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The slow death of Head Weed...


Old School Cottonmouth
I've actually heard of good hearted commercial growers who were growing sativas thinking they were doing a service only to find out most people wanted the indica.

Like other folks said our uses for pot has changed. The bottom line is more pot than ever before is smoked in front of a tv or pc screen and couch lock indica is the prime choice for that. In the 70's there wasn't as much entertainment aimed at you so you had to get together with friends and actually go out and do something. Weed was cheap and less potent so you could share it, and it got you high so you could have fun. Today weed costs so much that we usually smoke alone and don't really share it we "match up" if we get together. We also have expectations of it being real knockout since it was so pricey. Sativa is a more mild stone and "knockout" sativa is often not enjoyable. It's racy and induces paranoia and anxiety. At twenty dollars a gram people just want a quick stony effect. Nothing mild, and nothing racy.

I think a good point can be made just describing two standard groups of tokers from different generations. In the 70's a lot of tokers used to get together, roll a fat joint of cheap, mild and mellow sativa for the ride to the arcade or pizza shop to play pinball or air hockey.

Today we take one quick powerful bong rip during the 60 second intermission after a match on Modern Warfare 2. Playing with our friends, but we are all alone, sitting at our own house, in front our own tv, smoking our own weed. Having the smoke session over a blue tooth head set via the internet.


donut engineer
I think a good point can be made just describing two standard groups of tokers from different generations. In the 70's a lot of tokers used to get together, roll a fat joint of cheap, mild and mellow sativa for the ride to the arcade or pizza shop to play pinball or air hockey.

Today we take one quick powerful bong rip during the 60 second intermission after a match on Modern Warfare 2. Playing with our friends, but we are all alone, sitting at our own house, in front our own tv, smoking our own weed. Having the smoke session over a blue tooth head set via the internet.

Bang on comment, but this is sort of depressing :(
what is crazy, is I have been smoking daily for over 15 years.....I got started ONLY because of an injury and multiple back surgeries....I cant grow sat's where I am at outside.....and to be 100% perfectly honest with you all.....outside of an oz of Kali Mist, I have never tried a pure sativa..NEVER.......I have never even tried one for an extended period of time......Its just easier to grow indys here so I usually just stuck with what worked..

Now dotn get me wrong, as soon as I re-do my indoor grow area, I am going to make another flowering room and try out a few pure sat's.....I am excited as all get out but still not sure what to expect as far as maintenance is concerned....I have heard horror stories about growing pure hazes......I have read the sat thread on here over and over, its just a different ball game when you've grown indica's for 15 years.

wish me luck


I like the couch lock effect more because the speedy weeds make my anxiety worse.

I like the anti-anxiety weed, but everyone is different.


after i get done running some indica commercial varieties and get financially stable ill be running an 8kw sealed co2 enriched sativa only room. i will maybe do half kali mist or western winds depending on if i can find a manageable pheno, and the other half is gonna be an obscure sativa... no idea yet. maybe something simple like durban poison or something exotic from A C E or afropips???? dunno i just want something to blow the local dispensaries away.


ps i remember in high school smoking these crazy racy head high strains that just made me go outside and ride my bike around and walk around everywhere... need to find that again. need a good snowboarding strain.. hope i can find it. hard part is taking the time to find a good pheno, thats 4 month in itself!!!!


pps in the future i want to have a plot of jungle land to grow some massive fields of sativa in, u guys can have em if you can figure out how to smuggle truckloads on em in! lol
Where I live it wasn't a slow death..seemed to almost happen overnight...one day we were buzzing and playing....then all of a sudden...in walks skunk and welcome to snoozeville...let's have a party and stare at the wall....alot of my friends quit smoking during this time.."Pot's no fun any more it just puts me to sleep".....Indica still rules here, but I think 'up pot' is creeping it's way back in...Thank goodness for Gypsy's GN collection..Ace seeds....Afropips...and other's offering pure Sativas...these guys rock imo...keep up the good work...No offence to couchlock lovers, everybody has their needs & preferences....


Active member
Round my parts people can't tell they are high when they smoke a sat because they haven't expericenced a good sat so they think it has no potency.


Feeling good is good enough.
Can you guys imagine Woodstock concert if all them hippies and musicians were smoking Indicas?

Snooztock... more likely ;-)


cant stop wont stop
Hey deepforest,

if you're thinking about running some western winds also consider Special K, a western winds cross by sagarmatha. This strain Blew my mind and it wasnt even dialed in. rock hard nuggs and the one of the Raciest Sativa highs ive had to this day :D


Active member
The thing I like most about sativas (the right ones at least) is the zero tolerance factor. I made an amazing pollen chuck with nepjam and a crazy KC brains sativa and not only was it amazing it got me really really high every single day for nearly a year. And I mean really high every single time smoking at least a gram a day. I've never smoked an indica that could do that. It also had me working out for 2 hours a day and I did my best ever grow while smoking it lol yielded huge too, need to grow more of that shit :xmasnut:


Feeling good is good enough.
Hello SuperConductor!

I've read some good stuff about KC Brains:


LEDA UNO ( Cupwinner HighLife Cup 1998 )


LEDA UNO® is a strain that can be used for indoor and outdoor growing. The parents of this strain are KC 33® and a secret Brazilian female, after that it was crossed with a KC 606 early flowering male crossed with Leda®. A superior plant with lemon characteristics.


From what I understand, some Sativa phenos of Leda Uno are killer head stash.
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Old School Cottonmouth
Bang on comment, but this is sort of depressing :(

Eh. It depends how you look at it. IMHO this is the golden era for weed.

It's really rose colored glasses to look back at yesteryear like that. In reality unless you were in some magical spot like New York, San Francisco, or some major smuggling hub on the gulf coast 90% of what folks toked was lower quality than a bag of "regs" today. Poorly grown with at least as much seed, stick, and leaf as bud and often not even ripe. Magical pot like hawaiian and thai stick were an exotic treat. Not the norm for hardly anyone. As they used to say a lot of it was "as much rope as dope" meaning very low quality sativa that was practically hemp.

I haven't been growing in years now. I'm just the average joe who buys a half O a month these days. But as a regular buyer I still get to smoke several strains a month of fantastic genetic quality grown perfectly in soil far richer than nature could ever allow. Dank is just available to regular people around the country these days. And with technology I can still have toke sessions with my old friends from high school. We are all grown up and scattered around now. Hawaii, Oklahoma, Ny, San Fran, etc. But we still get to toke and play video games together like we used to which means a lot to me.

It's easy to wax nostalgic about old school sativas but if you were actually stuck in some small town smoking joints of hempy sativas it would be easy to dream about an ice GonG full of gdp, Talking to all your old friends and having amazing entertainment at your fingertips.


Feeling good is good enough.
I am concerned for the kid that goes to a scumback pusher and, after toking some heavy Indica asks for something that doesn't put him to sleep...

And as a matter of fact, I once knew some dealers that sold weed exclusively as a come down drug.

Sweet for them...

You should see those poor coke heads getting stoned retarded so they could fall asleep... that and a valium/six pack combo.

I say it again:

More Sativas = Less Coke/Meth


Guess some other folks want Sativa dead.... besides DEA.


Active member
Today we take one quick powerful bong rip during the 60 second intermission after a match on Modern Warfare 2. Playing with our friends, but we are all alone, sitting at our own house, in front our own tv, smoking our own weed. Having the smoke session over a blue tooth head set via the internet.
haha, done this one to a T!

I love me a nice sativa, I prefer a hybrid type during the day though, indica at night, and sativa when I want to go out and do stuff.

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