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What is the problem with recreational use?



The recs are still valid if they are dated before he was ousted.
NorCal Health Care is still operating and has new doctors.
You are good until your normal expiration at which time the new doctor will evaluate.


Patient Grower
The above may be correct, as P215 doesn't actually mention that the physician writing the rec needs to have a license. But if it were me I'd run out and get a new rec. Affirmative defenses cost too much

Blue Dot

The above may be correct, as P215 doesn't actually mention that the physician writing the rec needs to have a license.

If you don't have a license that means you're not a "physican" by definition of cali law.


As long as the physician was licensed when it was written it is O.K.
On behalf of my paranoid friends, I visited the Humboldt County Sheriff's office, the D.A. office, and NorCal Health Care this afternoon.
They are all on the same page.
Recreational use turns into a turf war of who makes profits over people excessively inspired to burn more cannabis than what is easy to live with. There is recreation that is considered addiction, as well as a lot of money to be made off of an illegal recreation.

The worst is that people due use violence and the justice system to create territory. But as far as some guys and girls passing around some good weed, that is not a problem. It is the back stabbing and the other drugs that associate seriously harsh consequences with prison....or because of prison and people don't stay distant enough.

It's not all that good if it's illegal, even booze was really bad because of peoples ideas of making money and taking other territory just because of booze!


Patient Grower
As long as the physician was licensed when it was written it is O.K.
On behalf of my paranoid friends, I visited the Humboldt County Sheriff's office, the D.A. office, and NorCal Health Care this afternoon.
They are all on the same page.

Are San Bernadino and San Diego county and the rest of the redneck counties on the same page?


the real problem lies within the dynamics of marijuana itself

its potential applications as a food, fuel, medicine, fiber, religious sacrament or recreational vehicle make it very difficult to put in one category alone,

yet most of america is very one dimensional in its thinking so it causes great fucking debate to get the same basic benefit

weed without persecution

this is the most disappointing part about the canna community

we reach every fucking inch of the world demographic but we too busy laying low and criticize other other to polarize

im thinking pot users world wide as a demographic probably outnumber the amount of people in most majority segments including political movements (i.e. republicans democrats ) or religious denominations yet we bitch about how they conspire against us

no they use our failure to congeal as a segment of the population who demands our rights be granted

so much for one love one peace one understanding


yeh im in philcollins. some nice medical beers and a nice nice medical stripper perhaps. both of which would make me feel better.


While there may be a difference in the attitude towards MJ of medical and recreational users, I think that none of them are better than the other, yet that is an attitude some med users display. They seem to be proud to smoke only for medical purposes or at least they always make an attempt to clearly distinguish themselves from recreational users and I can simply not figure out why... What's wrong with just getting blazed for the fuck of it? If you have the opportunity and it doesn't hurt you, why not do it? Why have this elitist mindset that "you're only doing it for the medical benefits and there is nothing recreational about your cannabis use"? That's what I don't understand...


There is nothing wrong with recreational use.

I can understand why legal medical users might look down on it though. Medical Cannabis users don't want their medicine taken away, so when they see people jeopardizing their access to it, they get upset. Understandable.


You can't tell me granny who just started using MMJ as her new medicine doesn't get any pleasure from her valcano full of kush, even if she would've never used mj recreationally


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Any recreational user can go get a recommendation to be a med user. Most of the pot doc's just want the money. I have had my recommendation in Oregon and now Cali.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
To the OP.

It's like clicks in highschools. Somebody has always got to be talking about someone else.

Blue Dot

You can't tell me granny who just started using MMJ as her new medicine doesn't get any pleasure from her valcano full of kush, even if she would've never used mj recreationally

You're wrong. There are many patients that don't even like the feeling of getting high but need the other effects of cannabis for their condition.

Cannabis doesn't just have one effect, it has MANY (Actually that's why the FDA hates it so much, they just want all drugs to only have one effect.)


You're wrong. There are many patients that don't even like the feeling of getting high but need the other effects of cannabis for their condition.

Cannabis doesn't just have one effect, it has MANY (Actually that's why the FDA hates it so much, they just want all drugs to only have one effect.)

Oh word?! cannabis doesn't only has one effect that's so strange...notice how I said I've been working with CP patients experimenting with different strains to find out which best works when making their tinctures, etc. THANKS BUD

Blue Dot

Oh word?! cannabis doesn't only has one effect that's so strange...notice how I said I've been working with CP patients experimenting with different strains to find out which best works when making their tinctures, etc. THANKS BUD

You should watch RxCannabis (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0891581/).

There's a seriously ill man in there and he says (after smoking) "Hey everybody, look were having a party, I'm really getting high" (or something to that effect).

The point is you can tell he doesn't even really care about the "high" but needs the cannabis for his muscle spasm, etc. problems.

So your "granny" reference is just wrong as I said before.