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Medical Pot House Explodes - Butane Extraction

Moldy Dreads

Active member
If they had so much to process, enough to need cases of butane, they should have taken that money and bought some icewater hash bags...

Really hate the negative publicity this kind of thing brings to the community when we're trying to make our case and fight for our rights....
It's called Greed, you can get up to $40 a half/gram with oil. It is very potent and looks "cool" due to the amber glass look, it also melts and tastes fantastic when done right.
I agree with Skip, that full melt bubble hash is far superior, BUT, hardly anyone knows how to make FULL MELT Bubble, so the end product of BHO oil is almost always more potent than non-bubble or slight bubble hash.

It's called GREED, these people knew they were making a killing off patients, as Skip said, I find this hash congests my lungs after a few days using it...harsh concentrate, but very potent..and dangerous, specially considering my house for example has pilot lights in water heaters, air heaters, ovens, everywhere, so it's ridiculously dangerous near ANY appliances or even the NEIGHBOR's house...people are dumb..


A few more stories like this and were likely to see OSHA dictating safety in the commercial/registered garden.


BHO is some crazy stuff, I tried it once made it myself very potent but very unnatural, I won't go near the stuff again!


Green Mujaheed
There should be small lab-facilities where users, or med-growers, could bring their stash and get it extracted (whatever the solvant) in a professional way for a small fee, plus have it tested so as to get the cannabinoids & other terpens/phenols ratios. This would help user to accurately ajust their dosage, plus getting to know which cannabinoid/terpens/phenol ratio works better for thier specific condition. It would also help to lower the release of all that crappy vapours in the atmosphere.
Is there anything that would legally prevent the settling of such an activity (I mean where medical Mj & dispensaries are legal).

Irie !
What a shame... I hope they're OK. But that's just what happens when you're not careful.
BHO is very great and all, but I don't think it would come out so well if you made it outside, at 2 AM, in the winter. You'd get a lot of moisture in your product which leads to an unpleasant smoke.

edit: I don't condone making it indoors OR outdoors.


This is the type of apparatus needed to do BHO safely (or as safe as playing with supercold pressurized explosive gas can be)
Credit for this device goes to foaf a brilliant friend







Must add he uses charcoal purified and deodorized propane as his solvent.
This has to be said...one way or another, 'guns don't kill people, stupid mother fuckers with guns kill people.'

You realize people make oil during the winter months, yes? Who the fuck wants to go outside when the snow is knee deep?

These idiots were probably smokin' up (in the same room...tsk tsk) while the gases were present.

If you have a well ventilated area, good. Garage, basement, whatever. A fume hood would be ideal but it may be excessive consider its only butane.

Butane is relatively safe to work with. Understand the properties of the chemical(s) you will be using.

If you fail to respect the parameters of any given procedure, you will suffer consequence.
This has to be said...one way or another, 'guns don't kill people, stupid mother fuckers with guns kill people.'

You realize people make oil during the winter months, yes? Who the fuck wants to go outside when the snow is knee deep?

These idiots were probably smokin' up (in the same room...tsk tsk) while the gases were present.

If you have a well ventilated area, good. Garage, basement, whatever. A fume hood would be ideal but it may be excessive consider its only butane.

Butane is relatively safe to work with. Understand the properties of the chemical(s) you will be using.

If you fail to respect the parameters of any given procedure, you will suffer consequence.

Well said
I am an advocate of dry and water hash, but if people are going to make oil via solvents, one step usually gets left out. After the butane evaporates, add a fair amount of everclear to dissolve the oil in your container; while the alcohol evaporates, it carries with it the last traces of the solvent.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I am an advocate of dry and water hash, but if people are going to make oil via solvents, one step usually gets left out. After the butane evaporates, add a fair amount of everclear to dissolve the oil in your container; while the alcohol evaporates, it carries with it the last traces of the solvent.

Thank you. At least read about wtf you doing when you are working with explosives. A head with no face and a hand without fingers looks pretty fucked up.