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think I found yummybuds first date story

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From the pics we can tell that:

Yummy is armed and dangerous
Yummy is unable to dismantle things without ripping them to shit
Yummy wears clothes hemmed possibly by a female caretaker
Yummy has no idea how to grow weed

So be on the lookout for a suicidal drunk 8 year old mumbling about shakira.

If he is spotted in your area, do not make direct eye contact and call the authorities immediately.


Yep as soon as Yb started getting outted I hit save...

Where ya at Yumz what did santa bring you?

Btw I heard you were giving a guest speech at icmag 2010 cup!!

Im so excited!!!


Active member
man I worked with that 17 year old russian girl today and she keeps on telling me to smile.

so I asked here why do I look pissed off or something. and she said no you have a blank look on your face like you're lost in space, you should smile more. so I said alright.

anyways I don't know how this conversation started but we were in the lunch room and a bunch of us were talking and we were talking about russia and she said how in Russia if you are a Canadian or American guy you can pretty much pick up any Russian girl and marry her because she was saying that Russian girls really want to marry a foreigneer and get out of Russia......

man maybe I should go to Russia lol, according to her and she's russian I can pick up a chick that looks like Anna Kornikova or whatever just by telling them I"m Canadian.


Active member
oh and i"m kind of too embarassed to go around this 17 yeart old russian chick so I only tlak to her when she comes and talks to me and don't go around her.

people at work will start talking shit about me..... i'm 24 and kind of too old. 18 is ok right..... she is going ot graduate highschool. in 6 months and she'll be 18 and then its perfectly fine I think.

maybe I should start looking for eastern european girls more


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
i think you need to look into middle eastern girls!

yummy let's hang out, i'll hook you up with a nice american girl! she may or may not have a MINOR opiate addiction, take it or leave it



no, you should attack what is near. get practice, rinse repeat.

dont put these girls on a priority list...

reason all those wankers can get all the girls(then they complain about them not being good enough)they can get girls because they go after any girl with a pulse. This is the strategy you should be picking up on....it will work better for you in your 'situation.'

ps. you should get a red maple leaf tattood somewhere on you, and go walk the world, people love us, and youll get your freak on without trying. just dont go all weird on them...


cant stop wont stop
Hey yummy Arctic may be on to something here
get you a girl with an opiate addiction, then you can fuck'r while she's nodding off
that way you wont feel presure to preform well :biglaugh:


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
lol that's not what i meant! i just meant they're not goody goody's like all those canadian girls! i cant imagine what a rebellious teenager in canada would do...probably stay up late on a school night



Active member
I had a discussion about weed with her today also. she said she has smoked weed before a couple times and even tried brownies but never got high and doesn't do anything to her......

sounds like bullshit to me unless she wasn't inhaling or the weed was actually oregano.

so she sounds like she is open to trying to smoke weed at least. I could ask her to come toke with me or get her number and phone her to come smoke some weed with me but that sounds lame and kind of creepy.

24 year old guy calling up a 17 year old highschool girl to smoke weed with....... sounds creepy.

she looks young also and the braces don't help lol.


lol that's not what i meant! i just meant they're not goody goody's like all those canadian girls! i cant imagine what a rebellious teenager in canada would do...probably stay up late on a school night


lololol. youre so spot on it's not even funny....

our rough kids/street toughs are 1/10th as scary as the equivalent in USA...


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
haha yummy, again...canada seems like BeaverCleaverLand compared to here! i'm not saying its right, but when i was in highschool, you bet your ass that the local college campus was direct competition for the girls in my class! she's probably into you/doesn't think you're creepy, because you're in college..or something

anyway, get her high and make out with her for the love of god



Active member
Sex with a 17 year old is OK in Canada, but what is the law concerning smoking weed with her. We don't want Yummy to be locked away in jail. I'm starting to have second thoughts about this 17 year old girl. Braces can be dangerous too.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
if yummy cant seal the deal with this high school girl throwing herself at him, then he SHOULD be thrown in jail! mandatory devirginization for yummy!



yummy, dont think about the answer till she gives you an answer, then act accordingly on that answer, if it's no, you walk away or convince her she's wrong and she should come out with you, either is acceptable, it's an acceptable loss, youre not vying for fucking top 10 best supermodel boyfriend position, it isnt the end of the world, she's 17, youre rocking the cradle here....

i digress, my buddy has been dating this tight, fine little asian chick, kinda annoying, but fairly cool. dating since she was 18, and i think she's 20 now, and he was even older than you when they started...yeah...semi creepy, but look at them now, im sure theyre happy enough together, and she's an adult in canada PLUS ONE YEAR.. she can buy booze +1 year. no one will laugh at you when she's an adult, or even 18. fuck them, who are they to judge?

offer to pick her up from work in your pimp ass front engine porsche, even if different schedules end, pick her up, or go out of your way, dont make her come to y ou, go out for nibblies(dont call it that) smoke before eats, and show her how awesome it is, or after and perhaps go watch planes land at the airport, on the southwest side at that park, or on the east side by the sewage treatment plant(but not as far as it - heh, i used to do burnouts in my various vehicles on their huge grass lawn at night...)

or go see a movie high as fuck, or normal, but it wouldnt be as good. just do something together, that is outside of work, it will make the situation very different for her, outside her element so you may need to LEAD her a bit. as a leader this means direction, having an idea, or backup ideas ready, and thinking on the fly. you need to learn these things, but they come with experience. just get SOME EXPERIENCE PLEASE!~!!!()_!M"!


Active member
she's also russian she might have crazy russian parents that will kick my ass lol.

i'm more ebarassed about showing her that I like her because she works at my work and rumours and shit spread fast at work, and if I ask her out or even if people see me talking to her all the time at work soon everyone will be talking shit behind my back.

I"m also not sure if she likes me I have been wrong in the past, and girls are hard to read she may just be friendly.

but so far I have noticed: 1) everytimes she walks by me she smiles at me, but maybe she's just friendly.

2.) she keeps on telling me to smile more. maybe I just have a creepy blank stare and she wants me to smile more lol.

3.) she told me she really likes my car. she just saw me driving away one day I guess.

4.) she asks me questions about whether I go to school and what I do. but maybe again she is just being friendly.



try it out, you really have nothing to lose but this chance...

and that would be a real shame wouldnt it? again........

youre not going to meet the parents. yet. dont even think about that.


Active member
man I'd be embarassed giving her a ride after work with my managers there lol. they'd be like wtf yummy is picking up highschool girls. i'd feel like a pervert.

but then I think i'm overthinking. I remember this guy at my work was 26 and my manager hooked him up with this girl who was 17 and also in grade 12...... my manager is a 40 year old married guy and he helped hook this guy with the 17 year old and he was 26 almost 27 I think.

people were talking shit about him though and he said all his friends were making fun of him for dating a highschool girl when he was 26. he went out with her for a year and when she
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