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Healthy Soil, Healthy Plants


maryjohn I measured my ph one time, thats it, adjust it none, check runoffs once, dont have an ec meter or ppm meter either, im lucky that my food plus tap water is very workable, seedlings get watered about once a week tops, other plants every couple of days without run off. sometimes just a cup of water sometimes a little more, this is the mentality about organic growers that i dont like, u think everyone that grows hydro tinkers around with everything, and i dont blame u either, some of the chems guys are living imo in a scientific nightmare with all the bs they worry about, it was theese same folk that kept me from coco for a while but now that im running it i dont think i can go back, id like to get into organic nutes though, maybe next run. watching a coco plant grow is much more fun, they get bigger every time u look and i find that as plants get rootboundish in their containers that soil shows dehydration much quicker then coco plus needs more container to begin with for the same size plant. its all good, it really isnt a one size fits all thing, gardening uknow.. to each his own. just dont be scared of coco because it can be so simple.


Hey bud
Its great that you don’t “tinker around” w/ your chem/hydro coco grow, but this is the Organic Soil forum and a organic soil thread.
there is a coco coir forum and a indoor soil forum, that you can start a thread and im sure many would love to here how dope your methods of growing are.
The thread title is healthy soil, healthy plants and C21 asked the soil heads for help, tips comments and questions.
Im glad your thinking about getting into organics and I for one would love to see you run organic in strait coco. but this is C21’s thread and we must respect that and what he is trying to do, witch is build a healthy soil to grow healthy bull rider plants!

Who by the way look good!
What have you fed them so far? just alfalfa foliar?
Also hows the soil mixing going?


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
maryjohn I measured my ph one time, thats it, adjust it none, check runoffs once, dont have an ec meter or ppm meter either, im lucky that my food plus tap water is very workable, seedlings get watered about once a week tops, other plants every couple of days without run off. sometimes just a cup of water sometimes a little more, this is the mentality about organic growers that i dont like, u think everyone that grows hydro tinkers around with everything, and i dont blame u either, some of the chems guys are living imo in a scientific nightmare with all the bs they worry about, it was theese same folk that kept me from coco for a while but now that im running it i dont think i can go back, id like to get into organic nutes though, maybe next run. watching a coco plant grow is much more fun, they get bigger every time u look and i find that as plants get rootboundish in their containers that soil shows dehydration much quicker then coco plus needs more container to begin with for the same size plant. its all good, it really isnt a one size fits all thing, gardening uknow.. to each his own. just dont be scared of coco because it can be so simple.

Hilbie, no one is doubting the simplicity of your system. Im sure you produce great bud with ease, but do you know your getting the absolute most out of your setup and plants. Most growers like to tinker to differing degrees to get better quality and yield. I enjoy this hobby so spending a little time making a soil mix that I can use over and over that will produce the highest quality buds does not seem like a hassle, mixing soil takes like 20 min. at least for my needs. Do you really believe it is impossible that your bud can't taste/smell more and yield more?


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.

Who by the way look good!
What have you fed them so far? just alfalfa foliar?
Also hows the soil mixing going?

Hey DM,
So far I have fed them with a soil drench and foliar for the first watering and a seabird guano, 5-5-5 happy frog, azomite, su-po-mag tea for the second watering. Though I think im gunna start using b1 tea recipes.

Haven't made the mix yet, been a combination of laziness and busyness, but will soon. Ill probably transplant in the next few days, they will go into an excellent store bought coco based organic mix that I have used in the past. They will be in 1 gallon for two weeks and then into my mix and 2 gallons (well that's how i works out in my head, reality may differ considerably lol.) 3 gallons a week b4 flower.


