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1st Grow


I forgot to mention, the ph was at 6.3 with RO water. I sprayed the dome and clones with RO water and 1 drop of Superthrive per gal.
Socachi nice. I like the way you layed that out for us. looks like this round youre on the money. keep moist, humid, and add some fresh air now and then. we should see roots in 10 - 14 days.
oh and do not add any food to water. you want the roots to be forced out looking for food. if food is added they will not push roots as fast.
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Socachi nice. I like the way you layed that out for us. looks like this round youre on the money. keep moist, humid, and add some fresh air now and then. we should see roots in 10 - 14 days.
oh and do not add any food to water. you want the roots to be forced out looking for food. if food is added they will not push roots as fast.

Thanks SB. so should I not use the water w superthrive in it, just plain RO water?


I found some use for the waste from my RO sys. Since I have it connected to the same line the washer is on when I fill a bucket or res I run the waste into the washer and do a load of clothes, darks of course since it's cold water. Like Mom use to say "waste not want not". :D
Super thrive is great. you can use it to help with keeping plant healthy. just go lightly when using it. I wouldnt add anything else though. and of course the rooting hormone.

Think Green

Active member
I have just recently started using the superthrive product and must say that my roots went from Angel Hair pasta to friggin Fettucini noodles! Big up on the superthrive. But just a drop like Bueno said.


Thanks SB. I don't like to wast water, especially with drought conditions where I'm at. The superthrive is only a drop per gal, but I just switched to straight RO and will wait till I see roots before I add anything else and then at 1/4 strength.


The clones are still looking good, not all wilted like the last ones. Maybe this time I'll get some good plants that I can sent to bloom. If so the 2 funky OG moms will join them.

Think Green

Active member
Cant wait to see your room full of sticky dank! Good idea on the r/o waste. Way to "Think Green" bro! Keep us updated. Zombie's!


Cant wait to see your room full of sticky dank! Good idea on the r/o waste. Way to "Think Green" bro! Keep us updated. Zombie's!

You and me both TG. I can picture it now just need to make it happen. I can see those crystals sparkling in the hps light. :yummy:


Did a watering today and the only pot that was light was the Sour Grape and OG#2. The SG is really moving along and eating up the nutes OG2 hadn't been feed for 4 days, she's starting to come back from the funk she was in. The others were still heavy so no nutes for them.

I'm wondering if OG 1&3 are getting root bound, they're both 2 months old in 6x6 pots, since they're moms thinking of putting them in 5 gal buckets and drill some holes in the bottoms for drainage. They still show growth but not as fast as before.

OG#5 which came from seed is a pale green, I blame that on feeding it only water for a week, it's back on a nute prgm. Hopefully it will start turning a darker green like the others. OG#4 is still all kinds of funky, leaves knuckling under, yellowing between veins and veins a dark green. It hasn't been watered for 4 days and it's pot is still heavy.

It's now day 5 for the clones and they're still looking good, no roots yet, keeping the lid moist and spray them each day, maybe I shouldn't spray the clones? On day 7 I'll start taking the lid off for an hr a day for 2 days and open the vents.


Feed OG 1 & 3 today, the others weren't thirsty, it seems they're all on their own schedule now. Before they al seemed to need feeding around the same time, but now I'm waiting on their posts to feel light.

Some of the clones seemed a little wilted, took off the lid for an hr and sprayed them with a little fert, only 1/4 strength, put a heating pad under them to keep them warm while the lids off. No roots yet not even out of the older ones, hmmm... The outer plugs seem wetter than the inside one, not sure why I thought it would be the other way around. Oh ya a couple of the older plugs have what appears to be algae on the tops, thinking of adding some hydrogen peroxide to some water and water the plugs, but they're soaked already.
Socachi, dont kill with kindness my friend. there are alot of oppinions on here and u need to deside what best works for you. my 2 cents from my own experiance. feeding the clones other than light vitimans is going to slow growth. even a foiliar feeding other than straith water or light vit added. all they ask for is fresh humid air and moist medium. adding warmth to the med does speed up growth too. and i now you have a heat pad so just give it a few more days. dont worry if they start to turn alittle yellow this is natural. its the clone telling you that its taking root. I wish you the best and have a merry christmas. question, are the plugs standing in water? becareful if they are and change h2o daily.


SB & Hank, clones aren't in standing water. I sprayed the lid and the clones today before I read this, so from now I'll just spray the lid and only add water as the plugs get dry. the vents are open and I'll remove the lid for an hr a couple times a day. I'm currently using 1/4 strength PBP and Diamond Nectar. I think I'll change to 1/4 strength PBP & Superthrive for rooting. Should I spray the clones once a day, every other day?

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