now on.

Still, this was a germ of 15 in the paper towel, for a total of 6 sprouts, 5 still alive. That's not bad for some $25 a quarter dirt weed seed.

I have come across a parcel of 7 seeds of pretty good stuff (keep in mind I live in the midwest and our weed is shit compared to you cali and BC stunnas so its not like its something amazing) that all came in a single eighth, unless this plant was way, way hermied I may have some viable seeds. We will see....in a few days. (I'm germing on the 27th of each month for the forseeable future, going for 4-6 sprouts per).

i am reading up on genetics as much as i can and understand most of it. i have a huge notebook im filling up with way too detailed info on all these plants. if i can scare up a few bucks this spring to build up a couple separated micro cabs i want to start goofing off with breeding.

note that i still have no god dang clue what i'm doing but it's FUN!

ps they have 68w cfl's at the local home improvement store and i'm thinking of trying one out. $15, what do yall think?


note that i still have no god dang clue what i'm doing but it's FUN!

lol, I'm glad to have company. I read up plenty, but who really knows..

I have the most fun thinking and designing the cab and lighting and airflow... creating and fitting it all together. Building it is a whole new part, and I'm not yet at observing the miracle of plant growth yet.
It's interesting how small of a carbon scrub can handle odors.. just a small amount of burned carbon-based matter!

I wanted to go your route, no cost natural and easy... but I opted for no soil (who knows about bugs, etc? I don't want to be surprised lol). Going DWC brings in more cost and equipment and variables, but it's fun too. consuming the plant afterwards is almost a separate optional activity :)

peace :xmastree:


I will state without a doubt that dealing with the pests and soil borne BS is a pain. I hated that aspect.

as soon as i learn how to get moms established and take cuttings im going to investigate stuff like hempy buckets, dr bud sogging, see which way i want to take this car accident of a grow op :p

i've proven to myself that i can do it on zero budget, theres no reason beyond stubbornness to not be willing to throw a few bucks towards this.

still staying out of teh hydro shop and paying cash for it all howevs. walking out of the shop carrying bags of dirt and an HPS breaks the first rule IMO, "no tell".

i do want a 4x55w PL-L rig really really bad though =/ my house is completely 2-wire without grounds (it's safe, just old) and i cant run HPS/MH because of that fact, sadly. and no im not rewiring my house, way broke. so i figure fluoros are going to be where im going to get something done

(although if any of you want to reassure me that i can get a 150 hps running on a 2-wire circuit as long as i observe electrical safety, please go ahead)