Active member
hilbie, read my signature. I came up with it because I tend to think like you are now, that others just don't see the light like I do. When I think that way, it doesn't seem to matter what people do, they fit my notion.

it just ain't so, so I came up with that sig, not to remind you but to remind me.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
In my opinion, building and maintaining a soil which will become alive is your number one success point in growing organically. Use some soil if possible, lots of compost and or vermicompost. Use the largest containers possible and disturb your soil as little as possible. Try to cut down on transplants. I did exactly what you are proposing for almost ten years and it was once I clued into that the soil is just as alive as the plants that I had the greatest degree of success. DM, I think I PM'd my thread with growing method to you a while ago. I've lost track of it. Could you send it over to C2 for me? BTW I have no experience with Coco but you are right to get as much humus into your soil as you can. Fresh vermicompost is the best. Get yourself a worm bin going. Good luck!


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
In my opinion, building and maintaining a soil which will become alive is your number one success point in growing organically. Use some soil if possible, lots of compost and or vermicompost. Use the largest containers possible and disturb your soil as little as possible. Try to cut down on transplants. I did exactly what you are proposing for almost ten years and it was once I clued into that the soil is just as alive as the plants that I had the greatest degree of success. DM, I think I PM'd my thread with growing method to you a while ago. I've lost track of it. Could you send it over to C2 for me? BTW I have no experience with Coco but you are right to get as much humus into your soil as you can. Fresh vermicompost is the best. Get yourself a worm bin going. Good luck!

Hey MM, I want to get my worm bin up as soon as possible, can I use spent coco based soil-less mix as my worm bedding?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
I would use fresh shredded cardboard/paper/peat with bananas and coffee grounds to start. Add in other kitchen scraps; easy on citrus.

I have no experience with coco.


i understand everything about orgaincs as you have explained it, aside from the harmony with nature i believe that chem grow weed with some carbs added to it and flushed properly with ph water will leave u with just as sweet as smoke but with more of it and with less hassle then straight organics, ive even heard some organic guys recommend flushing organic grown weed. that im not sure on. also i will be reuseing this present coco after a rinse of course, plenty of people are doing it with sucess.

No need to flush the soil with proper organic grows..

Stoned Crow

No need to flush the soil with proper organic grows..

That's what I was wondering, and I thought maybe hilbie was on to something that I was unaware of. Hey hillbie, if your flushing your coco for some reason we aren't aware of, you better come out with the goods!! :peppermintstick::gift::stocking:

Stoned Crow

C2, I'm not sure if your antagonistic post was directed at me or not, if it was, I hope my previous post is not antagonistic. I have a horrible sense of humor mixed with a learning disability, which results in me looking like an ass-hole when that is not what I want to convey.:Bolt:


MM i think i sent ur method to MJ and C2, hopefully they will let me know if they didnt get it.
also C21
as a precaution, i find it best to rinse the hell out of coco.
when i first started experimenting with coco, i was advised to always rinse coco and check the run off. Even if the coco claims to be safe and pre rinsed,
well i didnt have anything to check my run off so i experimented with no rinsed coco and rinsed, side by side test on germing buckwheat seeds. well the rinsed coco performed better and i can totally visually see that the unrinsed coco wasnt working so well (plants died). i tested with strait coco and coco amended with goodies, i find it best to rinse coco
i used empire organics by the way, but still IMO rinse coco very well!

and for a worm bin, i use moisten shredded new paper and or fall leaves for bedding, mixed with some compost (finished or not). i find it best to moisten the shredded paper with ACT and if using coco use a little (not the best for bedding alone), like 20% or less as your bedding.


I have ridden the mighty sandworm.
no SC your cool the comment was not directed at you. All comments and perspectives are welcome I just want to keep it civil or else no one is gunna benefit from anyones opinion because they will be defensive.
C2, I'm not sure if your antagonistic post was directed at me or not, if it was, I hope my previous post is not antagonistic. I have a horrible sense of humor mixed with a learning disability, which results in me looking like an ass-hole when that is not what I want to convey.:Bolt:


rember plants eat ions only, the same ion from chem or organic, and plenty of people flush organics also.

miss use of organic leads to absolute shit tasteing erb, just try feeding fish emulsion on your last days or blackstrap molasses to the very end, youll have complete nasty harsh smoke. now grow with chems properly, flush properly and the taste is just as good. it all comes down to knowing what your doing