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Negative Effects of Heavy THC Use


Freedom Fighter
If you are a "Wack" and smoke weed...you are a "Stoned Wack"--
Weed does not make stupid ppl smart...nor vice versa--:eggnog:


I get blurred vision sometimes. But I believe that is because of two things. One, I probably need my eyes checked, and two, when I get cotton mouth I also tend to get cotton eyes, so my eyes dry out and become blurry. Weird....


european ganja growers
OP man, try not smoking in the morning. Or at least drink a cup of coffee or something. Join a club or something, sounds like you're really not up to much.

^^^^ i agree with this,,,,find your self a morning club,,,,,you know a place like the WAKE & BAKE club :chin::abduct::xmasnut:(sticky at the top) were all friends,,and all get ripped in the mornings, we/thay will look after you;) :eggnog:....

keep it green


Active member
definately my memory, i have terrible long term

after smoking bubba kush or purple during the day i feel really fatigued. i hate the tired feeling i get from smoking.

i hate the magnification of social anxiety too. its not that bad with me, but i cant be super stoned at a busy place like in a classroom or some shit. it makes the day very stressful so i stopped smoking before class.

i also hate how weed makes me say stupid ass stuff sometimes, like i lost my verbal filter or something. i just blurt out goofy ass things that i realize are wrong the second i say them.

D.S. Toker. MD

Active member
My carreer choice for quite a few years has been cannabis farming. Its not for lazy people, the work is hard as hell. Fortunately for me, You can do it stoned to the bone.

There are different levels of cannabis intoxication. The first is one that we all know and love that comes from smoking some good potent weed.
After that, there is a no mans land of not really being sure whether youre high or not, but beyond that there is a toxicity that develops which results in a different effect and a differenet level of being stoned. This level involves a stuporous, red eyed introversion and occurs the same way whether the smoke is sativa or indica.

Thats the level i enjoy, it just comes with a few little insignificant side effects.


Third Stone from the Sun.
Sounds like the State to be in where as i can notgrow enough for my own condition need. I wont buy any. Be nice to be able to take away the negatives of Dangerous Pharmaceuticals.


Well-known member
but beyond that there is a toxicity that develops which results in a different effect and a different level of being stoned

i still would blame it on the toxins in the smoke ... i vape all day, every day, and i don't see any toxicity like this.


I dont think anyone mentioned copd,which is probably the worst side effect from smoking weed.It takes a few decades of smoking but believe me you will feel it in your lungs eventually.


I don't know anything about anything, but if you're smoking a half ounce per day, I'd say you have an addictive personality or something. Holy god man! And it's not caused from being a cannabis grower, I've done that for YEARS and I've never smoked anywhere near that much, ever. I guess it's different for each of us. I've always considered what I do to be equal to owning a vineyard, but if you make wine and drink 5 bottles a day, perhaps you should switch occupations. When I have a crop that's finished, I'll pull a half gram and take a few hits to see what it's about, flavour, burnability, what kind of high you get off of it, but if I get to the point where I have to burn 8g's before noon, I'd walk away from it in a heartbeat.