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uk clone only! (and british bred strains)

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ICMag Donor
Any one tried the jack clone thats circulating in the north, Nice and powerfull but a bit too smelly when chopped..:gift:

No. will keep rizlas open,, . plenty C99 up those sides though,, we tried x2 samples from x2 seperate slingers,, both had nice vibes :joint:


No. will keep rizlas open,, . plenty C99 up those sides though,, we tried x2 samples from x2 seperate slingers,, both had nice vibes :joint:

Well it could be arranged..:tree: Its a bit smelly though and longish in flower..:xmastree: J.


ICMag Donor
Longer flowering in JH is better IMO/E,, we used to clone on the 77 dayers BEST and the 85-95 day types ,,which give slightly thinner flowers :canabis:


Active member
People were saying it was impossible to make seeds from these new fem. line

The point in that thread about femmed lines wasn't that you couldn't make seeds with femmed lines, it was that you shouldn't, due to the increased probability of intersex traits.


ICMag Donor
The point in that thread about femmed lines wasn't that you couldn't make seeds with femmed lines, it was that you shouldn't, due to the increased probability of intersex traits.

We never found herms/inter-sexual flowers in the Marbled White... although viability in germination was low due to early harvest on seed lot.


FRT Marbled White = White Pearl (fem.) x Sensi Star

N.B. That grower has large hands..and takes most plants over 100 days (regardless of lineage) ..lol

Peace Peace Peace


ICMag Donor
How many minutes in? I speak street

Johnny I n I am street ,, and we didn't hear or see anything..lol

What's NEW ppl ???

Indiff.. throw up more images of the KC S1 please,, we just got it back flashing,, so that one more than interests us right now dude :canabis:


ICMag Donor
Whatever ,, let's get back to the subject in hand :canabis:

To our knowledge,,, all these flowers were UK born or bred :dance:


gold finger


Psycho x Pure

W.Widow x Free Tibet

positive ting still go on... and that's just the first to hand in our new gallery..lol

Peace n love all UK growers / breeders / collectives :canabis:

Peace out :joint:


Active member
Funny you should mention Jack Herer, I have a cut that yields good and tastes amazing. Not keeping it though, the high is wierd, very clear, all in the head and normally that is my kind of high, but this one is so clear that it's not really a proper high and it seems to just keep me awake rather than produce much psychoactivity. Strange indeed, not encountered an effect quite like this. I'm keen to smoke the same cut grown by a mate and see if his is the same.

I don't dount you can get really nice, solid plants from femmed seeds, but I know for a fact you can get hermies from S1s when the mother was solid and never showed any signs - a recessive intersex trait coming out. That is my fear with breeding with femmed seeds. I grew some Black Domina S1s and they were nice plants, just like Black Domina should be, but they all had male nanners, not loads, but they were there. Same thing with some other femmed beans, but I haven't grown enough of them to really say how common this hermie thing is. Of course, if you can be 100% sure your mother female has no intersex trait, recessive or otherwise, then you can make hermie-free S1s, but it's the difficulty of determining if the mum is clear of that trait that causes the problems.

KC S1, just snapped the pic. Looking fairly nice so far. Just like her mum apart from the thinner leaf blades. Yield is not gonna be good, and the brown spots are worrying. I am thinking they have been caused by the seaweed extract I used. I made up a batch from powder and it fucked up my plants, well, I think that's the cause, my vegging plants did it too, and most of my flowering ones have some degree of it going on, this KC being the worst. I think it's a ph lockout problem caused by too much iodine from the seaweed, but I'm not really sure. I flushed everything and it'd stopped, but I've not used the seaweed again since.





Oh, and you might be able to spot a seed forming onher. A white Rhino grew one male flower, a full-on one, it opened and spewed pollen, and was already dying off by the time I spotted it, so it's pollinated all my flowering ladies. My Appalachia looks like there are a dozen seeds on either top cola, really pissed off about that.


ICMag Donor
i dont think Selfing promotes intersexed traits,,,,,

what thread are you talking about Indifferent an Doc?,,,

Selfing is all part of "perfect repairs" imo


Active member
Course it does rick, if the trait is there then selfing the plant reinforces the trait in the offspring. Like I said, unless you can determine whether the plant has an intersex trait or not then it's just a lottery. Very few and far between are females that are totally free of any intersex and many genetic lines simply won't possess such females.


ICMag Donor
fair point,,,yeh,,,it might re-inforce the trait "to some extent" ,,,,,,,,,,,,but imo, it IS possible to select away from less stress tollerent inderviduals in progrency,,,

in the case of inderviduals like the Diesels, where the source of the supirior genotype is not as hardy or as Homogeneous,,,,,,,yes, some progrecncy will express intersexed-traits!!....

but it is fesasable, imo,,,,, to select away from undesired intersexed traits in the progrecncy,,,,and to my knolage "selfing" is the best stratagy of repair,

^^^^this is the basic repair stratagy i propose...:)

Elevator Man

Active member
The SAGE I grew last year produced one or two nanners per bud, at the base of each bud, at about 21 days. I got a couple of seeds per bud, and so germinated a few a while ago, luckily managing to get an almost carbon-copy of the mother plant. And guess what? At day 21, one or two nanners appear at the base of each bud! So now I have some S2s...;0)


ICMag Donor
that is cool EM,,,,

it would be very nice to see the S2 NOT show nanas,,,,but i emagine you would need bigger numbers tho to select away from the inter-sexed traits..no?

sage was always good...imo!!


some1 mentioned jack

there is a so-called jack round here, but its actually a super silver sour diesel.

it doesnt yield loads, but is saiva in taste, and stretches like a mofo.

johnny, im sure we are neighbours. i wont say no more


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
Course it does rick, if the trait is there then selfing the plant reinforces the trait in the offspring. Like I said, unless you can determine whether the plant has an intersex trait or not then it's just a lottery. Very few and far between are females that are totally free of any intersex and many genetic lines simply won't possess such females.

hi indifferent - wouldnt you have exactly the same risk when breeding a female with a male though? (except that the male may also bring some intersex traits to the party)



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
I don't know that I'd call your way of typing 'street'. Here in N4 'I n I' don't hear many people say that and not get laughted at. :pointlaug

But I guess my ends ain't street enough

have you considered that it may not be a 'street' thing but a cultural one? google it.


Johnny 5 Cats

New member
have you considered that it may not be a 'street' thing but a cultural one? google it.


Oh I know it's a cultural thing, it's a white, middle class, Trustafarian thing. Combine it with a set of natty dreads for extra plus points on credibility when smoking and talking patois with Tim and Giles (now G Man).

Unless of course he's a genuine Jamaican Rasta in which case I'm terribly sorry for poking fun, Jah bless.
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